首页 / 词典 / good

  • interrogate;question
  • message;dispatch
  • 问,特指法庭中的审问:审~。刑~。~问。

  • 消息,信息:通~。音~。~息。

  • 告,陈诉:“夫也不良,歌以~之。”

  • 中国西周时对俘虏的称谓:执~(意思是捉到俘虏)。

  • 古同“迅”,迅速。


(讯问) interrogate; question:

  • 审讯犯人

    interrogate a prisoner


(消息; 信息) message; dispatch:

  • 电讯

    a telegraphic report; dispatch;

  • 据新华社讯

    according to a Xinhua dispatch;

  • 消防队闻讯赶到。

    On hearing the alarm the fire brigade rushed to the scene.

  1. 一条总统录音的口讯被播送给全世界的美国军队。

    A message taped by the President was broadcast to US troops around the world .

  2. 我是托比请留下口讯

    Hey , it 's toby . Leave message . Hi .

  3. 他闻听此讯急溜溜出了门。

    He left the room hurriedly at the news .

  4. 交换器B和交换器A是在同一个区段,同时也会传送广播讯框到每个埠。

    Switch B is on the same segment and also forwards all broadcasts .

  5. 在这个例子中,从路由器Y传送到主机X的单点广播讯框将会造成回圈。

    In this example the unicast frame from Router Y to Host X will be caught in a loop .

  6. 时分双工CDMA收发讯机的同步方法

    Practical Synchro Methods for a CDMA Transceiver

  7. 检验发现威廉姆讯倒U假说在陕成立。

    Through the inspection we found that William inverse " U " hypothesis was founded in Shaanxi Province .

  8. cnn报道说选举跟庭讯太靠近了。

    CNN said the election was too close to call .

  9. 通过这些推讯,Rhett得出一个概率系数0.45。

    Of these tweets , I had a probability coefficient of0.45 .

  10. 交换器A因为没有路由器Y的MAC位址,所以会将这个讯框从所有的埠泛流出去。

    Switch A does not have the MAC address of Router Y and will therefore flood the frame out its ports .

  11. 极讯亚太股票业务联合主管尼克•麦克唐纳(NickMcDonald)表示:新加坡会是一个候选对象。

    Singapore would be a candidate , said Nick McDonald , co-head of Asia-Pacific equities at Instinet .

  12. 通信测试领域的一支生力军&访美国天讯(TTC)公司总裁

    A Rising Force in Telecommunications Testing Field & Interview President of American TTC Company

  13. 讯框拥有的目标MAC位址若被记录在此表中,就能够被转换到正确的介面。

    Frames that have a destination MAC address that has been recorded in the table can be switched out to the correct interface .

  14. 只有当讯框要被传送到远端的网路时,该讯框才会被加入一个VLAN的识别码。

    VLAN ID is added to the frame only when the frame is destined for a nonlocal network .

  15. 应力对磁、声Barkhausen噪讯频谱特征的影响

    Effect of Stress on Magnetic and Sound Barkhausen Noise Frequence Band

  16. 沪江英乐讯MTV电视台即将播出一部长达90分钟的纪录片,以庆祝“小甜甜”布兰妮重返流行乐坛。

    MTV will air a90-minute documentary about Britney Spears 's return to the pop-music spotlight .

  17. 连结建立阶段(Link-establishmentphase)-在这个阶段中,每个点对点协定设备发送连结控制协定讯框,以组态与测试该资料连结。

    Link-establishment phase-In this phase each PPP device sends LCP frames to configure and test the data link .

  18. 交换器检验从连接埠所接受的讯框的来源位址,以学习连线到它的那些个人电脑或工作站的MAC位址。

    Switches examine the source address of frames that are received on the ports to learn the MAC address of PCs or workstations that are connected to it .

  19. 正如总部位于北京的龙州经讯(DragonomicsResearchAdvisory)所指出的,迄今为止,中国人的大部分消费仍集中在基本需求方面很多亚洲新兴国家皆是如此。

    As Beijing-based Dragonomics Research & Advisory points out , by far the bulk of Chinese consumption is focused on the basics-as in much of emerging Asia .

  20. 沪江英乐讯Jive唱片公司发布了流行女星&“小甜甜”布兰妮最新专辑《Circus》的封面照。

    Britney Spears and Jive Records have released a photo of the pop stars new Circus album cover .

  21. 正如总部位于北京的龙州经讯(DragonomicsResearch&Advisory)所指出的,迄今为止,中国人的大部分消费仍集中在基本需求方面--很多亚洲新兴国家皆是如此。

    As Beijing-based Dragonomics Research & Advisory points out , by far the bulk of Chinese consumption is focused on the basics - as in much of emerging Asia .

  22. 杜克大学(Duke)数学教授英格丽·多贝西(IngridDaubechies)是国际数学联盟(InternationalMathematicalUnion)主席,她在电子邮件中称这个消息是“一大喜讯”。

    Ingrid Daubechies , a professor of mathematics at Duke and president of the International Mathematical Union , called the news " a great joy " in an email .

  23. 龙洲经讯的RosealeaYao称,这表明强劲的建设数据掺有水分。

    This suggests the strong construction figures are overstated , says Rosealea Yao of GaveKal Dragonomics .

  24. 用微机控制的YSC-1无线电遥控遥测遥讯系统

    A Microprocessor-Controlled Radio System of Remote Control , Remote Measurement and Remote Communication

  25. 主要介绍CNT-B型船用燃油粘度调节装置中的关键部分&粘度发讯器的工作原理,结构设计及特点,静态特性试验状况,以及实船使用的效果。

    This paper describes the working principle , the structural characteristics and the result of the performance test and sea trial of the viscosimeter for CNT-B type fuel oil viscosity control equipment .

  26. 据报讯,“#SeeHerAward”(#看到她)的荣誉,这一奖项是2016年由家庭娱乐联盟所发起,将颁给体现女性价值的女性。

    According to a press release , the \# SeeHer Award recognizes a woman who embodies the values set forth by the \# SeeHer movement ( an initiative first launched in early 2016 by the ANA 's Alliance for Family Entertainment ) ,

  27. 彭博资讯(Bloomberg)11月5日讯&巴拉克·奥巴马在第44届美国总统大选总获胜,作为第一个非洲裔美国人获得这个世界上如此重要的角色,掀开了美国历史崭新的篇章。

    Barack Obama was elected the44th president of the United States , opening a new chapter in the country 's history as the first African-American to hold the world 's most important job .

  28. 归日本野村控股(NomuraHoldings)所有的极讯希望,明年能将CBX再扩展至至少一个拥有发达市场的亚洲国家。

    Instinet , which is owned by Nomura Holdings of Japan , expects to extend CBX to at least one more Asian country with a developed market during the next year .

  29. 环球钢讯(SteelBusinessBriefing)驻上海的分析师拉斐尔哈尔平(RafaelHalpin)表示:中国正利用一切机会无论多么徒劳来表达对矿商的不满。但我不确定他们能拿出什么实际行动。

    China is taking every opportunity , however futile , to express its dissatisfaction with the miners , said Rafael Halpin , analyst at Steel Business Briefing in Shanghai . But I 'm not sure what they could do in reality .

  30. 但多数人相信,关键原因是力拓和必和必拓(BHPBilliton)已停止接受现货买方竞价,发货量自7月初以来大幅下降,环球钢讯写道。

    But most believe the key reason is that Rio and BHP Billiton have stopped putting spot shipments up for bid , with volume falling off since the start of July , the consultancy wrote .