首页 / 词典 / good

  • lavatory;toilet;washroom;W.C
  • join;take part in;place oneself in;occupy a humble place

  • 见"茅厕"
  • 参与,混杂在里面:~身(谦辞,指参与某一部门工作)。杂~(混杂)。

  • 大小便处:~所。

  • 古同“侧”,旁边。


(厕所) lavatory; toilet; washroom; W.C.:

  • 公厕

    public lavatory;

  • 男厕

    men's; men's room [toilet]; gentlemen;

  • 女厕

    ladies'; women's; women's room [toilet]


[书] (夹杂在里面; 参与) join; take part in; place oneself in; occupy a humble place:

  • 厕身

    occupy a humble place among others

  1. 农村改厕中参与式健康教育的探讨

    Study of Participating Health Education for Lavatory Reformation in Rural Areas

  2. 北京市农村改厕工作调查

    Survey on Lavatory Rebuilt in Rural Area in Beijing

  3. 介绍了JS复合防水涂料在厕浴间防水工程上的使用情况。

    The application situations of JS compound water proof paint in waterproofing work of toilet and bathroom are introduced .

  4. 虽然是蹲厕但这样的环境还真让人想在里面蹲久一点XD。

    Although it was a squat-toilet , but with an environment like this , it does make one want to squat a bit longer XD .

  5. 科勒总裁大卫科勒(DavidKohler)表示,加热厕板专门为冷冰冰的中国卫生间设计,事实证明在世界范围内,这是最受欢迎的功能之一。该家族企业由他的曾祖父于1873年创建。

    The heated footrest , designed for chilly Chinese water closets , has proved one of its most popular features globally , says David Kohler , president of the family company founded by his great-grandfather in 1873 .

  6. 治疗后两组ADL在排尿、排便、修饰、用厕、进食、转移、活动(步行)、穿衣、上下楼梯、洗澡等分项评分明显高于治疗前(P均<0.05)。

    The scores on miction , defecation , making - up , going to toilet , eating , moving , action ( walking ), dressing , stair activity and bathing in both groups were significantly higher after visit as compared with before visit ( P < 0.05 ) .

  7. TD-40型厕用自动除臭清洗剂的研制

    Preparation of the TD-40 Solid Deodorant Cleaner

  8. 方法选择安微省WES项目县作为调查县,按改厕覆盖率不同选择调查点,对调查点的改厕户进行卫生厕所质量和粪便无害化调查。

    Methods WES pilot counties were selected as study counties . Sample sites were chosen to survey the effect of quality control and safe excreta disposal of sanitary latrines on basis of improved latrine coverage rate .

  9. 对排便间隔时间和每次排便蹲厕时间进行单独统计,采用配对t检验进行分析,结果显示P0.05,具有统计学意义,提示患者排便次数和蹲厕时间在治疗前后有明显改善。

    On the defecation interval time and defecation squat toilet time statistics alone , and were analyzed by the paired t test , the result show P0.05 , have statistically significance , prompt that the defecation interval time and defecation squat toilet time of patients were obviously improved . 3 .

  10. 使用方法:养成盖上厕板冲厕的习惯。

    How to use : Close the toilet lid before flushing .

  11. 血吸虫病流行地区农村改厕卫生效益分析

    Effectiveness of sanitary toilet construction in rural areas with schistosomiasis epidemic

  12. 农村户厕及卫生厕所普及率的调查分析

    An Investigation and Analysing on Family-latrine and Sanitary-latrine in Rural Area

  13. 农村水冲式卫生净化户厕的建设和卫生学评价

    Construction and Hygiene Evaluation of Domestic Flushing Toilet System in Countryside

  14. 广西农村生态卫生改厕工作机制的建立与运行

    Establishment and Operation of Rural Ecological Sanitation Mechanism in Guangxi

  15. 结果在河北省发现厕蝇科昆虫1属12种。

    Results 12 species , 1 genera were recognized in Hebei province .

  16. 农村改厕与卫生防病效果分析

    Effectiveness of Improvement of Latrines on Disease Prevention in Countryside

  17. 表面活性剂复配制备自动洁厕剂

    Preparation of Auto - cleaning Agent for Toilet with Formulation of Surfactant

  18. 有人说将洁厕工作外包是很没效率的!

    They said outsourcing our toilet cleaning would be inefficient !

  19. 湖南省农村改厕与卫生防病效果调查

    Disease Prevention Effect of Improvement of Latrines in Rural Areas in Hunan Province

  20. 装卸工用厕的洗手盆坏了,需要更换。

    The wash basin in stevedore 's lavatory damaged , to be renewed .

  21. 或每次如厕前,按一下喷雾器上的按钮,待喷咀会释出消毒剂10-30秒后才坐上厕盘。

    Or release sterilizer once and wait for10-30 seconds before using the toilet .

  22. 厕、浴、厨房间渗漏原因和防治措施

    Causation Analysis and Precaution Measures of leakage in Lavatory 、 Bathroom & Kitchen

  23. 改厕户居民对卫生厕所的满意度高达94.8%。

    94.0 % of the peasants in latrine-improved households satisfied the sanitary latrines .

  24. 预制式二格化粪池户厕建设及卫生效果研究

    Construction of prefab two-grille latrine and its healthy effect

  25. 山东省农村户厕及粪便处理现状调查

    Cross-sectional Investigation on Household Latrines and Excreta Treatment in Countryside of Shandong Province

  26. 关于住宅下沉式厕、浴、厨房间的防水问题思考

    Thinking about relevant waterproof issues of sunk lavatory bathroom and kitchen in residence

  27. 在蹲厕两侧会有那种带纹路的地方是供你的脚踩的。

    There are grooved places foryour feet on either side of the toilet .

  28. 厕浴间、厨房等防水和渗漏治理。

    The toilet and bathroom , kitchen and other water-proof and leakage control .

  29. 旅游业发展对旅游厕所提出了新的要求,以厕所卫生、厕所文化、用厕文明为主要内容的厕所风暴已成为推进社会文明的切入点。

    The development of tourism industry makes a new requirement to the tourist toilet .

  30. 中国厕蝇属分类研究初报(双翅目:厕蝇科)

    Studies on Classification of the Genus Fannia in China ( Diptera : Fanniidae )