
  • 网络CFDs-Contract for Difference;contract exchange;Contract Trading
  1. 林产品交易市场现货远期合约交易的结算

    Spot crude Study on the Clearing of Forward Contract Trading in Timber Exchange Markets

  2. 该合约交易报价指数点须为0.2点的整数倍。

    The index point of the price quotation for trading ofin the contract trading shall be the integral multiple of0.2 point .

  3. 基于POOL模式的中长期电力合约交易策略及风险建模

    Risk Modelling of Electric Forward Contracts and Strategies of Electric Contracts Transaction Based on POOL under Power Market

  4. 据花旗集团(citigroup)称,在今年前6个月中,韩国衍生品合约交易数量占到了全球的四分之一。

    In the first six months of the year Korea accounted for a quarter of the global turnover in derivatives contracts , by number of contracts , according to Citigroup .

  5. 合约交易是电力市场的重要方式之一。

    The contract transaction is an important ways of electricity market .

  6. 考虑合约交易的电力寡头垄断市场均衡分析

    Analyzing on the Equilibrium of Oligopoly Electricity Markets with Contracts

  7. 考虑实时平衡市场的合约交易模式研究

    Research on contract trade model considering real-time market

  8. 选择权合约交易的数量与单位履约价格的乘积;

    The strike price of an option times the number of underlying securities in the contract .

  9. 长期合约交易是有效抑制市场力行为、促进电力市场稳定发展的措施之一。

    Long-term contract is one of effective methods for refraining market power and improving the power market stability .

  10. 期权交易商报告说,以预定价位买进欧元的欧元多头合约交易热络。

    Options traders have reported brisk business in euro calls contracts to buy the euro at a pre-determined rate .

  11. 事实证明,澳大利亚的前景特别好,现在有50%的股东从事差价合约交易。

    Australia has proved particularly good for prospecting , with 50 per cent of shareholders now trading CFDs as well .

  12. 电力市场中存在着多种交易,如合约交易、日前交易、实时交易和辅助服务交易等。

    There are some kinds of trading models in the electricity market , such as contact , day-ahead , real-time , ancillary services and etc.

  13. 最后,从降低合约交易成本的角度,提出防范委托风险和代理风险的政府委托旅游规划合约改进的对策建议。

    It then suggests some countermeasures for improvement of avoiding principal hazards and agent hazards in government entrusted tourism planning contracts by decreasing transaction cost .

  14. 论文研究表明,信息费用约束较小时,在市价的基础上协商确定交换价格是将补偿合约交易费用减至最低的主要方式。

    According to this research , when information cost is relatively low , the transaction cost of the contract determined by negotiation can be low .

  15. 随着更多的点差交易公司利用其规模经济,在其它国家提供低成本的点差交易和差价合约交易,这种好处将变成现实。

    That upside is expected to be realised as more spread betting companies use their economies of scale to offer low-cost spread betting and CFD trading in other countries .

  16. 此举标志着,美国市场监管机构对芝加哥主导美国国债期货合约交易业务的态度出现了转变。美国国债期货合约是使用最广泛的交易所交易衍生产品之一。

    The move signals a shift in the approach of US markets regulators to the dominance by Chicago of US Treasury bond futures contracts , among the most widely used exchange-traded derivatives .

  17. 通过研究国内外电力市场发展趋势,分析比较了电力市场现货交易、期货交易以及远期合约交易3种交易方式。

    By studying the trends of the domestic and foreign country power markets , the three transaction modes , spot transaction , futures transaction and forward contract transaction , are analyzed and compared .

  18. 在我国电力交易中,主要有远期合约交易和现货交易两种方式,其中,远期合约交易成为规避价格风险的重要方法,也是电力交易中最主要的交易方式。

    Chinese electricity trading market basically include forward contracts transactions and spot transactions . Forward contracts transactions become an important method for avoiding price risk , which also is the main electricity exchange transactions .

  19. 其次本文通过上市银行远期、期权、期货、互换合约交易的信息披露和套期会计运用的信息披露提出完善我国衍生金融工具会计信息披露的实际应用。

    Then this article takes an example of disclosure of the financial forwards , financial options , financial futures , financial swaps and hedge accounting to illustrate the application of the derivative financial instruments .

