
hé tonɡ xínɡ shì
  • form of contract;contract form
  1. 论合同形式要求规则的功能

    On the Function of the Principle of the Contract Form Requirement

  2. 第三章,合同形式的原则。

    Chapter three : principal of statutory contract form .

  3. 软件行业受到人力资源的制约,迫使企业面对自行开发的内制(In-sourcing)或通过合同形式进行外包(Out-sourcing)的两难选择。

    Software industry is restricted by resources , so that enterprises are forced to face the awkward Choices of the self-developed in-sourcing and out-sourcing by contract .

  4. 但是,正如所有合同形式一样,如果谁尝试在不适合DBO模式的工程适用DBO合同形式,DBO合同的优点及好处就将失去。

    However , as with all forms of Contract , if one attempts to use the DBO form on projects which are not suitable for this approach – the advantages and benefits will be lost .

  5. 法定合同形式的类型主要包括一般书面形式与特殊书面形式。

    Legal type is the necessary request of legal contract form .

  6. 最后,对赠与合同形式进行了探讨。

    Finally , the author discusses the form of gift contract .

  7. 使用规定的合同形式会产生更大的确定性。

    The use of a prescribed form leads to a greater certainty .

  8. 论电子商务环境下合同形式的变化

    The Formal Changes of Contract Under the Circumstances of E-commerce

  9. 电子合同形式及其法律地位的界定

    On the Forms and Legal Status of Electronic Contracts

  10. 其它规则须以合同形式规定。

    The other rules applicable to this equipment must be in contractual form .

  11. 现代企业的经济往来,主要是通过合同形式进行的。

    The economic transaction among modern enterprises is mainly proceeding through the contract .

  12. 合同形式的法律评价

    A Legal Evaluation of the Form of Contract

  13. 论合同形式的法律效力

    On the Legal Effect of Contract Form

  14. 当事人确定合同形式的自由;

    The freedom of the parties to decide the contents and forms of the contract ;

  15. 这些承诺以隐性(或不完全明确的)合同形式存在。

    These commitments take the form of implicit – or not fully specified – contracts .

  16. 合同形式的立法选择,体现了法律对合同形式的价值判断。

    The legislative choice of the form of contract expresses the value determined by the law .

  17. 合同形式刍议

    Thought on the form of contract

  18. 对合同形式拘束力的限制包括外在限制和内在限制。

    Restrictions of the formal binding force of a contract include outside restrictions and inside restrictions .

  19. 事实劳动关系是劳动者和用人单位之间形成的具有劳动权利和义务内容,却不具备法定的劳动合同形式要件的劳动关系。

    The labor relation of fact is the labor rights and duty between the worker and the unit .

  20. 洪水保险作为一种以保险合同形式存在的损失补偿方式,能够为洪灾损失提供经济补偿。

    Flood insurance , which exist in the form of insurance contract , could compensate the loss economically .

  21. 光船租船合同形式裸船租船契约

    Bare boat form charter

  22. 合同形式效力问题的探讨

    The Validity of Contract

  23. 农地流转合同形式制度的运行与构建&以法律社会学为视角

    The Operation and Creation of the Farm Land Transfer Contract Institution & Views on the Sociology of Law

  24. 合同形式是合同当事人意思表示一致的外在表现形式,其效力主要在于对合同成立或效力的影响力。

    Contract is an explicit expression of the parties ' unanimous intentions , whose validity depends on its influence .

  25. 探讨法定的合同形式对于正确理解合同形式自由、正确适应法律具有重要的意义。

    To discuss legal contract form is help to understand free of contact form and exactly apply the laws .

  26. 出资转让的合同形式、交付、登记及效力问题;

    ( 5 ) the problem of contract form , delivery , registration and binding force of shares transfer .

  27. (三)以融资租赁合同形式规避国家有关法律、法规的;

    The contract sidesteps the law and regulations of the State in the form of the contract for financial leasing ;

  28. 项目建设过程中争议的避免,有赖于广泛深入的理解项目之中相关的合同形式、组织机构和人员沟通。

    Avoiding construction disputes require a broad understanding of the contractual terms , organization structure and interpersonal communication within a project .

  29. 寿险产品是以契约交易的合同形式表现,那么寿险产品中一定蕴涵着契约思想,契约本身又有一个发展过程。

    The life insurance product appears in forms of contract . So it implies contract thoughts and the contract itself is developing .

  30. 新的交易模式出现了新合同形式&最终用户许可协议,这种合同给传统的民商法带来了新的挑战。

    The new transaction way shows new contract forms , the End User License Agreement . It offer challenge for conventional civil law .