
  • 网络forestry production
  1. DNA遗传标记技术在林业生产中的应用

    Application of DNA Genetic Makers in Forestry Production

  2. 杉木(Cunninghamialanceolata(Lamb.)Hook.)是中国南方最重要的速生优良用材树种,在林业生产中起着重要作用。

    Cunninghamia lanceolata ( Lamb . ) Hook . is one of the most important tree species for producing timber in south China , and plays a crucial role in forestry production in the region .

  3. 杨树(Populusspp.)是全球重要的栽培树种,在我国的林业生产中也发挥着重要作用。

    The species of Populus spp. are important trees planted worldwide , and play crucial roles in forest industry in our country .

  4. H村林业生产中合作行为如何达成,合作关系如何延续,合作风险怎样规避,对这三个问题的解答是理解H村林业生产组织方式的关键。

    How to achieve cooperative behavior , how to continue the cooperative relations , and how to avoid cooperation risk ? To answer these three questions is the key to understanding of H village forestry production organization mode .

  5. 研究结果表明:熵因素是影响PCDD/Fs的Ps的一个重要因素,而对PCDD/Fs的PL没有重要影响。试论森林生态环境因素是林业生产要素

    It was concluded that the entropic factor is a key factor for Ps of PCDD / Fs , but not for P_L of PCDD / Fs . Study on Forest Ecological Environment as Essential Factor of Forest Production

  6. 松材线虫Bursaphelenchusxylophilus是一种松树寄生线虫,引起松树萎蔫病,给林业生产造成极大的危害。

    Pine wood nematode ( Bursaphelenchus xylophilus ) is a kind of parasitic nematode that can cause serious pine wilt disease .

  7. 精度检验表明:用Sloboda树高生长模型拟合的火炬松人工林多形地位指数曲线可以应用于林业生产实践。

    As a result , the height growth curve of Pinus taeda plantation is available for forestry production .

  8. 试论森林生态环境因素是林业生产要素

    Study on Forest Ecological Environment as Essential Factor of Forest Production

  9. 关于山区林业生产结构模型的探讨

    An approach to structural model of forest production in mountain areas

  10. 1996年全国林业生产建设发展综述

    Review on construction and development of national forestry production in 1996

  11. 论朝阳地区林业生产的发展途径

    On the Approach to Promotion of Forestry in Chaoyang Region

  12. Excel2000在林业生产经营决策中的应用

    Application of Excel 2000 to Management Decision in Forestry Production

  13. 林业生产特点对林业企业管理的要求

    Characters of Chinese forestry production and their requirements for forestry firm management

  14. 而把高产高效水作为指导当地林业生产的土壤水分管理条件。

    But high-output and high-efficiency is the conditions of managing soil water .

  15. 建立林业生产事故应急救援体系的必要性

    Necessity of Establishing Emergence Rescue System of Forestry Production Accidents

  16. 一是林业生产周期长,效益低;

    One is the forestry production cycle is long and low benefit .

  17. 林业生产结构的长期效益和短期效益

    The Structure of forestry production : Short-run and long-run results

  18. 辽宁西部地区河滩地高效林业生产技术研究

    Techniques for High Efficient Forest Along River Banks in Western Liaoning Province

  19. 菌根生物技术与林业生产

    Biological techniques of mycorrhiza and its application in forestry production

  20. 论林业生产经济效果的内容

    On the contents of economic effect of forestry production

  21. 林业生产经营单位安全管理创新的几点思考

    A Few Thoughts about Safety Management Innovation in Forest Production and Operation Units

  22. 森林植物的异株克生及在林业生产中的应用

    The Allelopathy of Forest Plants and Its Application in the Production of Forestry

  23. 分散林业生产适度规模化的对策探讨

    Discussion on the Countermeasures for the proper Scalization of the Separate Forestry production

  24. 本文的核心内容在于:从制度建设入手,更科学地指导林业生产和实践活动。

    The core of content was instructing forest production and practice in science .

  25. 林业生产结构调整的多目标决策方法

    A multiobjective decision-making method for forest production structure regulation

  26. 林业生产的技术经济效果

    The technic al - economic effect of forestry activities

  27. 研究结果为林业生产的宏观规划提供了科学依据。

    The results provides a scientific basis for macro-structure programing for forest land .

  28. 林业生产继续发展。

    Forestry production kept its momentum of development .

  29. 瑶人林业生产是怎样计算的?

    How the Yao people calculate forestry production ?

  30. 苗木标准化对林业生产现代化管理有重要意义。

    Standardization of nursery stock is very important for modernization of forestry production management .