
wěi shū
  • Wei Shu;augury book ;glosses on the classics that allege esoteric meanings
纬书 [wěi shū]
  • [books about charms,omens,etc.] 汉代附会儒家经义的一类书,主要宣扬神学迷信,但也记述了一些天文、历法等方面的知识。简称纬

  1. 汉代纬书中的古代相对性原理问题

    Problems of ancient relativity principle in the Wei Shu of the Han Dynasty

  2. 纬书和图谶伺机侵入经学的道统之中,为倾听神意的统治者所利用。

    Wei Shu and Figure got the opportunity come into Confucian classics and were used by rulers .

  3. 王符并没有能够摆脱纬书的影响,在阐述一些上古历史人物问题时大量引用了纬书的内容。

    Wang Fu did not get rid of the impact of weishu , and quoted extensively the contents of weishu when elaborating on some ancient historical figures .

  4. 本文从纬书的涵义及本质入手,首先探讨了纬书的发展流变情况,主要包括纬书的起源、兴盛、流裔与复兴等方面。

    The first chapter expatiates on the development and change of Weishu , including the aspects of the meaning , nature , origin , prosperity , change and revival .

  5. 直至明朝,一些学者出于学术研究的需要,开始将对纬书的着眼点由政治转到其文献价值上,纬书的辑佚工作开始兴起。

    From the Ming Dynasty , some scholars began to put the focus on the value of Weishu as a sort of literature instead of the political value . The task of compilation of the text of Weishu began to rise too .

  6. 纬书中不乏有价值的内容,保存了大量有关天文、地理、宗教、文化、神话、历史等方面的知识与见解,对研究古代神话、历史、科学、文学等方面都有重要的史料价值。

    Moreover , there is a great deal of information and opinion on the astronomy , geography , religion , culture , myth and history in the book , so it is helpful to the study of the ancient myths , history , science , literature and other important aspects .