
  • 网络Sing;singing
  1. 要是知道歌词,你就跟着唱吧。

    Do sing along if you know the words .

  2. 当她开始投入演唱歌曲“我在改变中(Iamchanging)”时,突然,不知从全场近3000人中的哪个角落里,跑出一个声音,喊道,“尽情唱吧,惠特妮•休斯顿!为我们唱出真实的自我!”

    There were almost 3000 in the audience , and from somewhere among them , as she launched into " I am Changing , " a voice rang out : " Sing it , Whitney honey ! Sing us the truth ! "

  3. 唱吧唱吧。大家知不知道那首叫做TeenageDream的歌?

    You guys know that song Teenage Dream ?

  4. 我唱歌,那我就唱吧。

    Is singing songs , I guess we 'll do it .

  5. 那么,唱吧,唱到我心灵深处

    Sing , then , and unto my soul it shall seem

  6. 我想是的,一起跟着唱吧!

    I think he is . Let 's sing along !

  7. 安格斯:我想,这是因为最优美的歌曲,都由高音演员唱吧?

    Angus : I suppose because they have all the best arias .

  8. 跳吧,唱吧,光阴似箭。

    Dance and sing , time 's on the wing .

  9. 只要他高兴就让他唱吧。

    Let him sing as long as he 's happy .

  10. 来吧,跟我一起唱吧,孩子们,哦吼。

    Come on , sing with me boys and girls , wo-oh .

  11. 你是新郎,不如你先唱吧?

    You 're the groom . Why don 't you go first ?

  12. 所有人都爽起来--唱吧!爽呆啦

    Everybody get high -- sing ! Bustin ' out

  13. “只管唱吧。”第一个坚持道。

    " Just do it ," insisted the first .

  14. 拜托,我坚持,你唱吧。

    Please , I insist -- you sing .

  15. 让我们跑吧,跳吧,唱吧。

    Let 's run , jump and sing !

  16. 准备好就开始唱吧。

    OK , ready when you are .

  17. 那就站在麦克风前尽情地唱吧!

    Get in front of that microphone !

  18. 你好,我们玩吧!我们唱吧!

    Hello let 's play lets sing .

  19. 我一个词都听不懂!!你一定是在用挪威语唱吧

    I could not understand a single word . you could have been singing in Norwegian

  20. 我们玩吧。我们唱吧。我们玩吧。我们唱吧。

    Let 's play . let 's sing . let 's play . let 's sing .

  21. 唱吧!我的音乐天使。

    Sing my angel of music !

  22. 唱吧,如风恣意喧闹

    Sing like the hustling obstreperous wind

  23. 你想唱歌就唱吧,很多歌手来这都会现场唱歌。

    You may sing as much as you want , coz many singers come and sing live .

  24. 唱吧,如风之萧萧

    Sing like the whinnying wind

  25. 即便是忘了歌词,我也会很自然地对观众说“我们一起来唱吧”,然后由观众把我忘掉的歌词带出来,这是个小技巧。

    Even if I forget the lyrics , I calm down immediately by saying " let 's sing together ," and then the audience will give me some hints . It 's tricky .

  26. 做些创造性的工作,洗澡时大声唱出来吧!

    Do creative work , and sing extra loud in the shower .

  27. 你现在也想着吗唱两句吧。

    Is that caught in your head right now ? Sing some tunes .

  28. 这次就饶了我,别让我唱了吧。

    Give me a break this time .

  29. 你今晚为我唱一曲吧?

    Will you sing for me tonight ?

  30. 我们唱支歌吧。

    Let 's have a sing .