
  • 网络relativistic speeds
  1. 他将其发表在NASA技术报告服务器上,标题是“螺旋引擎”。理论上来说它的工作原理是利用相对论性速度(即与真空中光速接近的速度)下质量变化的方式。

    He 's posted it to the NASA Technical Reports Server under the heading " Helical Engine , " and , on paper , it works by exploiting the way mass can change at relativistic speeds - those close to the speed of light in a vacuum .

  2. 相对论性速度加法公式

    Relativistic velocity addition formula

  3. 一些数值模拟结果表明在星风相互作用产生的弓激波的尾部,辐射物质的整体运动可以达到中等相对论性甚至极端相对论性速度。

    Some hydrodynamic simulations show that in the tail of the bow shock produced by the wind interaction , the bulk motion of the particles can reach the mild-relativistic or ultrarelativistic velocities .