
shén huà ɡù shi
  • fairy tale;myth;mythology
神话故事 [shén huà gù shì]
  • [fairy tale]关于神仙或神化的古代英雄的故事;荒诞无稽、异想天开的故事

  1. 有关那喀索斯的神话故事在奥维德的作品中有过描述。

    The myth of Narcissus is described in Ovid 's work

  2. 神话故事中,男女众神围坐在桌前庆祝贺忒提斯和珀琉斯的婚礼,其中一个女神--争吵女神(Discord)是个爱惹麻烦的人,她把一个金苹果扔在桌上,作为对最美新娘的奖励。

    The myth says that all the gods and goddesses were sitting around the table to celebrate the marriage of Thetis and Peleus . One of the goddesses , Discord , was a . She threw a golden apple on the table to be given as a prize to the most beautiful goddess .

  3. 他的小说融合了大量巴尔干半岛的历史和神话故事。

    His novels are a rich synthesis of Balkan history and mythology

  4. 这一点在很多文化的神话故事里都得到了充分的证明。

    This is well illustrated in the mythologies of many cultures .

  5. 希腊人有许多神话故事。

    The Greeks had many myths .

  6. 这个想象力丰富的孩子自己编神话故事。

    The imaginative child made up fairy stories .

  7. 在神话故事中,最小的儿子通常总是勇敢地出发寻求幸福。

    In the fairy stories , the youngest son usually ventures forth to try to find his fortune .

  8. 这就是其中一个中秋节的起源神话故事。

    This is one of the origin myths of the Moon Festival .

  9. 英国的书店里还有许多地理书、童话、民间传说和神话故事,在我三年级的女儿眼中更是动人,因为她是波希·杰克逊(PercyJackson)系列故事的发烧友。

    They 're also particularly strong on fairy tales , geography , folklore and mythology - much of it highly appealing to my third-grade Percy Jackson fan .

  10. 很长一段时间以来,许多人都认为特洛伊只是个神话故事,直到19世纪70年代海因里希·施利曼(HeinrichSchliemann)第一次发掘出了它,他发现这个遗址中实际上有很多城市,多年以来层叠式地建在了一起。

    Troy was long considered by many to be the stuff of myth until it was first excavated in the 1870s by Heinrich Schliemann , who discovered that there were actually numerous cities on the site , which over the years had been built on top of one another .

  11. 嫉妒之心&希腊罗马神话故事中人物的性格特征

    Jealousy & The Characters ' Dispositions in Greek and Roman Mythology

  12. 今天上午老师在班上讲了一个神话故事。

    The teacher told a fairy tale in class this morning .

  13. 像传说或神话故事那样离奇发展的一个梦。

    A dream that developed like a fable or a myth .

  14. 如果柏拉图所写的只是个神话故事呢?

    What if Plato made up the story for mythic purposes ?

  15. 神话故事是不符合科学事实的。

    Fairy stories do not square with the facts of science .

  16. 他为儿童们编了一册爱尔兰神话故事。

    He edited a volume of Irish Fairy Tales for children .

  17. 这是一个关于我们这个时代的神话故事。

    This is the story of a myth of our times .

  18. 在神话故事中,魔鬼很残忍而且吃人。

    In fairy stories , the ogre is cruel and eats people .

  19. 许多其它元素的名字同样来自于神话故事。

    Several other elements have names that come from mythology , too .

  20. 你是知道的,他写了许多神话故事。

    As you know , he wrote a lot of fairy tales .

  21. 有些很多神话故事掺杂进来

    Well , sort of . Lot of fairy tales mixed in .

  22. 许多神话故事源于希腊,然后传播到其他国家。

    Many myths originated in ancient Greek and spread to other countries .

  23. 我认为那些神话故事不会对我们的学生有害处。

    I don 't believe those fairy tales will harm our students .

  24. 她被古典神话故事迷住。

    She 's fascinated by the stories of classical mythology .

  25. 以“西游记”为蓝本的乐园将融合中华民族的各种传说和神话故事。

    The theme park would incorporate a range of Chinese legends and myths .

  26. 《星战》电影系列也有一种神话故事的性质。

    SW : The Star Wars films have a fairy-tale quality , too .

  27. 不可能全都是些神话故事。

    It simply can 't all be a myth .

  28. 我比较《创世纪》跟科学和其他神话故事。

    I have been comparing the creation story of Genesis with other myths .

  29. 我发现了有些神话故事有很多共同点。

    I noticed that many myths have some similarities .

  30. 是的,里面都是神话故事。

    Yes , it is full of fairy tales .