
  • 网络Musicality;Musical sense;musicianship
  1. 他有音乐感,有绝对音准。并负责安排宴会上的食物、音乐以及所有的细节。

    A keen musical sense ; a good sense of timing . This person organizes the food , the music and all the details for the party .

  2. 这样连贯的话语听起来有音乐感。

    Words thus strung together fall on the ears like music .

  3. 听Chuck莓果歌曲了他对音乐感兴趣。

    Listening to Chuck Berry songs got him interested in music .

  4. 这门课程是为对古典音乐感兴趣的学生开设的。

    This course is intended for students interested in classical music .

  5. 我讨厌徒步旅行,我不对古典音乐感兴趣。

    I hate hiking and I 'm not into classical music .

  6. 他对流行音乐感兴趣,对古典音乐也感兴趣。

    He is also interested in classical music apart from pop music .

  7. 维拉对音乐感兴趣,而杰伊爱好体育。

    Vera is interested in music and Jay is fond of sports .

  8. 她和以前一样对音乐感兴趣。

    She is as much interested in music as ever .

  9. 在他五岁时,他对音乐感兴趣。

    He became interested in music when he was five .

  10. 玛丽对音乐感兴趣,而吉姆喜欢运动。

    Mary is interested in music and Jim is fond of sports .

  11. 你为什么对那种音乐感兴趣呢?

    Why are you interested in that sort of music ?

  12. 尤其面向那些对传统音乐感兴趣的人。

    And especially those who are interested in traditional music .

  13. 美国综合音乐感在教学中的运用

    On the Comprehensive Music Teaching in the United States

  14. 怀特小姐:你对音乐感兴趣吗?

    Miss White : Are you interested in music ?

  15. 这个小男孩对音乐感兴趣。

    The little boy developed an interest in music .

  16. 我们俩都对流行音乐感兴趣。

    We is both interested in pop music .

  17. 年轻一代似乎只对流行音乐感兴趣。

    The younger generation only seem ( s ) tobe interested in pop music .

  18. 关于绘画的音乐感

    About the Sense of Music in Painting

  19. 综合音乐感教育在高师钢琴基础课的运用

    To Apply the Comprehensive Music Sense Education in the Piano Lesson in Higher Normal College

  20. 吉姆只对音乐感兴趣。

    Jim cares about nothing but music .

  21. 为什么不找段富于音乐感的东西呢?柳树上的竖琴怎么样?来杯可口可乐,怎么样?

    Why don 't you try something musical ? How about the harps on the willows ?

  22. 父亲搭的木板富有艺术感和音乐感,新奇独特、与众不同。

    My father built with boards of art , music , adventure , and deviation from the norms of society .

  23. 作品通过大量的象征手法,展现了美国梦的幻灭。不仅如此,小说中还充满了强烈的音乐感。

    While the novel portrays the American dream in a symbolic way , it also produces a unique musical effect .

  24. 一个自愿教堂唱诗班在排练,但他们对政冶比对音乐感兴趣的多。

    17a volunteer church choir is seen during rehearsal , far more interested in social than musical elements of the occasion .

  25. 坦率地说,人人都只对流行音乐感兴趣。那次音乐会的上座率极低。

    To is quite frank , nobody 's interested in anything but pop music . Attendance at the concert was very poor .

  26. 他给人的印象是个很坦率的人。坦率地说,人人都只对流行音乐感兴趣。

    He comes across as being very frank . To is quite frank , nobody 's interested in anything but pop music .

  27. 因此探讨平面设计中视觉符号的音乐感表达有助于平面设计创意思维的开发,有助于开拓艺术创意思维的新途径。

    Therefore explore Plane Design visual symbols music feeling expression help graphic design creative thinking development , help pioneering arts creative thinking new ways .

  28. 英国大诗人阿弗瑞德·丁尼生的诗以其“韵律整齐、音乐感强烈”而著称。

    A great English poet Alfred Tennysou 's poems are famous for the noticeable characteristics that they are neat in meter and rich in musical sensation .

  29. 虽然莉莉很高兴和佩妮又和好了,可是佩妮似乎只对别人穿什么衣服和听什么音乐感兴趣。

    Although she was glad Petunia was talking to her again , she seemed only to be interested in what everyone was wearing , and what music her friends liked .

  30. 在语境中充分考虑音位的协调,词、词组的和谐搭配,句子的合理安排,有助于增强话语的形式美,使话语匀称、动听、富有音乐感。

    Careful consideration and planning of phonemes in their co-text , harmonious allocation of words and phrases , and balanced arrangement of sentences in discourse make utterance well weighted and phonetically musical .