
  • 网络empirical analysis;Empirical Analysis Method
  1. 针对本课题的特点,本文运用了比较分析法、实证分析法和风险层次分析法等研究方法。

    To the subject characteristics , we use a comparative analysis , Empirical analysis and risk level analysis , and other research methods .

  2. 第五部分,通过一个案例用实证分析法从理论和实际上分析球员价值的差距及这种差距形成的原因。

    In the fifth part , a case in point using empirical analysis analyzed theoretically and practically the differences among the valuation of players and the causes of these differences .

  3. 通过DEA数据包络实证分析法分析得出我省林业发展是完全有效的,它进一步发展最重要的制约因素是资金的投入。

    Through the DEA data envelopment analysis method , derived that forestry development in our province is completely valid , the most important constraint is the capital input .

  4. 最后,采用实证分析法,探讨中国开展ABS国际项目融资所面临的法律障碍,并将上文分析及比较研究的结果应用于中国现行法律制度,提出相应的立法完善建议。

    Last , a case study on legal obstacle confronted with China 's operation of ABS international project financing is discussed , and the analyzing and comparative study results are applied into the current China 's legal system , with suggestions on the corresponding legislative improvement .

  5. 论文的研究运用文献回顾法与实证分析法相结合的方法。

    This thesis uses both literature review and empirical analysis method .

  6. 研究方法:收益还原法,实证分析法,比较研究法。

    Methods employed include income method , empirical analysis and comparative study .

  7. 此外,论文采用实证分析法。

    In addition , the use of empirical analysis papers .

  8. 研究方法:文献综述法、类比分析法、实证分析法。

    Methods of documentation , factor analogy and demonstration analysis are employed .

  9. 本论文主要采用实证分析法,通过问卷和个人访谈收集数据。

    The present research collected data by questionnaire and interview .

  10. 文章运用实证分析法、比较分析法、文献分析法。

    The article use empirical analysis , comparative analysis , literature analysis .

  11. 围绕个人请愿制度这个中心论题,笔者综合运用比较法、实证分析法等多种研究方法对之作了较为深入的探讨。

    The author has comprehensively utilized various methods & comparative and positive ones etc.

  12. 本文通过运用比较的方法和实证分析法对上述问题展开讨论。

    This study will discuss these questions through comparative methods and empirical analysis methods .

  13. 二是关于政治经济学的方法,马克思主义政治经济学对经济关系的分析,主要是运用规范分析法和实证分析法两种研究方法;

    Second , two methods are used to analyze the economic relation in Marxism Political Economics ;

  14. 论文通过文献研究法、实证分析法、对策研究法等多种研究方法对选题进行了分析研究。

    Several methods are used to study the topic-studding documents , analyzing cases , studding tactics .

  15. 为此本文主要运用价值分析法,实证分析法和经济分析法等方法进行研究。

    The thesis applies value analysis method , actual evidence method , economy analysis method to study .

  16. 案例实证分析法,在分析过程中,始终结合当前我国环境执法中的典型事件进行论证。

    4 , case empirical analysis , typical cases in the current environmental law enforcement are illustrated .

  17. 本研究主要采取文献查阅法、实证分析法等技术手段,首先搜集了大量有关农村劳动力转移研究的历史和现实资料。

    Firstly , I collected a large number of historical and practical information about transferring rural labor force .

  18. 文章采用归纳法,实证分析法,探索性研究法,揭示了变化存在的意义。

    Articles by induction , empirical analysis , exploratory research method to reveal the significance of the change .

  19. 本文的研究方法:实证分析法、规范分析法、对比分析法、系统研究法。

    The main research methods are that positive analysis , normative analysis , contrast analysis and system analysis method .

  20. 本课题主要采用内容分析法与个案研究法相结合的方法研究电视广告中音乐使用的情况,采用调查问卷法和实证分析法对音乐对电视广告效果的功能和影响加以分析。

    It also uses questionnaires and empirical analysis to analyze the effect and influence of music in commercial films .

  21. 本论文运用文献研究法、调查法和实证分析法等研究方法对该课题进行深入研究。

    His paper using literature methodology , questionnaire and empirical analysis and other methods to this topic studied deeply .

  22. 再根据以上的研究结论采用面板数据模型的实证分析法研究各个区域金融发展对区域贸易的影响。

    According above conclusions apply data panel model empirical methods research all areas of financial develop impact on the regional trade .

  23. 另外,本文结合使用比较分析法、实证分析法、利益相关者的博弈关系分析等多种研究方法。

    Additionally , many research methods , such as comparative analysis , empirical analysis and stakeholders ' game are applied in this article .

  24. 第二,以充足的数据和实证分析法,对中部六省金融发展差异进行了比较系统的分析。

    Secondly , this paper analyzed the financial development differences among six provinces in central china in details through sufficient data and empirical analysis .

  25. 结合实证分析法和专家意见法,对高校图书馆的四个方面的考核指标逐级递分,使得评价更加量化和细化,避免主观评分的随意性和不确定性。

    Combining of empirical analysis and the method of expert opinion , four aspects of the evaluation indicators of university library will be progressively refined .

  26. 主要采用了多学科、跨学科研究方法,文献分析法,间接实证分析法,必要的发展分析法等方法。

    The ways and methods include multi-discipline and trans-discipline research , literature analysis , indirect - " demonstration " analysis , necessary development analysis , ets .

  27. 运用社会调查法、文献资料和实证分析法对目前西北体育健身产业的开发现状做出分析研究。

    Based on public survey , document and demonstration , the research was made on the present status of developing sports fitness industry in northwestern China .

  28. 第三章采用实证分析法,、选取《法制日报手机报》为样本,分析其内容特色及产业价值链上各参与方的优势和劣势。

    In Chapter 3 we used empirical analysis The Legal Daily mobile newspaper to investigate the content characteristics and advantages and disadvantages of participators in the value chain .

  29. 第三章,通过实证分析法对我国刑事被害人赔偿请求权程序保障立法现状进行深入探究。

    Part III utilizes a positivism analytical method in the further synthesis of the legislation present situation of our country criminal victims ' the rights of compensation claim .

  30. 本论文运用了信息经济学有关理论和交易费用理论对中小企业间接融资问题进行了分析,论文写作过程中采取了比较分析法、实证分析法等研究方法。

    This thesis use information economics and transaction costs theory to analyze indirect financing to SMEs , and the writing process took empirical analysis , research methods , etc.