
  • 网络Bariatric surgery;weight loss surgery;gastric bypass surgery
  1. 背景:病态肥胖(MO)是心血管疾病发病率、死亡率和糖尿病的一个危险因素,病态肥胖可以通过减肥手术有效减重。

    Context : Morbid obesity ( MO ) is a risk factor for cardiovascular morbidity , mortality , and diabetes , which can be effectively reduced by bariatric surgery .

  2. 而需要接受减肥手术的肥胖者(身体质量指数BMI为37.5)的比例更低,大多数超重者的BMI介于25-30之间,是不需要治疗的。

    The percentage of obesity cases ( people with 37.5 BMI ) who require bariatric surgery is even less , and most of the overweight population have BMI in the range of 25-30 , which does not require treatment .

  3. 美国代谢与减肥手术学会(AmericanSocietyforMetabolicandBariatricSurgery)儿科手术委员会主席科克&12539;理查德(KirkReichard)指出,没有数据显示手术不会影响年幼儿童的长期性成熟发育或认知机能。

    Kirk Reichard , chairman of the pediatric-surgery committee for the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery , notes that there are no data to show that surgery doesn 't affect young children 's long-term sexual maturation or cognitive functioning .

  4. Alqahtani表示,2012年,沙特人所做的减肥手术约有1.1万例。

    An estimated 11000 bariatric surgeries were performed on Saudis in 2012 , according to Dr. Alqahtani .

  5. 全球各地对适宜做减肥手术的年龄存在争议,因此Alqahtani的工作备受关注。

    Dr. Alqahtani 's work is being watched amid a global debate about the appropriate age for bariatric surgery .

  6. Alqahtani说:我们不应该只根据年龄而剥夺病人做减肥手术的权利。

    ' We should not deprive our patients from bariatric surgery based on their age alone , ' the surgeon says .

  7. 本中心目前正在进行研究,传统的减肥手术在应用于中度肥胖(身体质量指数BMI25-30)而其糖尿病控制不良的患者。

    Our center are currently conducting research on the application of surgery in moderate obese ( BMI25-30 ) patients with poor control diabetes .

  8. Alqahtani说:“我们不应该只根据年龄而剥夺病人做减肥手术的权利。如果他们有威胁到生命的病症,我们就不应该拒绝实施减肥手术。”

    We should not deprive our patients from bariatric surgery based on their age alone , ' the surgeon says . ' If they have [ medical ] conditions that threaten their lives , then we should not deny the bariatric surgery . '

  9. 减肥手术的效果为越来越多的证据证明。

    Evidence for the effectiveness of bariatric surgery is growing .

  10. 即使减肥手术也并不能让人永远保持苗条的体型。

    Even weight-loss surgery doesn 't always help people maintain their more svelte physiques .

  11. 总的来说,这是一次普通的减肥手术——只有一点例外。

    All in all , it was ordinary bariatric surgery - with one big exception .

  12. 鲍勃:一份新的报告表明了另一种流行的减肥手术相似的结果。

    BOB DOUGHTY : A new report suggests similar results for another popular weight loss surgery .

  13. 在美国,减肥手术数量趋向平稳(见图表1)。

    In America the number of bariatric operations has levelled off ( see chart 1 ) .

  14. 该医院发布了一组阿卜杜拉蒂在减肥手术后的新照片。

    The hospital has released new pictures of Ms Abd El Aty following weight reduction surgery .

  15. 两个月前,阿卜杜拉蒂在印度孟买Saifee医院接受了减肥手术。

    Ms Abd El Aty underwent bariatric surgery at Mumbai 's Saifee hospital two months ago .

  16. 对严重肥胖的成年人来说,减肥手术被认为是一种有效并且相对安全的治疗方法。

    Bariatric surgery has been embraced as an effective and relatively safe procedure for morbidly obese adults .

  17. 这样,病人才不会像其他减肥手术病人一样,不断地经历减肥&反弹的循环。

    You don 't need to be a weight loss surgery patient to begin the yo-yo dieting process .

  18. 不同的医学中心在减肥手术前对抑郁和其它精神健康疾患的处理变化很大。

    How depression and other mental health disorders are handled before obesity surgery vary widely by medical center .

  19. 在沙特,减肥手术已经成为肥胖成年人普遍接受的一种治疗手段,并且费用由政府支付。

    Bariatric surgery has become an accepted treatment among obese Saudi adults and is paid for by the government .

  20. 其后,科学家们招募了六名将要接受减肥手术的肥胖男子,以调查减肥会给这些甲基化模式带来怎样的改变。

    Then the scientists recruited six obese men getting bariatric surgery to see how losing weight changed these methylation patterns .

  21. 减肥手术本来就很快地流行着,现在它被作为糖尿病的可能治疗手段来研究。

    The surgery already has been gaining popularity quickly , and is now being studied as a possible treatment for diabetes .

  22. 对于某些患者而言,另外一个获得较广泛认可的治疗方法是施行可大幅降低体重的减肥手术。

    Another approach gaining wider acceptance for some patients is the use of bariatric surgery , which results in dramatic weight loss .

  23. 另一种流行的减肥手术是在胃的顶部围一个可调节的带子形成一个小的袋。

    Another popular weight-loss surgery option involves putting an adjustable band around the top part of the stomach to create a small pouch .

  24. 如果他们有威胁到生命的病症,我们就不应该拒绝实施减肥手术。

    ' If they have [ medical ] conditions that threaten their lives , then we should not deny the bariatric surgery . '

  25. “亚洲第一胖”、重庆人梁用接受了一系列减肥手术后,开始卖起了小饰品补贴家用。

    Liang Yong , dubbed the fattest man in Asia , sells bric-a-brac in Chongqing to earn some cash after a series of medical operations .

  26. 按照新的研究,超重妇女在有身期前做减肥手术能冲破眷属中的肥胖遗传链。

    An overweight woman who has weight-loss surgery before becoming pregnant may help break the cycle of obesity in her family , according to a new study .

  27. 有身期前做过减肥手术妈妈们生的孩子比没有做手术妈妈的孩子拥有更好的心脏且更不易得肥胖病。

    Children born to moms who had the procedure before pregnancy have healthier hearts and less risk of obesity than their siblings born before the mom had surgery .

  28. 事实上,莫妮卡一直以来都处于超重状态。她曾经想过通过减肥手术来减轻体重,然而最近她决定自己还是要保持这种丰满的身材。

    Monica was overweight all of her life , and she once considered shedding the pounds with bariatric surgery , but recently she decided to embrace her full figure .

  29. 美国外科医生一般是不会给如此年幼的孩子进行减肥手术的。德伊法伊拉的父母做出这样的决定凸显了中东地区这种健康危机的加剧。

    That such a young child would be considered for weight-loss surgery something U.S. surgeons generally won 't do underscores the growing health crisis here and elsewhere in the Middle East .

  30. 由专家主刀的减肥手术不比其他大手术危险,据一项研究表明,《新英格兰医学杂志》报道。

    Weight-loss surgery ( bariatric surgery ) performed by experts is no more dangerous than other major surgeries , according to a study reported in the New England Journal of Medicine .