
  • 网络Related diversification;concentric diversification
  1. HYT企业集团是一家电力三产企业集团,以电力工程设计、施工及技术咨询为主营业务,辅以发展相关多元化业务。

    HYT Group is an electric power industry enterprise group , taking the electric power engineering design , construction and technical advice as main business , complementary with development business related diversification .

  2. 运用定量战略评价矩阵(QSPM)进行评价,选择最优战略,确定雪青公司应更好地利用现有资源优势,采取相关多元化发展战略,跳出雪青品牌地域性限制,进行多元化发展,发展成国际化品牌。

    Using Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix ( QSPM ), this paper selects the optimal strategy , determining that Xueqing company should make better use of existing resources , take a related diversification strategy , jump out of territorial restrictions , diversified develop and develop into an international brand .

  3. 通过以上分析利用SWOT方法,列出了企业可能采取的发展战略。通过对各种可能的战略进行分析,得出了企业应采取相关多元化战略的结论。

    By means of SWOT , the author get a series of development strategy from which a conclusion named plural strategy is drawn .

  4. 再次,通过SWOT分析,确定公司的发展战略:相关多元化战略,品牌化战略,人力资源战略和信息化战略。

    Thirdly , this paper uses SWOT analysis to design the development strategy of the company including relative diversification strategy , branding strategy , human resource strategy and information strategy .

  5. 运用SWOT战略分析工具,为ZS公司制订了新的发展战略,即主业增长型的相关多元化战略。

    Using the strategy analyzing tool of SWOT , the author makes a new development strategy for ZS corporation , namely the multiplication strategy of developing main business .

  6. 第六章探讨XD公司实施以循环经济为基础的相关多元化经营战略的保障措施。

    Chapter six discusses the measures that XD should take when it carries out the relater-diversification strategy on the foundation of the circulation economics .

  7. 在此基础上,通过运用SWOT组合分析方法,确定了重庆交通工程监理咨询公司的战略目标,即以交通建设工程行业为中心的相关多元化发展战略,并从几个层次对战略实施进行了一定的设计。

    On this basis , we establish strategic objectives of the Chongqing Traffic Engineering Supervision Limited Liability Company through the use of SWOT analysis . The strategic objectives is a diversified development strategy whose center is the transport construction-related industries .

  8. 品牌价值与乡镇企业相关多元化的价值均衡分析

    Value Equilibrium Analysis of Brand and Related Diversification of Township Enterprise

  9. 内容提要知识协同可提高相关多元化企业绩效。

    Knowledge synergy can increase the performance of related diversification company .

  10. 走依托核心竞争力的相关多元化之路

    Take the Way of Related Diversification Based on Core Competence

  11. 相关多元化经营会提高企业绩效,带来多元化溢价。

    2 , related diversification will improve business performance and bring diversification premium .

  12. 西方理论界也基本上否定了企业的不相关多元化经营。

    Western theorists have largely denied the non-related diversification .

  13. 重庆九龙电力股份有限公司相关多元化战略研究

    The Study on Diversification Strategic of Chongqing Jiulong Electric Power Co. , Ltd

  14. 中国制造业企业非相关多元化经营绩效的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Performance of Unrelated-Diversification Strategies in Chinese Manufacturing Companies

  15. 企业相关多元化经营的机理分析

    An Analysis of Enterprises ' Concentric Diversification Strategy

  16. 主要是非相关多元化投资对创始家族企业的绩效造成了负面的影响。

    It is unrelated diversification that causes the negative influence in founding family firms .

  17. 多元化战略包括相关多元化及不相关多元化。

    Diversification strategy includes related and unrelated strategy .

  18. 相关多元化战略的逻辑演进

    The Logical Revolution of the Related Diversification

  19. 企业非相关多元化风险的识别

    Risk Identification of Irrelevant Diversification for Enterprise

  20. 在此前提下,发展多元化经营时应侧重发展相关多元化经营。

    On this premise , groups should give priority to the development of related industries .

  21. 相关多元化与归核化的研究综述

    Review on Related Diversification and Refocusing

  22. 在核心竞争力的基础上,多元化分为相关多元化和非相关多元化。

    Diversification is divided into relevant pluralism and non-relevant pluralism on the basis of key competitiveness .

  23. 股权集中度与公司的总体多元化程度和非相关多元化程度都有负相关关系;

    The concentration rate of stock has negative relations with total diversification degree and unrelated diversification degree ;

  24. 结论如下:1、非相关多元化经营会降低企业绩效,带来多元化折价。

    Concluded as follows : 1 , non-related diversification will reduce business performance and bring diversification discount .

  25. 基于知识的相关多元化战略研究

    Exploration about Knowledge-Based Diversification Strategy

  26. 多元化经营分为相关多元化经营和非相关多元化经营。

    The diversification strategy can be divided into two catalogues , say , relevant and non-relevant diversification .

  27. 非相关多元化选择的目标产业一般都是高增长、高风险的一些行业。

    When unrelated diversification , the target industries are always to be high tempo , high risk ones .

  28. 相关多元化企业的业绩好于非相关多元化企业的业绩。

    4 , the performances of related diversification firms are better than the performances of non-related diversification firms .

  29. 为东方公司制定了采取差异化的业务层战略,公司层战略采用前向一体化和相关多元化的战略。

    Formulate the business-level strategy : differentiation strategy , the corporate-level strategy : forward integration and relatedness diversification strategy .

  30. 本文构建了一个跨部门知识管理与相关多元化企业绩效关系的理论模型。

    In this paper , we build a model of relation between knowledge management and related diversification company performance .