
  • 网络Cooperative Movement;co-operative movement
  1. (《在合作化运动中,工人家属的积极性非常高》一文按语)

    ( Note to " The Workers ' Families Are Very Keen on the Co-operative Movement ")

  2. 农业合作化运动,从一开始,就是一种严重的思想的和政治的斗争。

    From the start , the agricultural co-operative movement has been a severe ideological and political struggle .

  3. 建国初农业合作化运动述评

    A Commentary on Agricultural Cooperative Movement during the Early Days of P.R.C

  4. 农业合作化运动失误的传统思想文化原因

    Errors in the Agricultural Cooperative Movement : Their Ideological and Cultural Causes

  5. 农业合作化运动若干理论问题的再思考

    To Further Research on Several Theoretical Problems about the Agricultural Cooperation Movement

  6. 第二部分回顾了五十年代农业合作化运动的历程。

    The second part makes a historical retrospection of the Agricultural Cooperative Movement .

  7. 亚细亚生产方式与中国农业合作化运动

    The Mode of Production in Asia and the Movement of Agricultural Cooperation in China

  8. 合作化运动在大力推广。

    A cooperative movement was being vigorously pushed .

  9. 20世纪50年代农业合作化运动经历了互助组、初级社、高级社的发展过程。

    The champion of agriculture collaboration in 1950s experienced cooperation group , primary community , superior community .

  10. 命令主义盛行带来的严重失误&评湖南农业合作化运动

    Prevailing Authoritarianism Brought about Serious Error & On the Movement of Cooperation Transformation of Agriculture in Hunan

  11. 这一部分主要论述农业合作化运动对于女性形象的影响。

    This part mainly discusses the influence upon female images , which was exerted by agricultural cooperation movement .

  12. 大力推行个人助学信贷合作化运动在大力推广。

    Personal loans to finance education should be vigorously promoted . A cooperative movement was being vigorously pushed .

  13. 建国后中国农业合作化运动与农村合作医疗制度发展间的关系研究

    Study on the Relationship of Agricultural Cooperative Movement and Rural Cooperative Medical System after the Founding of New China

  14. 穷棒子社与遵化县农业合作化运动

    The Relations about the Co-op of the Poor with the Movement of Cooperative Transformation of Agriculture in Zunhua County

  15. 农业合作化运动评析&从技术、制度与经济的关系角度

    On the Movement of Cooperative Transformation of Agriculture & from the Respect of Relation of Technology , Institution and Economics

  16. 农村合作化运动体现了江西省府推进合作事业的广度与力度,成为江西农村近代化进程的重要推动力;

    The rural cooperative movement incarnates the forces and extensions of Jiangxi province government that impulses cooperation causes . Exercise .

  17. 它不同于上世纪五十年代开始的在计划经济条件下通过行政手段推动的,暴风骤雨式的农业合作化运动。

    It is different from the fifties , in the planned economy driven by administrative means , stormy agricultural co-operative movement .

  18. 最后,文章重点论述了新中国农业合作化运动中赤桥村进行重建与整合的具体实践过程。

    This article finally expounds the practice course of Chiqiao village 's reconstructing and integration in the cooperative transformation of agriculture movement .

  19. 在这一过程中,政府扶植、合作社本身一系列管理制度的建立保证了合作化运动的发展。

    In this process , the support of government and the establishment of a management system of cooperatives ensured the development of co-operative movement .

  20. 传统的中庸心态所导致的农民随大流的态度。这些原因与领袖急于求成、操之过急的决策失误相结合,其结果必然是农业合作化运动表面上的轰轰烈烈成功而本质上的无奈失败。

    These unfavorable factors were added to the leader 's decision mistakes , which certainly resulted in the helpless failure of the Agricultural Cooperative Movement .

  21. 农业合作化运动在1953至1957年间,显示出积极的效果,中国粮食产量逐年增加;

    The movement of cooperative transformation of agriculture demonstrated the positive result between 1953 and 1957 , grain yield of china increased year by year .

  22. 中国传统文化的不利因素对建国后农业合作化运动出现重大偏差和失误有着一定的影响。

    The major errors in the Agricultural Cooperative Movement after the founding of New China were attributed to some factors in China 's traditional culture .

  23. 这里关系到党在合作化运动中对于中农的政策和工作方法。

    Here what makes the difference is the Party 's policy and method of work with respect to the middle peasants in the co-operative movement .

  24. 本文尝试分析了《山乡巨变》中民俗风情的描写对于凸显农业合作化运动的历史意义所具有独特价值;

    This paper tries to analyze the Mountain village great changes in folk customs description to highlight the agricultural cooperation movement historical significance has unique value ;

  25. 现在,全国合作化运动已经在大规模进展中,我们却还需要辩论这样的问题:合作社能不能发展呢?

    The nation-wide co-operative movement is now taking tremendous strides forward , and yet we still have to argue such questions as : Can the co-operatives grow ?

  26. 从1956年春&1958年9月是高级社时期,为保德县农业合作化运动的第三阶段。

    The advanced agricultural cooperative is the third step of the agriculture cooperative movement , which started from the winter of 1955 and ended on the September , 1958 .

  27. 各级党组织和人民政府认真总结各地互助组的经验教训,使其得到进一步的完善,以此推动了农业合作化运动。

    The Party and the government earnestly summed up the experiences and lessons of the mutual - aid teams in Yanbian , made it perfectly , promoted the Agricultural Cooperation .

  28. 然而,从合作化运动后期,随着急躁冒进的情绪日益增长,在其探索道路上左的错误不断发展。

    However , in the late period of cooperation sport , the mistake of the " left " developed continuously on its quest road because of increasing mood of rash advance .

  29. 虽然农业合作化运动只经历了短短几年的时间,却经历了多次的制度变迁,为制度变迁研究提供了一个特殊的考察对象。

    However , the agricultural co-operative movement has experienced only a few short years , has experienced a number of institutional change , institutional change research provides a special inspection object .

  30. 我国现在正在进行的农业现代化实践,在实现农业增产、农民增收、农村发展、走共同富裕的道路的基本目的上,与建国初的农业合作化运动有着内在的相似性。

    On the ultimate goals of increasing yield , benefiting peasants , developing rural areas and eventually gaining well-off together , it has the essential resemblance with the Agricultural Cooperative Movement .