
jiǎn sù
  • moderate;reduce the speed;shift down;speed reduction;decelerate;retard;put a break on;slow down;slow up
减速 [jiǎn sù]
  • [decelerate;retard;put a break on;slow down] 降低速率;慢下来

  • 使马达减速

减速[jiǎn sù]
  1. 可以选择普通的水,重水和石墨作为减速剂。

    As a moderate there is a choice between normal water , heavy water and graphite .

  2. 减速,把面粉慢慢地加入,直到混合。

    Reduce the speed to low and gradually add the flour , mixing until combined .

  3. 我们靠近跑道时,我减速了。

    I throttled back as we approached the runway .

  4. 公共汽车减速停了下来。

    The bus slowed to a halt .

  5. 火车当时正在减速。

    The train was losing speed .

  6. 减速行驶。

    Reduce speed now .

  7. 事故是由为了看热闹而减速的人引起的。

    The accident was caused by people slowing down to rubber-neck .

  8. 出租车减速停下,司机跳了出来。

    The cab pulled up and the driver jumped out .

  9. 洛夫洛克慢慢地拉杆减速,船稳了下来。

    Lovelock eased back the throttles and the ship steadied .

  10. 飞行员稍稍减速,以保持水平飞行。

    The pilot throttles back slightly to maintain level flight

  11. 他点燃一支烟,轻踩刹车减速。

    He lit a cigarette and braked the car slightly

  12. 如果车开得太快,会有一个合成人声告诉司机减速。

    If the vehicle is going too fast , a synthesised voice tells the driver to slow down .

  13. 路很滑,你最好减速。

    The road is slippery ; you 'd better slow down .

  14. 汽车减速过桥。

    The motorcar slowed up over the bridge .

  15. 这只会让你减速,并且妨碍你的职业目标。

    It will only slow you down and hinder your career goals .

  16. 飞行员减速之前下降得很低

    The pilot got very low before he throttled back .

  17. 减速航行还可以保护鲸鱼、提高安全性,也可能为船运公司节省资金。

    Going slower would also protect whales , improve safety and could save shipping companies ' money .

  18. 在2008年全球经济衰退过程中,货船为削减成本平均减速12%。

    In the global recession of 2008 , cargo5 ships slowed down by 12 % on average to cut costs .

  19. 船只减速五分一不仅会减少二氧化碳的排放,还会限制硫氧化物和氮氧化物的排放,这两种物质对人体健康有害。

    Cutting speeds by a fifth would reduce CO2 but also limit sulphur and nitrogen oxides , which are damaging to human health .

  20. 该站在扶梯右侧,却站在左侧的人就如同路上的“减速带”,减缓了地铁的通行量。

    People who stand to the left instead of standing to the right are like speed bumps , and they slow down the pedestrian flow through the stations .

  21. 而在这些时刻,这些地方,这些减速的行动中,就存在着许多人所说的国际慢活运动。

    And , in this kind of cauldron of moments and places and acts of deceleration , lie what a lot of people now refer to as the " International Slow Movement . "

  22. 基于Web的齿轮减速器设计优化系统开发

    Development on Web for the optimal design for gear reducer

  23. 减速器CAD系统的设计

    The Design of Reduction Device CAD System

  24. 基于FPGA数控机床的加减速电路

    FPGA-based Acceleration and Deceleration Circuit for CNC Machine Tools

  25. 铁道车辆减速顶构件失效断口的SEM分析

    SEM Investigations of the Failures of Railway Wagon Retarders

  26. 标准宇宙学中减速参量q0的确定

    Determinations of the deceleration parameter q_0 in standard cosmology

  27. 宇宙质量密度与减速参量q0

    Mass Density and the Deceleration Parameter q_0 in Cosmos

  28. 目的:探讨胎心率延长性减速(PD)的临床意义。

    Objective : To explore the clinical significance of FHR prolonged deceleration ( PD ) .

  29. AutoCAD环境下减速器的设计/制造系统的研究及实现圆柱齿轮减速器专家系统的开发

    Development of the Gear Reducer Design Based on AutoCAD AN EXPERT SYSTEM FOR CYLINDRICAL GEAR REDUCER DESIGN

  30. TSP系统全充满旋转减速伞运动特性的研究

    The Study of Motion Characteristics of Full Developed Rotational Deceleration Parachute of TSP System