
chànɡ zhǔ jué
  • have a leading role in a play;hold a key role
  1. 音乐演奏成了当晚唱主角的商业活动的陪衬。

    The playing of music proved to be incidental to the main business of the evening

  2. 电视产业:LED和网络电视唱主角

    TV drivers : LED and Net-connected

  3. 当代以来,唱主角的则是分子生物学家乔恩•卡巴特-津恩(JonKabat-Zinn),他在麻省大学医学院(UniversityofMassachusettsMedicalSchool)率先推行基于正念的减压疗法。

    More recently , Jon Kabat-Zinn , a molecular biologist who pioneered mindfulness based stress reduction at the University of Massachusetts Medical School , takes centre stage .

  4. 他可能将需要从国有石油公司尼日利亚国家石油公司(NigerianNationalPetroleumCorp.)那里挖客户。这家公司控制着四家在尼日利亚石油行业唱主角的老旧炼油厂。

    He likely will have to lure away customers from state-owned oil company Nigerian National Petroleum Corp. It controls the four rundown refineries that dominate Nigeria 's oil industry .

  5. 在人类与自动机器和自动化之间复杂关系的最新进展中唱主角的,应该是富士康(Foxconn)。

    In the latest episode in our complicated relationship with automatons and automation , it is appropriate that Foxconn should have a lead role .

  6. 上世纪70年代和80年代是国际政治的风云时代,其中唱主角的是亨利蘒魗格(HenryKissinger)、赫尔穆特施密特(HelmutSchmidt)、弗朗索瓦密特朗(Mitterrand)以及撒切尔本人等享誉全球的外交官和政治家。

    The 1970s and 1980s were years of high international politics , dominated by globally recognised diplomats and politicians such as Henry Kissinger , Helmut Schmidt , Mitterrand and Thatcher herself .

  7. 里克说:凯西喜欢做销售,所以她会唱主角。过后两人又与HSN达成协议,销售他们自己生产的护肤产品系列。

    ' Kathy likes selling , ' says Rick , ' so she would dominate . ' The couple then ink a deal with HSN to sell their own line of skin-care products .

  8. 经济舞台上唱主角的时期;

    Sing " protagonist " 's period on the economic stage ;

  9. 下一步应该由竞争监管机构唱主角。

    The next step should be to unleash the competition authorities .

  10. 如今唱主角的是新兴经济体,尤其是中国。

    Today that means emerging economies , and China in particular .

  11. 汽车金融公司:唱主角没商量!

    Automobile finance company must be leading actor !

  12. 第56届德国纽伦堡玩具博览会中国企业唱主角

    Chinese enterprises take a leading role in 56 ~ ( th ) Nurnberg Toy Fair

  13. 她想在整个会议上唱主角,他对此很光火。

    He was annoyed at the way she tried to take over the whole meeting .

  14. 三是职业道德标准偏低,其他约束机制唱主角;

    Thirdly , the professional ethical standard is on the low side and other tied mechanism play protagonist ;

  15. 如果生活是一个舞台,为何你我不能共唱主角。

    If life is a stage , why were you and I can not play a major role .

  16. 反洗钱:银行如何唱主角&我国洗钱犯罪与银行业反洗钱工作思考水罐车作业水罐车供水操作工业洗衣机的男工人。

    Anti-money-laundering : How Banks Play Host Role & Thoughts on China s money-laundering Crimes and Banking Industry Anti-money-laundering ;

  17. 因此,两个多世纪以来,男人唱主角的华尔街市场每隔几年就会经历一次繁荣和随后的泡沫破灭,一点也不足以为奇。

    Is it any wonder the male-dominated world of Wall Street has boomed and busted every few years for more than two centuries ?

  18. 记者走访合肥多家旅行社了解到,今年五一假期期间,短途出游依然唱主角;

    Most holiday travelers preferred short trips during the3-day May Day holiday , according to reports from various travel agencies in Hefei City .

  19. 这些仅仅是今年秋天出现在大屏幕上的女性主角中的一小部分,看起来这毫无疑问是由女性唱主角的一季。

    These are just a few of the lead characters in a fall season that is by all accounts a big one for female-driven movies .

  20. 在伊朗和朝鲜问题上,白宫让俄罗斯唱主角,阻止德黑兰和平壤获得核武器。

    On Iran and North Korea , the White House made Russia a central player in its efforts to prevent Tehran and Pyongyang from acquiring nuclear weapons .

  21. 在去年的珠宝展会上,黄金、钻石、翡翠唱主角,而今年,展会还增加了水晶、红珊瑚、象牙、琥珀、玛瑙等多种珍贵饰品。

    Besides gold , diamond and jade that were displayed last ear , they have crystal , ivory , agate , red coral and other new items on display .

  22. 但这样只会让他更生气,像这种简单的丢钥匙的小问题,很快就变成由我俩唱主角的一场剑拔弩张的闹剧,当然这还会殃及我们那可怜而紧张的狗。

    But that only made him angrier , and a simple case of missing keys soon would become a full-blown angst-ridden drama starring the two of us and our poor nervous dog .

  23. 从另一方面来看,在男性荷尔蒙旺盛的老爷们儿唱主角的投资界,最重要的事情是打败其他的男人,第二重要的事情是炫耀自己的胜利。

    On the other hand , in the testosterone-poisoned sandbox of the male investor , the most important thing is beating the other guy ; the second most important : bragging about it .

  24. 我国治理本轮通货膨胀时,所采取措施是以紧缩性的货币政策唱主角,配合相应稳健的财政政策以及相关外汇调整等政策同步实施。

    The major measure taken by China to deal with the current round of inflation was tightening monetary policy , complemented by corresponding sound fiscal policies and policies related to foreign exchange adjustments implemented simultaneously .

  25. 扎尔姆据说是一位相当严肃而无趣的董事长,他采取另类办法或许是为了让团队振作起来。不过,他这次挑大梁唱主角或许还有其严肃的一面,就是为了强调:强大的价值观对一家历经困境的银行而言十分重要。

    Mr Zalm , known to be a rather sombre and dry chairman , may have taken an unorthodox approach to rallying his troops , but his star turn might have a serious point in emphasising the need for strong values in a bank with a troubled past .

  26. 时过境迁,如今主权财富基金唱起了主角:他们有现金;他们不必依靠信贷市场;他们放眼于长期回报。

    This changed landscape puts the sovereign wealth funds in a plumb position : They have cash ; they don 't need the credit markets ; they are looking for long-term return .