
  • BBQ;grill;BBQ Grill
  1. 烧烤炉,我有一个烧烤炉了。

    It 's a grill . I got a grill .

  2. 那天晚上,我点烯了烧烤炉里的煤球,那个烧烤炉已经在我们的后阳台上闲置了好几个月了。

    That evening , I lighted the charcoal in the barbecue grill that had been standing idle for months on our back porch .

  3. 有一些烧烤炉能直接插到家用电源上。

    Some barbecues can be plugged into a household electricity supply .

  4. 烧烤炉设计科学,外型简单易用,内碧受热均匀。

    Pork roast oven is scientific in design and easy in using .

  5. 你知道他们有多少烧烤炉吗?

    Do you know how many grill lights they probably have in there ?

  6. 在澳大利亚,我们也称烤炉或电炉为烧烤炉。

    In Australia , we also call the griller or hot plate the ' barbeque . "

  7. 无论你是准备点燃烧烤炉,还是要去大学橄榄球赛场加油助威,还是要为爱车加满油准备今夏最后一次远足,我要祝大家劳动节快乐!

    Whether you 're firing up the grill , fired up for some college football , or filling up the car for one last summer road-trip-Happy Labor Day weekend .

  8. 即使如今这世道,对一些奢侈的享受或者物品,还有很多人没对配偶报实账,如纤体保养或一台新款的烧烤炉。

    Even in this day and age , many people still don 't level with their spouses about how much they paid for some coveted service or item , like a salon treatment or a fancy new grill .

  9. 多功能烧烤微波炉

    Multi function Barbecue Microwave Oven Shunde Radio and Television University