
  1. 根据大老岭森林可持续经营的需要,在对林业主管部门职能转变、社会职能剥离的基础上,创新性的提出了新的国有林场经营管理组织体系,并进行制度创新。

    And has carried on corresponding system innovation . On the basis of classifying and manage , set up different management and utilize system .

  2. 县级以上地方人民政府林业主管部门,主管本地区的林业工作。

    The competent forestry authorities under the people 's government above the county level shall be responsible for the forestry work in their jurisdiction .

  3. 植物检疫证书的格式由国务院农业主管部门、林业主管部门制定。

    The model of plant quarantine certificates shall be formulated by the competent agricultural department and the competent forestry department under the State Council .

  4. 第二十二条各级林业主管部门负责组织森林病虫害防治工作。

    Article 22 The competent forest authorities at various levels shall be responsible for the organization of the work of forest insect pest prevention .

  5. 宜林荒山荒地,属于国家所有的,由林业主管部门和其他主管部门组织造林;

    In case of state-owned waste mountains and land suitable for tree planting , the competent forestry authorities and other competent authorities shall organize forestation ;

  6. 森林资源档案数据具有易变性和时效性,森林资源档案数据的及时更新将有助于林业主管部门对森林资源状况的掌握。

    The timely update of the forest resources inventory data , which is changeable and time-limited , would help the forestry directors to understand the forestry resources status .

  7. 未经省、自治区、直辖市林业主管部门批准,不得采伐和采集。

    Without the approval of the competent forestry authorities at the provincial , autonomous region or directly - administered municipality , no cutting and collecting shall take place .

  8. 自然保护区的管理办法,由国务院林业主管部门制定,报国务院批准施行。

    The administrative methods for natural protection zones shall be formulated by the competent forestry authorities under the State Council , upon whose approval such methods shall be implemented .

  9. 林业主管部门应当指导农村集体经济组织和国有的农场、牧场、工矿企业等单位编制森林经营方案。

    The competent forestry authorities shall guide rural collective economic organizations and state-owned farms , pasture lands , industrial enterprises and mines in the formulation of their forest operation programs .

  10. 有关人民政府林业主管部门未予纠正的,国务院林业主管部门可以直接处理;

    If the relevant competent forestry authorities of the people 's government have not ordered corrective action , the competent forestry authorities under the State Council may directly handle the case ;

  11. 上级林业主管部门应当定期督促、检查下级林业主管部门组织植树造林、恢复森林植被的情况。

    The competent forestry authorities at a higher level shall periodically urge and inspect the competent forestry authorities at a lower level in the organization of afforestation and recovery of forest vegetation .

  12. 林业主管部门负责规定林木种苗的检疫对象,划定疫区和保护区,对林木种苗进行检疫。

    The competent forestry authorities shall be responsible for stipulating the quarantine range of forest tree seedlings , delimit the epidemic area and the protection area and conduct quarantine of forest tree seedlings .

  13. 第十三条各级林业主管部门依照本法规定,对森林资源的保护、利用、更新,实行管理和监督。

    Article 13 The competent forestry authorities at various levels shall , according to the stipulations of this law , exercise administration and supervision over the protection , utilization and renewal of forests .

  14. 农村集体经济组织采伐林木,由县级林业主管部门依照有关规定审核发放采伐许可证。

    For the rural collective economic organizations to cut trees , the competent forestry authorities at the county level shall examine the application and issue the cutting license in conformity with relevant stipulations .

  15. 勐海县轮歇地上天然林资源管理的探讨县级以上地方人民政府林业主管部门,主管本地区的林业工作。

    Discussion on Natural Forest Resource Management of Rotation Plots in Menghai County The competent forestry authorities under the people 's government above the county level shall be responsible for the forestry work in their jurisdiction .

  16. 基于中央林业主管部门出台的相关文件,湖南、浙江、甘肃等省份国有林场改革二手资料的整理和分析,对全国国有林场改革现状进行了回顾。

    Based on the related documents issued by the competent department of forestry and the second-hand material about Hunan , Zhejiang , Gansu and other provinces , this paper reviewed the current situation of state-owned forest farm reform nationwide .

  17. 依法取得采伐许可证后,按照许可证的规定采伐的木材,从林区运出时,林业主管部门应当发给运输证件。

    After the cutting license has been obtained according to the law , the competent forestry authorities shall issue transport documentation to the timber cut in line with the provisions of the license when it is transported out of the forest districts .

  18. 为了规范活立木交易的行为,应依法建立相应的交易市场,并在林业主管部门的监督指导下开展工作。

    In order to standard ( norm ) the transaction behaviour of the living woods , the corresponding transaction fair should be established according to the relevant laws , and carry out works under supervision and guidance by the forestry competent authorities .

  19. 拒不补种树木或者补种不符合国家有关规定的,由林业主管部门代为补种,所需费用由违法者支付。

    In case of refusal to re-seed trees or tree reseeding not in line with the relevant stipulations of the State , the competent forestry authorities shall do the reseeding on behalf of the law-breakers who shall pay for all the necessary expenses therein .

  20. 滥伐森林或者其他林木,由林业主管部门责令补种滥伐株数五倍的树木,并处滥伐林木价值二倍以上五倍以下的罚款。

    In case of wanton cutting of forests or other trees , the competent forestry authorities shall order the reseeding of trees five times the number of trees wantonly cut and impose a fine amounting to between two times and five times the value of the wantonly cut trees .

  21. 林业咨询主管部门被选为研究对象。

    An important community for the study was selected , consulting forestry authority .

  22. 因科研等特殊情况需要采集或者采伐的,应当经国务院或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府的农业、林业行政主管部门批准。

    The administrative departments of agriculture and forestry under the State Council shall provide detailed measures for the above listed activities .

  23. 如何构建适应市场经济体制的森林经营管理体系已成为林业行政主管部门的焦点问题。

    How to establish a forest management system suited to the market economy has become a focus of the forestry administrative agency in charge .

  24. 特殊林木的林地承包期,经国务院林业行政主管部门批准可以延长。

    The contractual term of special forest land may , upon approval of the forestry administrative department under the State Council , be extended .

  25. 同时,行政权、产权以及行政权在各级行政机关之间的配置,取决于森林经营单位的可持续经营能力,以及基层林业行政主管部门的行政能力。

    On the other hand , the administrative right , property right and the disposition of administrative right in the administrative organizations at all levels are decided by the sustainable management ability of the management units and the administrative ability of the basic-level forestry authorities .

  26. 第七条国务院林业、渔业行政主管部门分别主管全国陆生、水生野生动物管理工作。

    Article 7 The departments of forestry and fisheries administration under the State Council shall be respectively responsible for the nationwide administration of terrestrial and aquatic wildlife .

  27. 做好林业渎职犯罪预防工作是林业主管部门的重要职责。

    Preventing forestry crime of malfeasance is an important duty of forestry administrative departments at all levels .

  28. 重点对林业综合行政执法的发展前景及实施综合行政执法对林业主管部门行政管理体制改革的影响,进行了探索和研究。

    The main research based on the development prospect of forestry synthesis administration law enforcement , and research on the influence of the forestry administration department administration organizational reform by implementation of synthesis administration law enforcement , has carried on the exploration and the research .