
  • 网络mulan paddock;WAPC
  1. 从乾隆开始,木兰围场成为采办的主要地区。采木的方式主要有招商和内务府派员采办。

    From the time of Qianlong , Mulan paddock became the main region of the purchase , which was conducted mostly by attracting investment and official orders of internal order ministry .

  2. 承德避暑山庄木兰围场地理及植物分析

    Analysis of plant landscape in Chengde Hunting Garden

  3. 河北承德木兰围场生态旅游资源整合策略研究

    The Strategy Research on the Eco-tourism Resource Conformity in Chengde Mulan Weichang of Hebei Province

  4. 浅谈国有林场森林资源的保护与利用&以木兰围场国有林场管理局为例

    The Protection and Utilization of Forest Resources in the State-owned Forest Farm & Case Study on State-owned Forest Bureau of Mulan-Weichang

  5. 河北省木兰围场自然保护区地处河北省最北部的围场满族蒙古族自治县境内,具有独特地理位置和气候特点。

    Mulan Nature Reserve is situated in the autonomous county of Man and Mongolia minority , the most north region of Hebei Province with unique location and climate .