
  • 网络toilet revolution
  1. 就连高速路服务区都完成了自己的厕所革命。

    Even motorway service areas have done their bit for the toilet uprising .

  2. 李金早表示,自2015年启动“厕所革命”以来,全国在改善厕所卫生状况方面取得稳定进展。

    China has made steady progress to improve toilet sanitation nationwide since the " toilet revolution " began in 2015 , Li said .

  3. 中国正在推进为期三年的“厕所革命”,拟在2020年前修建或升级6.4万个公厕,帮助提振旅游业和经济增长。

    China is promoting a three-year " toilet revolution " to build or upgrade 64000 public toilets by 2020 to help boost tourism and economic growth .

  4. 山东台儿庄古城、湖北三峡大坝旅游区、四川都江堰景区等其他景区因对“旅游厕所革命”有所贡献而受到表扬。由国家旅游局发起的“旅游厕所革命”倡议旨在革新全国旅游目的地的公厕。

    Other places , such as the ancient town of Taierzhuang in Shandong , the Three Gorges Tourism Zone in Hubei and Dujiangyan Scenic Area in Sichuan , were credited for their contribution to the " tourism toilet revolution , " an initiative sponsored by the administration to renovate public toilets at tourism destinations nationwide .
