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yīn jí
  • step;sound level
音级 [yīn jí]
  • [step] 五线谱的音阶

音级[yīn jí]
  1. 本文研究的《第一钢琴奏鸣曲》是他早期运用无调性手法创作的作品&怪异的音级组合、出人意料的节奏变化以及强烈的力度对比等等。

    In this paper , Premiere Sonata pour Piano is his a early work that used the atonal compositional techniques , the strange Combination of sound level , unexpected changes in rhythm and the intensity of the strong contrast and so on .

  2. 音高方面,以阿伦.福特(AllenForte)的音级集合理论为主要分析手段。

    As for pitch , the Pitch-class Set Theory by Allen Forte is applied as the main analysis method .

  3. CivilianMusicCoach练耳部分是针对音乐教学视唱练耳环节的计算机辅助教堂软件,是专门针对音级、双音以及和弦的听力练习。

    The ear training part of " Civilian Music Coach " is a CAI software which aims at the sightsinging and ear training in the music teaching . It 's an aural practicing tool for musical scales , bi-notes and chords .

  4. 音级集合理论的现实意义与展望

    Theory of Pitch - Class Sets : The Prospect and the Practical Value

  5. 音级概念与音结构逻辑的内在联系

    The Logical Internal Relation Between The Conception Of Degree And The Tone Structure

  6. 音级元音交替的级别注意英语元音发音练习。

    A degree of ablaut . Pay attention to the drills in the English vowel sounds .

  7. 跳音是用一个音级以上的音程表示任何一个音的运动。

    Leaps or skips indicate the movement of any one voice by intervals of more than one step .

  8. 音级全音阶的七个音符之一石级比过去更七歪八倒了。

    One of the seven notes of a diatonic scale . The steps were sagging even more than ever .

  9. 本文以后调性时期中较为成熟并有较大影响的两种理论体系&对称理论与音级集合理论作为研究对象。

    This paper focus on the two systemized and influential atonality theories , the symmetry theory and the picth class set theory .

  10. 通过对同构异形体的分析,得出一种简易的初始音级计算方法。

    Through the analyzed the sets with the same structure and different shape , it educed a facility calculating method for prime pitches .

  11. 第二章对作品从微观上进行分析,主要从旋律与音级集合、节奏节拍、以及主题与曲式结构等方面。

    The second chapter mainly analyzes the melody and pitch class set , rhythm and tempo , theme and musical structure in micro aspects of work .

  12. 所有能产生音级的乐器都有谐音,因此对某见乐器而言,谐波失真在某种程度上只是稍稍改变了一下它的音质。

    All musical instruments create tones having harmonics , so a device whose distortion adds a little more merely changes the instrument 's character by some amount .

  13. 再次,进行无调性音乐旋律听觉的深度练习时,本文通过以阿伦·福特的音级集合理论为基础,提出了一些无调性音乐旋律音高系统训练的基本原则和方法。

    In the third , when training the depth hearing of atonal music melody , this article illustrating some basic principles and methods in pitch system of atonal music melody is based on Pitch-class set by Allen forte .

  14. 文章以艾夫斯的管弦乐曲《未被回答的问题》中的音高为研究对象,采用阿伦福特的音级集合理论进行分析,以求揭示作品的标题构思。

    Taken the pitches from the orchestra work the unanswered question by Charles Ives as the research object , the thesis adopted the theory of pitch set by Alan Forter to analyze the piece , explored the title conceptive .

  15. 音级集合理论是在现代音乐创作实践与理论研究的基础上,借助与音乐理论发展有密切关系的数学手段,逐步发展形成的一个重要的理论体系。

    The theory of pitch - class sets has gradually developed into an important theoretical system in the last century , based on modern musical composition and theoretical study , and aided by mathematical means closely related to the development of music theory .

  16. 可通过运用调性分析与非调性分析相结合的认识方式,从纷乱的音高组织中获取调性骨干音级和骨干低音进行的线条,用以印证在此类作品中存在的潜在调性的事实。

    To prove the truth of existing potential tonality in such compositions , the paper indicates the way of obtaining both backbones of tonal degree and progress of bass lines initially from confused pitch organization through using the combinational methods of tonal and non-tonal analyses .

  17. 讨论了语音识别中使用支持向量机(SupportVectorMachines,SVM)对音子级置信度进行综合的方法。

    Discusses the combination of phone-level confidence measures using SVM ( support vector machines ) in speech recognition .

  18. 跨音透平级动叶顶部间隙流动的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of leakage flow in rotor tip clearance of a transonic turbine stage

  19. 文章通过对一跨音风扇级非定常流场时间精确模拟,对叶轮机非定常流动建立了一定理解。

    With Time-Accurate simulation about one transonic fan stage unsteady flow , some sketches related to unsteady flow are understood .

  20. 高效亚音轴流压气机级几何参数最佳选择

    Optimization of geometrical parameters for a subsonic axial flow compressor stage

  21. 由于全音阶相邻两音等距离的音级结构,使其失去传统调式的纯四、五度音程与小二度音程,从而完全没有大小调体系中的重要特点。

    As the equidistant structure of degree in adjacent notes of diatonic scale , made it loses the 4th or 5th interval and minor second of traditional mode , so that there is not enough important features of tonality system .