- 名brown adipose tissue

( P value in the table ) relative expression of β 3 adrenergic receptor in brown adipose tissue : the control group was 1.45 ± 0.98 ; obese group was 0.42 ± 0.36 ; resistant group 3.20 ± 0.53 .
Women also had a greater mass of brown adipose tissue and higher18F-FDG uptake activity .
The stimulatory role of p38 in transcription of the uncoupling protein 1 ( UCP1 ) gene in brown adipose tissue is relatively clear .
Results Substantial depots of brown adipose tissue were identified by PET – CT in a region extending from the anterior neck to the thorax .
The results indicated that the insulin resistance was present in the BAT of 10 week-GTG mice .
Conclusion Zinc might play an important role in cold stress and cold endurance through increase concentration of UCP in brown adipose tissue mitochondria .
Binding of Purine Nucleotides to Brown Adipose Tissue Uncoupling Protein from Different Kinds of Animals
The presence of BAT was documented and correlated with monthly changes in daylight and ambient temperature .
Effect of cold acclimation on GTP binding to uncoupling protein in mitochondria inner membrane of rat brown fat
BAT is capable of producing up to300 times more heat per unit mass compared with all other tissues .
Our exciting new findings may help us find novel interventions aimed at promoting BAT activity particularly in the winter .
Brown adipose tissue is sometimes mistaken for a type of gland , which it resembles more than white adipose tissue .
Using brown adipose tissue submitochondrial particles from different kinds of animals , binding of uncoupling protein to different purine nucleotides was estimated .
Under the electron microscope observation , acupuncture group and moxibustion group of obese rat brown adipose tissue morphology tended to be normal state .
The study focused on the impact of daylight and ambient temperature as these are two key factors in determining BAT function in small mammals .
Their results showed that BAT was more common in females and that changes in BAT activity were more closely associated with day light than ambient temperature .
Studies have already shown that BAT activity in adults is reduced with obesity . Therefore , promoting BAT function could prevent or reduce obesity in some people .
New research suggests that daylight is a major factor in controlling the activity of brown adipose tissue , which is involved in obesity . ( Credit : iStockphoto )
BAT is activated by the cold and is unique in being able to produce very large amounts of heat & but little is known about the main factors that regulate the amount of BAT in our bodies .
RT-PCR was used to detect the genes related to energy consumption , glucose-lipid metabolism in white adipose , brown adipose and muscle tissue .