
  • 网络Mysterious creatures;Cryptids
  1. 大气中是否藏有神秘生物离奇死亡

    Whether or not the Death of Mysterious Organisms Exist in the Atmosphere

  2. 一种传说中的神秘生物

    A creature of mystery and legend

  3. 中国渔民最近在海域中发现一只神秘生物,被它吓了一跳。

    Fishermen in China got a shock when they recently spotted a mystery creature in the water .

  4. 这只神秘生物引起了网民的极大关注,网易上的新闻报道收到了69000多条评论。

    The mysterious creature has gained a lot of attention online with the news story on 163.com gaining over 69000 comments .

  5. 机智如你,可能已经猜到了,槌子蛇是一种神秘生物,目前为止并没有任何真凭实据能够证实它的存在。

    As you 've probably guessed , the Tsuchinoko is a cryptid and there 's no real proof it exists or ever has existed .

  6. 这份不公就是詹姆斯?波塞克这本书的中心,他对世界上最神秘生物做了全面而表示赞赏的研究。

    That unfairness is the central lament of James Prosek 's comprehensive and appreciative study of one of the world 's most mysterious creatures .

  7. 2012年,有人专门为这种生物做了告示牌和网站,这让该神秘生物像是一个概念艺术项目的成果。

    In 2012 , there was a billboard and website dedicated to the creature , which seems to be the result of a conceptual art project .

  8. 美国原住民的传说充满了神秘生物,所以为什么他们会选择大脚到图腾,而不是其他?

    And native american legend is full of mythical creatures so why would they choose ONLY big foot to add next to real creatures rather than others ?

  9. 中国媒体提供的图片显示这只神秘生物似乎像鳄鱼一样有很长的喙,又像海豚一样有着灰色的皮肤。

    Pictures emerged from the Chinese media show the mysterious creature seems to have a long beak like a crocodile 's and grey skin like a dolphin 's.

  10. 他说这些卑劣的神秘生物来自于一个通过吸取人类或者动物能量来维持生命的物种。

    He maintained they are vile mystical creatures from another realm who can only sustain their existence in our world by sapping life energy from men or animals .

  11. 样式和意象因地而异,从人类和动物形体的自然和风格化描绘到神秘生物、螺旋形、圆形以及抽象的图案都有。

    Styles and imagery vary by location , from naturalistic and stylized representations of human and animal forms to mythical beings , spirals , circles , and abstract motifs .

  12. 普拉达的“Pradamalia”的产品线,用这个品牌的话来说,就是有好几种“神秘生物”。其中包括一直形状怪异的蓝狗,一只诡异的章鱼和外星人的杂交品种,当然这些是人畜无害。

    Prada 's ' Pradamalia ' line features several ' mysterious creatures , ' as described by the brand , including an oddly-shaped blue dog and and a bizarre octopus-alien hybrid .

  13. 柏林还有其他的地铁,据说一种名为隧道法尔福(Tunnelpfeifer)的神秘生物栖息在莱内大街(Leinestrasse)地铁站。这种生物有点像鼹鼠,且会在隧道里鸣叫。

    Berlin is also home to another U-bahn mystery : Leinestrasse station is said to be home to a mysterious creature known as the Tunnelpfeifer , which resembles a mole and whistles in the tunnels .

  14. 并不是每天都有来自深海神秘生物游弋到浅海,但平安夜晚上,许多游客在日本中部富山湾的一个港口看到了难得一遇的巨型乌贼。

    It isn 't every day that a mystery from the deep swims into plain sight . But on Christmas Eve , spectators on a pier in Toyama Bay in central Japan were treated to a rare sighting of a giant squid .

  15. 也许是这个星球上最神秘的生物。

    Probably the most mysterious species on our planet .

  16. 在哪可以找到那些神秘的生物?

    Where do I find the mystic beings ?

  17. 独角兽是稀有而神秘的生物。

    Unicorns are rare and mystical creatures .

  18. 四月,韦林又发布了另一发现——但这次是一个神秘的生物。

    In April , Waring posted another sighting - but this time it was a mythical creature .

  19. 楼梯、书架和衣橱发生变化,神秘的生物推动着故事主题与情节。

    and staircases , bookcases and suitcases assume varied and miraculous lives that propel both themes and story .

  20. 近年来上映了很多“便衣”吸血鬼题材的影片,而在此之前,他们通常被描绘成一种神秘的生物。

    Before the current crop of " undercover " vampires , the creatures were always portrayed as being more mysterious .

  21. 周二,研究南极冰冷海水的科学家们表示,他们从深海中收集了一些神秘的生物,包括巨大的海蜘蛛和巨大的蠕虫。

    Scientists investigating the icy waters of Antarctic said on Tuesday they collected mysterious creatures including giant sea spiders and huge worms from the murky depths .

  22. 无论是网上的图片,还是你上次度假的照片,你可以搜索地名、艺术品甚至是神秘的生物。

    Whether your photo was from the web or your last vacation , you can search places , art , and even mysterious creatures with just one picture .

  23. 这所位于菲律宾首都马尼拉的“菲律宾美人鱼游泳学院”教授学员们如何穿上鱼尾游泳,如何在水下呼吸等技巧,让她们都能像那种神秘的生物一样游泳。

    The Phillipine Mermaid Swimming Academy in Manila are offering lessons in how to swim like the mythical creature by donning a tail and learning under water breathing techniques .

  24. 具神秘色彩的生物节律及其在探矿辅助活动中的应用分析

    Mystical organism rhythm and its application in auxiliary prospecting action

  25. 影片讲述了一个神秘的水生生物和莎莉霍金斯扮演的哑女之间超凡脱俗的爱情故事。

    An otherworldly romance between a mysterious aquatic creature and a mute girl , played by Sally Hawkins .

  26. 要证明一个全称否定判断从逻辑上说是不可能的,因此科学将永远不能证明“大脚”和尼斯湖怪兽之类的东西不存在。也有可能,这些神秘莫测的生物的确潜藏在人们好奇视线之外的远处。

    Since it is logically impossible to prove a universal negative , science will never be able to prove that creatures like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster do not exist , and it is possible that these mysterious beasts lurk far from prying eyes .

  27. 刀锋怪是神秘的类人生物,他们主要定居于欧堪萨斯(Ocanthus),阿喀戎修罗场第四层即最后一层。

    Bladelings are mysterious humanoids found mainly in Ocanthus , the fourth and final layer of Acheron .

  28. 你是一个神秘而陌生的生物。

    You are a strange and mysterious creature .

  29. 大王乌贼是海洋中最神秘的一类生物,也是地球上最大的无脊椎动物。

    Giant squids are some of the most mysterious creatures of the sea as well as being the biggest invertebrate on earth .