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jiǎn féi zhě
  • dieter;slimmer;weight-watcher
  1. 新近加入的一名会员身着黑色紧身牛仔裤,而西方普通减肥者为了能穿上这样的裤子,什么都愿意。

    One recent recruit was clad in skin-tight black jeans that the average western dieter would die for .

  2. 你会发现差不多每个减肥者都会告诉你,每星期只要称一次重量就行了。

    You 'll find that almost every other dieter will tell you to weigh yourself only once a week .

  3. 注意,本食谱不适用于减肥者。

    Beware , this recipe is not for slimmers .

  4. 该研究进一步印证了“溜溜球节食效应”的普遍性,它是指减肥者陷入反复减肥的恶性循环。共有2.5万人参与了此项调查。

    The study of 25000 people provides further evidence of the prevalence1 of ‘ yo-yo dieting ’ where slimmers get into a cycle of losing weight and regaining2 it .

  5. 来自澳大利亚悉尼的加文医学研究所的阿曼达?塞恩斯伯里萨利斯表示,目前还不清楚血液中含有多少POP会对人体造成危害,因此减肥者不应因此而放弃减肥。

    The level of POPs needed to have an adverse affect in humans is unknown , so it should not stop obese people trying to lose weight , said Amanda Sainsbury-Salis at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research in Sydney , Australia .

  6. 女性减肥者的体像问题与社会支持及性格的关系

    The Related Factors of Body Image in Women Seeking Weight Loss

  7. 两组减肥者的重大差异在于行为。

    The big differences between the two groups involved behaviors .

  8. 大多数减肥者最终却增重了。

    Most dieters end up putting on more weight .

  9. 那么是什么东西将这些超级减肥者与众不同呢?

    What separated the super losers from the rest ?

  10. 她还补充道,那些关于健康食物的线索会提供减肥者们及时的提醒。

    She added : Healthy food cues can provide an instant reminder to dieters .

  11. 中国的减肥者根本就不够胖。

    Chinese dieters are just not fat enough .

  12. 大多数减肥者相信吃减肥药和减肥食品就能真正帮助减肥。

    Most dieters believe that taking diet pills and eating diet food can really help .

  13. 不过即使是这样,一旦减肥者稍有懈怠,身体就试图故态复萌。

    Even then the body will often try to revert back if the person ' slips ' .

  14. 最早的一种严重错误是很多减肥者不吃早餐。

    One of the first crucial weight loss mistakes many make is not eating a well balanced breakfast .

  15. 其它措施还包括为自愿减肥者减税,以及打破普通科医生与医院之间的界限。

    Other measures include tax cuts for volunteers and ' breaking down the boundaries ' between GPs and hospitals .

  16. 非洲喀麦隆——来自非洲西海岸的珍稀水果为节食减肥者带来了新的希望。

    CAMEROON , AFRICA - A rare fruit from the western coast of Africa is offering fresh hope for dieters .

  17. 非洲喀麦隆&来自非洲西海岸的珍稀水果为节食减肥者带来了新的希望。

    CAMEROON , AFRICA & A rare fruit from the western coast of Africa is offering fresh hope for dieters .

  18. 科学家们发现,健康食物的外观和味道能帮助减肥者坚持他们的减肥食谱。

    Scientists have discovered that the sight and smell of healthy food can help dieters stick to their weight-loss goals .

  19. 什么东西将超级减肥者和其他人群分别开来?在进食后他们的身体产生胰岛素的有多么快。

    What separated the super losers from the rest ? How quickly their bodies produced the hormone insulin after eating .

  20. 人们在餐厅就餐时习惯共餐,为了体现尊重会点很多吃不了的菜这令减肥者更难减肥。

    Restaurant meals tend to be ordered communally , with over-ordering a sign of respect which makes life hard for dieters .

  21. 这项研究还发现,健康食物所带来的增加减肥者自控力的效用在饥饿时是最有效的。

    The study also found the effects of healthy food to improve dieters ' self-control may be most beneficial when hungry .

  22. 就连通常被视为减肥者之友的芹菜,对减肥也没什么神奇效果。

    Even celery , which is often thought of as the dieter 's friend , doesn 't magic excess weight away .

  23. 同时,我还为门外汉、减肥者、英国人和厌食的人做饭简直是命运在跟我开玩笑。

    Meanwhile , I cook for Philistines and dieters , Englishmen and anorexics the butt of some wilful joke by the fates .

  24. 人们在餐厅就餐时习惯共餐,为了体现尊重会点很多吃不了的菜—这令减肥者更难减肥。

    Restaurant meals tend to be ordered communally , with over-ordering a sign of respect - which makes life hard for dieters .

  25. 研究人员表示,即使是最坚定的减肥者也可以毫无顾虑地食用用这种土豆炸出的薯条而不必有后顾之忧。

    This development is welcome news for dieters , who can now eat as much potatoes they want without fear of gaining weight .

  26. 而在虚拟世界进行训练的减肥者除了睡眠时间以外,在饮食健康和身体活动方面均有正面改善。

    The virtual world participants reported positive changes in all the healthy eating and physical activity measures except the number of hours slept .

  27. 很快,花费很大力气才减掉的体重又重新回来了,减肥者又不得不从头再来。

    Pretty soon all the weight that required so much effort to lose is back and the person has to start over again .

  28. 第一,那些有上述反应的成功的减肥者究竟是在减肥中或是减肥后才开始有上述的反应的?

    For one , did the people who lost weight begin to have this brain response when they started shedding pounds or later ?

  29. 研究者发现,成功的减肥者更有可能说他们每晚睡6到8小时。

    Researchers found that the successful dieters were more likely to report that they had slept between six and eight hours each night .

  30. 减肥者千万不要一瘦下来就掉以轻心,以免前功尽弃。

    The person that reduce weight must not one thin come down to treat sth lightly , lest all one 's previous efforts wasted .