
  • 网络Music Element;musical elements
  1. 中国民族音乐元素在电影配乐中的使用,在从《卧虎藏龙》到《十面埋伏》等武侠电影作品中取得了很大的成功。

    The use of Chinese national music element in the movies such as the " Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon " to the " House of Flying Daggers " achieved great success .

  2. 与其文学观相适应,莫里森运用了黑人的神话和传说、黑人特色的语言、复调式的结构以及黑人音乐元素的融入等方法,展现黑人自己的声音并重构历史。

    To adapt her literature , Morrison using black myths and legends , characteristics of black language , polyphonic and blended in black music element , show black people voice and reconstruct the history of blacks .

  3. 《WakaWaka》汲取了诸多非洲传统音乐元素。

    Waka Waka features many musical elements that can be traced back to traditional African music .

  4. 而一些乐评人也认为,主打歌Starships包含了过多的流行音乐元素。

    With lead single Starships , critics said Minaj had veered too far into pop territory .

  5. 摇摆是爵士乐中最重要的音乐元素。

    Swing is one of the most important elements in jazz .

  6. 中外艺术歌曲创作中的民族音乐元素

    National musical elements in composing Chinese and foreign art songs

  7. 平衡-各音乐元素之间的音量关系。

    Balance – the volume level relationship between musical elements .

  8. 试论旅游产品中音乐元素的开发应用

    On the tourism products in the development and application of musical elements

  9. 浅议音乐元素在服装设计中的借鉴运用

    On Application and Using for Reference Elements of Music to Fashion Design

  10. 那首歌体现了多种音乐元素对其的影响。

    The song displays an eclectic mix of influences .

  11. 在声场里面安置好所有的音乐元素。

    Panorama-placing a musical element in the sound field .

  12. 我想给我们的花样同游表演多添点儿音乐元素。

    We thought we 'd add a musical element to our synchronized swimming routine .

  13. 戏曲音乐元素在中国钢琴音乐中的运用

    Drama Element in Chinese Piano Music Utilization

  14. 创作歌曲清新流畅或者忧郁唯美,经常尝试将新的音乐元素融合进已有的作品。

    Along with natural melody , New Perfume often melts new music elements into their songs .

  15. 其极为成功的后继者《谜2》展示了一幅巨大的泛文化的七彩织锦,并混入了摇滚音乐元素。

    The smashing follow-up , ENIGMA 2 , revealed a broad pan-cultural tapestry filled with rock flourishes .

  16. 对将流行音乐元素应用于合唱艺术的实践也具有现实的指导意义。

    Elements of pop music will be used in the choir practice the art of practical guiding significance .

  17. 和在商场里看到的,接触到的东西一样,音乐元素也会影响你的购买欲望。

    Music influences your behavior , just like the things you touch and see in a retail environment .

  18. 除了剧情,《嘻哈帝国》的音乐元素也令人印象深刻。

    In addition to holding its own as a drama , Empire 's musical elements also manage to impress .

  19. 最后,以《春舞》为例,分析其钢琴作品中的民族音乐元素。

    Finally ," Spring Dance " is taken as an example to analyze the folk music elements in his piano works .

  20. 并且自身也在不断吸收外界新的音乐元素为我所用,并得到了长足的发展。

    In addition , it has constantly absorbed the music elements of other area and thus has achieved quite great progress .

  21. 并突破前人传统,大胆吸收外来音乐元素,开拓了意大利歌剧的新视野。

    Rossini broke through the tradition of his predecessors , absorbed exotic element and expended the new panorama of Italian operas .

  22. 其中的民族音乐元素主要包括中国民歌主题、结构思维、音乐文化及音乐发展手法等;

    And national music elements mainly include Chinese folk theme , structure style , music culture and music developing techniques , and so on ;

  23. 他的作品把古典的体裁和民间音乐元素结合在一起,流畅地塑造出不同的音乐形象。

    His works combined the elements of classical genres and folk music together , shaping the image of different music with easy and smooth .

  24. 中国流行歌曲是在吸收了本土音乐元素以及各种西方流行音乐技法的基础上发展起来的。

    Chinese pop music in the absorption of an indigenous musical elements and a variety of Western pop music , based on the techniques developed .

  25. 积极尝试与探索现代作曲技巧,不断将现代合唱作曲技法与云南民间音乐元素相融合唱是晓耕老师一直以来所追求的。

    He is always pursuing to actively experiment and explore modern composing techniques and to merge modern chorus composing techniques with Yunnan folk music elements .

  26. 流行音乐元素运用于合唱作品中,对于合唱艺术的多元化和开放性起到了重要的作用。

    So pop music elements with the choir has a lot of art is the meeting point , and the integration of both natural and reasonable .

  27. 同时,关于长阳南曲中的本土音乐元素实证考析结果证明,土家族是一个具有兼容并蓄、物为我用等博大胸襟的伟大民族。

    The findings of practical investigaions into the local musical elements in Changyang Nanqu prove that Tujia is a great nationality with open mind and inclusiveness .

  28. 因为现代民族声乐的发展不仅融合了本民族的传统音乐元素,还融合了世界音乐元素,始终表现出与时俱进的特征。

    Because the development of Modern National Vocal Music combined its traditional element of music and global element of music , which has been keeping updated with times .

  29. 可以以音乐元素为形象载体,从学生的角度出发,引起学生共鸣,让学生大胆发表自己的见解;

    From the angle of students , music elements can be used as image carriers to arouse students ' resonance and make students express their own opinions bravely .

  30. 本文试图通过分析勃拉姆斯晚期四部特性钢琴小品集(作品116&119号)的创作手法,来说明其通过对古典主义形式的剥离,对浪漫主义音乐元素的吸收,形成的独特风格。

    The paper intends to show his deviation from classic forms by analysing his four later clavier essays Op. 116-119 which assimilated romantic elements and formed his own style .