
  • diet pills;weight-loss pill;slimming drug;Alli
  1. 赛诺菲-安万特的减肥药利莫那班今年夏天遇到了来自FDA的麻烦,FDA怀疑这种药有着精神病方面的副作用,例如服用者会有自杀想法。

    Sanofi-Aventis 's weight-loss pill rimonabant ran into trouble with the FDA this summer over concerns about the pill 's psychiatric side effects , such as suicidal thinking .

  2. 食品药品管理局说,阻止脂肪摄入的减肥药奥里斯特,曾经是处方药,现在以减少长度的形式作为非处方药。

    The Food and Drug Administration said the fat-blocking weight-loss pill orlistat , which has been available by prescription , can be sold in a reduced-strength version over the counter .

  3. 硝基氟苯柱前衍生HPLC测定减肥药中芬氟拉明氨基乙酸衍生二苯并-18-冠-6的合成研究

    Determination of fenfluramine in slimming drug by HPLC with precolumn derivatization using 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene as derivative reagent Study on Synthesis of Glycine Derivative of Dibenzo-18-crown-6

  4. 对于那些希望自今天FDA顾问委员会关于雅培减肥药西布曲明的会议得到一个非常清楚信号的人:对不起的。

    To those hoping for a clear-as-a-bell signal from today 's FDA advisory committee meeting on Abbott 's weight-loss drug Meridia : sorry .

  5. 去年秋天,默克公司(Merck)由于副作用的原因放弃了开发减肥药taranabant。

    Last fall , Merck & Co. scrapped development of its anti-obesity drug taranabant because of side effects .

  6. 方法随机抽查市场上销售的3种减肥药,采用TLC及LC-MS联用技术定性鉴别,HPLC外标法定量。

    METHODS Three diet pills were chosen in random . They were determined by TCL , HPLC and LC-MS. The external standardization method was used for the quantitative analysis .

  7. FDA顾问小组对赛诺菲一安万特公司的减肥药-利莫那班的否决,间接打击了医药工业中对此药频繁地公开评论。

    The FDA advisory panel that just dissed Acomplia , Sanofi-Aventis 's weight-loss drug , dealt an indirect blow to a frequent and outspoken critic of the drug industry .

  8. 查获药品绝大多数为“生活方式类药物”,例如减肥药和万艾可(viagra);但止痛药、抗抑郁药以及抗生素也有发现。

    The most seized medicines were " lifestyle drugs " , such as diet pills and Viagra , but pain killers , antidepressants and antibiotics were also found .

  9. 本文简介:一种新型的减肥药C75能使服用者失去对食物的兴趣,但对代谢率不产生影响。

    IN THIS ARTICLE : A new weight-loss drug , C75 , creates a loss of interest in food , but has no effect on metabolic rate .

  10. 那我就不用买那些那么贵的减肥药了。

    So I don 't have to buy those expensive medicines !

  11. 迄今还没有哪种减肥药销量“惊人”。

    No obesity drug has yet achieved " blockbuster " sales .

  12. 许多女人吃减肥药来防止体重增加。

    Mony women take diet pills to keep themselves from gaining weight .

  13. 两个网站所中学和一卖减肥药。

    Two websites are secondary schools and one sells weight loss pills .

  14. 日本妇女服用大陆减肥药后死亡

    Japanese Woman Dies after Taking a Weight Loss Drug Made in China

  15. 是不是应该吃点减肥药?

    Do you think I should take some medicines to lose weight ?

  16. 你不能开一些减肥药吗,医生?

    Can 't you just prescribe some of those diet pills , doctor ?

  17. 真实的减肥药案例:每天有成千上万的英国人服用减肥药。

    The truth about the slimming pills thousands of Britons pop every day .

  18. 妈妈告诉我不要服用减肥药,那是很危险的。

    My mother told me not to eat weight-loss pills , which was dangerous .

  19. 这种减肥药有一种副作用。

    These diet pills have one side effect .

  20. 此外,还有的减肥药,成千上万种不同的方案。

    And , there are thousands of different kinds of diet pills and programs .

  21. 销售我们新的减肥药应该不会太难。

    It shouldn 't be too hard to market our great new diet pill .

  22. 这是一种非常危险的减肥药。

    It 's a very dangerous weight-loss drug .

  23. 这些减肥药的副作用包括心悸、眩晕和失眠症状。

    The pills were alleged to have side-effects , including palpitations , fainting and insomnia .

  24. 这种减肥药没有效用,我仍旧肥得像只猪。

    This diet pill is ineffective , I 'm still as fat as a piggy !

  25. 减肥药的研究现状

    Current Research of Weight Loss Drug

  26. 减肥药芬氟拉明致低颅内压反应

    Fenfluramine induced reaction of intracranial hypotension

  27. 推销减肥药的巨幅广告。

    Huge adverts pushing slimming drugs .

  28. 事实已经证明很难开发减肥药,只有少量药物进入市场。

    Obesity drugs have proved difficult to develop , and only a few have entered the marketplace .

  29. 主要中和各种减肥药的毒副成分,清除体内有害物质。

    It fusions to neutralize toxicity of various weight-reducing medicines and remove harmful substances from the body .

  30. 减肥药奥利司他和西布曲明对心血管疾病危险因素及游离睾酮水平的影响

    The effects of Xenical and Sibutramine on the risk factors of cardiovascular disease and free testosterone level