
shāo zhǐ
  • Burn paper;paper money;burn paper as sacrificial offerings;paper made to resemble money and burned as an offering to the dead
烧纸 [shāo zhǐ]
  • (1) [burn paper as sacrificial offerings]∶焚烧纸钱等

  • (2) [paper money]∶印出或刻出钱形的纸,祭死者时焚烧

烧纸[shāo zhǐ]
  1. 今年清明节适逢周末,成百上千万人来到墓地陵园,用烧纸钱、献祭品,送纸糊的iPhone和塑料花篮的方式表达哀思。

    Over the Qing Ming holiday weekend , millions of people flocked to the nation 's cemeteries to burn paper money , arrange dishes of food and deliver trinkets ranging from faux iPhones to plastic flower boas as a way to express their devotion to the departed .

  2. 本人已死,有事烧纸。

    I was dead , something burning paper .

  3. 正好适合烧纸钱。

    It was perfect for burning paper .

  4. 扫墓烧纸在清明前一周就开始了,而清明当天已很少有人去扫墓了。

    A week before the grave limited ching ching , and started the day has few to grave .

  5. 主要的活动有放烟火、焚香、烧纸钱和献祭品。

    The main activities are : setting off fireworks , burn incenses and paper money and offering oblations .

  6. 赶上清明节,去火葬场烧纸的人会特别多。

    A lot of people go to the crematory to burn paper as a sacrificial offering on tomb-sweeping Day .

  7. 小君:我们会拜祖先,还会烧纸糊的车子和物品供他们在天堂使用。

    Jun : We pray to our ancestors and burn paper cars and things for them to use in heaven .

  8. 婚礼之后,新郎和新娘通常会烧纸钱和食物来祭祀祖先。

    After the ceremony , the bride and the groom usually burn money and food as offerings to the gods .

  9. 从蜀山森林公园禁止燃放烟花爆竹、烧香烧纸之后,几乎没有类似违规的事情发生。

    Ever since the prohibition against fireworks , burning incense and joss paper , scarcely have there been such violations .

  10. 传统习俗是这样的:定期修整坟墓,给他们带去新鲜水果、美食、饮料,还要给他们烧纸钱。

    Traditionally , it was by regularly tending their graves , bringing them fresh fruit and gourmet food and drink and burning joss paper .

  11. 中国民间礼教说,“给神灵烧纸烧香,你会有好运气。”

    The Chinese folk religion teaches " burn incense and paper money to gods so that you will be blessed with good fortune . "

  12. 为了安全和环境,我还是点上一支小蜡烛,就不烧纸了。

    For safety and environment protection , I will not burn papers in the traditional Chinese way , but light a small candle instead .

  13. 在四川、重庆等地,家人还要为亡者祭烧纸扎的房屋等生活用品和大量冥币,以改善亡灵在阴间的生活。

    In some areas such as Sichuan and Chongqing , people burn paper houses and nether money , hoping to improve their deceased family 's living conditions .

  14. 中国人在家中设立香堂纪念先人,而且烧纸钱以求先人在天之灵保佑阳世的家人好运幸福。

    The Chinese keep shrines to the dead in their homes , and burn paper offerings to encourage the spirits to bestow good fortune on the living .

  15. 作为一个美国人这是我第一次亲眼地看到中国老百姓扫墓的传统,烧纸钱,整理墓地的周边,摆放花圈摆得井井有条等。

    As an American , this was the first time for me to see Chinese people carry out this tradition ; burning money , sweeping the area around the tomb , laying out wreaths .

  16. 过去,给死人烧纸时候,人们都要哭。现在,大多数情况不是这样了,有时,连也跪免了。

    Time in the past , burnt paper resembling money to the deceased person , the people want to cry . Now , the majority situations were not this , sometimes , including also knelt exempts .