
fén mù
  • grave;tomb;tabut
坟墓 [fén mù]
  • [tomb] 安葬死者的坟头与墓穴

坟墓[fén mù]
  1. 他们恭敬地站在坟墓周围致默哀礼。

    They stood in silent homage around the grave .

  2. 她掰开玫瑰花,将花瓣撒在坟墓上。

    She tore the rose apart and scattered the petals over the grave

  3. 这座坟墓里的财宝早已被盗。

    The tomb had been robbed of its treasures .

  4. 上世纪这些坟墓遭到偷盗,很多财宝都失踪了。

    Many treasures were lost when the tombs were raided in the last century .

  5. 坟墓之外也许还有些什么,你知道,并非万事皆空。

    There might be something beyond the grave , you know , and not nothingness .

  6. 她在坟墓上放了一束花。

    She placed a bunch of flowers at the tomb .

  7. 这幢房子寂静得像座坟墓。

    The house is as still as a grave .

  8. 他的名字太恐怖了,连坟墓中的死人听后都会发抖。

    His name was so terrifying that the dead would be made quake in their graves .

  9. 一名男子涉嫌在尼科西亚肆意破坏三名总教主的坟墓在塞浦路斯被捕。

    A man has been arrested in Cyprus on suspicion of vandalizing the tombs of three archbishops in nicosia .

  10. 这种树叶茂盛、枝条伸展的树木种植于坟墓片边,作为传统仪式的一部分。

    The leafy , spreading trees were planted on graves and as part of traditional rituals .

  11. 彼拉多派人日夜看守坟墓。

    Pilate sent guards to watch the tomb day and night .

  12. 那口棺材已安放到坟墓里去了。

    The coffin was placed in the grave .

  13. 你的根永远扎在坟墓里,

    Thy root is ever in its grave ,

  14. 这个坟墓就象一个洞穴,它没有门,而是滚一块大石头挡在门口。

    It was a cave-like place , and instead of a door , a big stone was rolled in front of the opening .

  15. 后来,耶稣的朋友来把他的身体从十字架上取下来,埋葬在一个有钱人的坟墓里。

    Later friends came and took Jesus ' body down from the cross and buried Him in a rich man 's burial place , called a sepulchre , or tomb .

  16. 到了燕国后,他真正看到了燕国的城池、土地祠、先辈的房子和坟墓,已经没有多少伤感的心情了。

    When he finally arrived in the state of Yan and truly saw the cities and temples and his ancestors ' house and tombs , he had only very few sentimental4 feelings left .

  17. 安德鲁·马维尔的一句诗浮现在我的脑海里,“坟墓是个隐密的好地方,但没人会在那里拥抱吧,我想。”但愿这不是真的。

    A line from a poem by Andrew Marvell crossed my mind - " The grave is a fine and private place but none , I think , do there embrace . " I hoped it wasn 't true .

  18. 但是这些我都不大满意,于是我就对下面的年轻夫妇说,“请原谅,我没有任何冒犯的意思,我只是到你们的坟墓上面几秒钟去给你们的花儿拍张照片。希望你们不会介意。”

    Unsatisfied , I said to the young couple buried there , " Excuse me . I don 't mean any disrespect but I 'd just like to stand on your tomb for a second to take a picture of your flowers . I hope you don 't mind . "

  19. 但是如果进行DNA测试的话,至少可以查出躺在拿破仑坟墓里的人到底是谁。

    But a DNA test could at least settle the question about who lies in the tomb .

  20. 假如有这样的规则,信用违约掉期(creditdefaultswaps,简称CDS)现在就可以进坟墓了。

    If there were , credit default swaps would be headed for the graveyard .

  21. 据悉,格拉纳达大学法医系曾做过一些意义重大的DNA鉴定,包括对西班牙内战留下的秘密坟墓中的尸骨和哥伦布尸骨的鉴定。

    The university forensic team has previously worked on other high-profile identifications , including bodies from unmarked civil war graves , and the remains of Christopher Colombus .

  22. 资源金融炒作与次债CDO精巧设计:为国际金融资本挖掘了坟墓

    Speculation of Financial Resource and Delicate Design of Subprime CDO : the Grave for the International Financial Capital

  23. 尽管亨利称这项DNA测试能够确认拿破仑坟墓里那具尸体的身份,使得所有疑问得以真相大白,但是法国国防部却拒绝进行测试,至少在目前是这样的。

    But France 's Defense Ministry has refused , at least for now , to allow a DNA test , which Roy-Henry contends would put an end to all questions about the identity of the body in Napoleon 's Tomb .

  24. 他告诉G1,在邻居告诉其他人他们一起挖坟墓后,兄弟对一位叔叔坦白了,后者报了警。

    He told G1 that after the neighbor told others about the grave they dug together , the brothers confessed to an uncle , who called police .

  25. 莎士比亚的弟弟Edmund于1607年埋葬于此,尽管人们不知道Edmund坟墓的位置,但还是用一块刻字石碑来纪念他。

    Shakespeares brother Edmund was buried here in1607 , and , although the position of Edmunds grave is unknown , he is commemorated by an inscribed stone .

  26. 在与教皇见面前,这位年轻的中尉可以说是默默无闻的。由于地中海对岸大陆上冲突不断,希望抵达意大利海岸的难民数量激增。而教皇曾指责欧盟(EU)放任地中海变成了“一片海洋坟墓”。

    Before meeting the pontiff - who has berated the EU for letting the Mediterranean become " a watery grave " amid a surge in the numbers seeking to reach Italy 's shores as conflicts flare across the sea - the young lieutenant was largely unknown .

  27. 我听说墨守成规式固定而乏味的生活离坟墓只有几步之遥。一个多世纪以前,Thoreau发觉“大多数人在无声的绝望中过活。”

    I have heard it said that the only difference between a rut and a grave is a few feet , and over a century ago , Thoreau observed that " the mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation . "

  28. 仅仅靠电影中的主要人物是不能够定位金子的,因为在这个墓场有太多的坟墓;或者说,在RAC的情形中,有太多的“坟墓”(比如,存储库)。

    Alone , the main characters in the movie are unable to locate the gold , because there are too many graves in the graveyard ; or , in the case of RAC , there are too many " graveyards "( i.e. , repositories ) .

  29. 他的坟墓已经找不到了,但是这并不重要。

    His grave is unmarked * but it does not matter .

  30. 这堆石头标示他父亲坟墓的位置。

    The heap of stones marks the grave of his father .
