
xùn xī chuán dì
  • signal transduction
  1. 我把你要我给她的讯息传递给她。

    I passed on the message you wanted me to give her .

  2. 此处,你可以轻声地将讯息传递到站在墙另一端的人。

    Here you can whisper a message to someone standing on the other end .

  3. 而在未来的个人通讯系统中,行动位置管理将无可避免的产生大量的讯息传递。

    Location managements in the PCS networks will incur a large amount of signaling traffic .

  4. 我们在未来会继续把安利的讯息传递开去,为更多人带来健康和财富。

    We intend to keep passing on amway 's values , helping others to stay healthy and gain financial strength .

  5. 本研究以九孔的血液细胞为材料,研究血球在凝集反应中的细胞内讯息传递机制以及参与分子。

    In this study , hemocytes of abalone were used to investigate the mechanisms of intracellular signaling transduction on cell aggregation .

  6. 微量电流会快速增强,然后迅速通过该神经元的长条轴突,把讯息传递给其他神经元。

    A tiny jolt of electricity quickly builds up then zooms down the neuron 's long axon , passing the information to other neurons .

  7. 课程一开始会先探讨视觉、听觉和运动系统,着重于某些特殊的讯息传递过程的共同点。

    Lectures in the first part of the course explore the visual , auditory , and motor systems , emphasizing common themes while delineating specific information processing strategies .

  8. 目的:Ca2+是细胞中已知的第二讯息传递因子,细胞中Ca2+浓度会影响细胞增生、移动和基因表达等。

    Objective : Ca2 + is known as one of the second signaling factor in cells , and the Ca2 + concentration may affect cellular functions , such as cell proliferation , mobile and gene expression .

  9. 为了在如此广大的疆域内,实现迅捷而有效的人员、物资和讯息传递,达到统治的目的,元朝建立了十分强大的的驿站系统。

    In order to such a vast territory , realize the quick and effective personnel , material and information transmission , to achieve the purpose of the Yuan dynasty rule , established the post system is very powerful .

  10. 简单描述已足够但必须能将讯息清晰传递。

    A brief account of activities suggested is good enough but the messages must be clearly conveyed .

  11. 但迄今为止,科学家仍无法解释身体的哪个部位,如何接收和运作这些化学讯息并传递到大脑的。

    But until now scientists have not been able to explain how and where in the body the chemicals are picked up and their messages passed to the brain .

  12. 仁波切:对,这所有的讯息都需传递给那想要变成上师受害者的人。

    DZONGSAR : Yes , and all this information needs to be transmitted to one who wants to be the victim of the guru .

  13. 多少个秋天,哦,还有冬日,我在城外度过,捕捉风中的讯息,并传递它们!

    So many autumn , ay , and winter days , spent outside the town , trying to hear what was in the wind , to hear and carry it express !