
  • 网络timber demand
  1. 近年来国内外木材需求预测研究的综合评述

    A Summary of the Researches on Timber Demand Prediction in Recent Years

  2. 辨析关于木材需求曲线修正法的讨论

    Controversy About Discussion on Timber Demand Curve Mend Method

  3. 2000年我国木材需求结构预测

    Forecast for Structural Demand of Timber in China in the Year 2000

  4. 消耗结构摸型在木材需求预测中的应用

    Application of consumption structure model to wood demand forecast

  5. 世界木材需求增长与全球森林资源的大幅度减少所引起的供需矛盾日益突出。

    The contradiction between increasing demand and decreasing forest area is more and more obvious .

  6. 本文提出了应用消耗结构模型预测木材需求量的方法。

    A method is proposed of applying the consumption structure model to forecasting the wood demand .

  7. 由于保护森林和木材需求矛盾的增大,人们迫切需要寻找解决的办法。

    As contradiction between forest protection and lumber demand increasing , people urgently need to find a way out .

  8. 表明此法是一种可行的方法。对区域性开展木材需求预测研究具有实际意义。

    The method , therefore , is feasible and practically significant to the regional research on the wood demand forecast .

  9. 随着人们对木材需求的不断扩大,木材工业在我国国民经济发展中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    As the expanding demand for wood , wood industry has been increasingly playing an important role in Chinese national economic development .

  10. 然而,营火的过度使用已经使得许多地区的自然面貌遭到了破坏,并且造成对木材需求量不断增大。

    Yet , the natural appearance of many areas has been degraded by the overuse of fires and an increasing demand for firewood .

  11. 这2个相同方向的差异累积后,导致木材需求曲线修正法严重低估森林环境价值。

    These same directional differences will lead to serious underestimate the environmental value of forests when timber demand curve mend method is used .

  12. 来自生态保护和木材需求的两大压力形成了对我国林业的巨大挑战,我国林业建设任务艰巨。

    Our country forestry is faced with severe challenges because of the urgency to protect ecological system and satisfy demand of timbers , and has hard tasks .

  13. 路透社和其它西方媒体机构同样作了关于中国由于木材需求迅猛增长而对世界森林资源可能造成威胁的报道。

    Reuter and other Western media agencies also report on China 's possible menace on the world 's forest resources with its drastic rise in timber demand .

  14. 木材需求曲线与森林环境需求曲线的价格需求弹性是不同的,后者远比前者大。

    This paper thinks demand elasticity of price is different between demand curve of timber and environmental demand curve of forests , and the latter is much than the first .

  15. 论文的核心内容和最具特色之处是对木材需求曲线修正法进行改进和完善,构建了一个简洁明了的环境&经济的分析框架模型。

    The core content and the most characteristic in the paper is that Timber demand curve amend method ( TDCAM ) is designed and advanced to calculate environmental shadow price .

  16. 农区林权模糊、农户组织化程度低的现状下,要建立木材需求与供给的有机联系尚有很多问题需要探索。

    Under the conditions of ambiguous forest rights and low degree of organization of farm household , there is a lot to explore to build a link between timber demand and supply .

  17. 意识到国际市场上木材需求量不断增长、价格稳定,1987年调整林业发展方向,重点发展出口导向型商业人工林。

    Realizing the world wood demand will rapidly increase and good price of wood products , Uruguay readjusted its forestry development objective to industrial plantations in 1987 when issued its new Forest Law .

  18. 随着经济的迅速发展,木材需求量日益增加,发展人工速生丰产林是缓解木材资源不足的重要途径。

    The demand of timber increases increasingly with the rapid development of economy . the development of artificial fast-growing forest is an important and effective way to ease Chinese shortage of timber resources .

  19. 木材需求的增长态势强劲,而国内木材供给却无法满足国民经济基本需要,且供需缺口进一步拉大。

    The strong demand of timber grows rapidly in China , while the domestic timber supply can not meet the basic needs of national economy , and the gap between supply and demand will be further widen .

  20. 俄罗斯全国森林资源的生态环境没有遭到破坏,不仅能保证现在和将来国家对木材需求的供给,而且还可扩大木材出口。

    The Russian national ecological environment of forestry resources remain intact . It can not only supply the needs of timber for the state at present and in the future , but can also be expanded for timber exports .

  21. 论文采用成本法、意愿调查法、森林环境效果评价法及木材需求曲线修正法等方法对井冈山林区生态公益林价值进行核算,并对其结果进行分析。

    In this paper , cost method , contingent value method , forest resource environmental ef-fect evaluation method and timber demand curve amend method were applied to calculate value of ecological forest in Jinggang Mountain region , Jiangxi of China .

  22. 通过对全社会木材需求预测、国内木材资源及进口林产品现状的分析,提出中国必须在相当长时期内大量进口木材才能满足市场需求。

    Through the analysis of timber requirements worldwide , domestic wood resources , and present forest products importation , it 's thought that , in a long period , China must import more wood so as to meet the requirement of markets .

  23. 现在,WTO正在协商消除木质产品的关税,而这也正意味着增加木材的需求和砍伐森林的逐步升级。

    The WTO is currently negotiating an agreement that would eliminate tariffs on wood products , thus increasing the demand for timber and escalating deforestation .

  24. 新疆木材总需求与总供给

    Study on the Total Demand and Supply of Timber in Xinjiang

  25. 北京市木材市场需求趋势分析

    An Analysis of Timber Demand Trends for the City of Beijing

  26. 富裕国家应尽量使用再生纸,以减少对木材的需求。

    The rich countries should try their best to use recycled paper to reduce the demand for wood .

  27. 随着社会进步,人们对生产生活质量要求的提高,对木材的需求量逐渐增加。

    With the social progress , people to production , life quality requirements enhancement , to lumber demand to increase gradually .

  28. 日本是世界上少有的人口高密度国家之一,因而木材消费需求巨大。

    Japan is one of the rare nations in the world that are densely populated , so its timber consumption is very large .

  29. 中国否认砍伐周边国家雨林的说法中国本周二回击了环保团体的谴责,否认该国砍伐世界热带雨林来满足其木材的需求。

    China denies plundering world 's rain forests China denied on Tuesday accusations of plundering the world 's rain forests to meet booming demand for wood .

  30. 为此,从国民经济发展角度考察国民经济产出与木材产品需求的相关性,也是衡量林业相对重要性变化的一个重要方面。

    For this reason , investigate the national economy output and dependence of the timber products demand in terms of national economic development , weigh an important respect that forestry 's relative importance changes too .