  20. 如中金所确定沪深300股指期货合约交易的最低保证金为合约全额价值的12%,因此投资者所获得的收益和亏损成倍的放大。

    China Financial Futures Exchange determined the minimum margin for the full value contract 12 percent of Shanghai-Shenzhen 300 Stock Index Futures contract . So the profits and losses of the investors will be enlarged .

  21. 但欧盟委员会还计划要求从事非清算合约交易的企业持有更多资本金,从而加大它们的交易成本这项措施很快将在另一项立法中公布。

    But Brussels also plans to make it more expensive for firms to deal in non-cleared contracts , by requiring them to hold more capital against these although that measure will be introduced in separate legislation shortly .

  22. 在不确定的电力现货市场条件下,讨论了发电商和售电商关于长期合约交易与现货交易之间的最佳选择策略方法,提出一种(随机)二层规划理论模型及其求解算法。

    A stochastic bilevel programming model and its algorithm of optimal bidding strategies , between power seller and buyer for contracting arrangements of the long-term contracts and the spot markets transactions under uncertain electricity spot market , is proposed .

  23. 文献[50~54]分别从不同角度比较了电力市场的交易模式,指出合约交易是电力市场的重要内容和手段。

    The literature [ 50 ~ 54 ] has separately compared the electric power market transaction pattern from the different angle , pointed out that the contract transaction was the important content and the method of the electric power market .

  24. 理论分析和算例结果表明,电力市场中的差价合约交易有助于减少发电公司利用市场力来操纵市场的行为,从而有利于形成高效的市场均衡电价。

    Theoretical analysis and numerical results show that electricity forward transactions play a significant role in reducing the incentives of power generation companies to exercise market power to manipulate the market , and help to achieving a more efficient market equilibrium price .

  25. 探讨了开展发电企业向大用户直接供电的条件,提出了一种输电网络开放环境下的电力市场运营模式,即中长期金融合约交易和实时平衡市场相结合的电能交易模式。

    The paper discusses the conditions of direct sales from generators to large consumers , and puts forward a kind of operation mode of power market for the opening transmission grid , namely the long-middle term financial agreement and the balancing spot market .

  26. 合约交易和日前竞价交易相结合使电力市场运营既符合行业特点又具有市场竞争,它使电力市场交易在一定程度上反映市场价格信息的同时,又使最后结算电价控制在一定范围之内。

    The combination of contract transaction and day-ahead bidding transaction makes the power market operation be characterized by market competition besides its industrial features . The power market transaction can then reflect the market price to some degree , and the clear price can be controlled .

  27. 本文首先系统的介绍了电力期货市场的概念、实施模式、作用和意义,比较了期货交易和现货交易以及远期合约交易的区别,构建了电力期货市场的基本理论框架。

    The conception and effect of the electric power futures market is advanced in this paper at first . The different of time-bargain between spot transactions and long-dated agreement bargaining is compared , then the basic theory frame of the electric power futures market has been established .

  28. 然后,芝加哥商业交易所于1986年引入了电子交易,使得让两家交易所声名远扬的场内交易黯然失色,并推动芝加哥商业交易所的合约交易量首次超过芝加哥期货交易所。

    Then came the Merc 's embrace of electronic trading in 1986 , which has come to eclipse the pit trading for which both exchanges had been known . It also helped propel the Merc past the CBOT for the first time in volume of contracts traded .

  29. 本文首次提出了合约交易模式下机组组合问题,建立了一个以公平为目标的合约模式下的机组组合模型。

    This dissertation , for the first time , presents the problem of unit commitment in the context of the contract transaction pattern , establishes a model of unit commitment in the context of contract pattern with equity as the objective and constructs the heuristic solution strategy of the model .

  30. 除了这些监管举措以外,还有出于政治目的而出台的措施,它们影响到欧盟主权信用违约互换(CDS)合约的交易。

    Onto these regulations were tacked more politically driven measures affecting the trading of EU sovereign credit default swaps .