
  • 网络Bull;Bull market
  1. 美元有望迎来一波大牛市行情。

    The stars are aligning for a major bull run in the dollar .

  2. 但是,我绝不会认为:我们现在已经身处一个全球范围内的大牛市当中。

    But I certainly don 't think we are at the beginning of a big bull market worldwide .

  3. 而另一场大牛市可能正在浮出水面,那就是黄金。

    Yet there may be another supercycle emerging – that is , for gold .

  4. 债券:很多投资者相信,债券市场大牛市已经失控。

    Bonds : Many investors believe the enormous bull market in bonds is defying gravity .

  5. 从历史情况来看,美元应该会继续上涨。美元上两轮大牛市行情发生在上世纪80年代早期和90年代中期。

    The last two big periods of dollar ascendancy occurred in the early 1980s and mid-1990s .

  6. 到那时,A股市场的一波大牛市也将随之而起。

    By that time , A-share market 's bull market will be big wave began to rise .

  7. 在上世纪90年代的大牛市期间,一些人甚至提出,这类溢价都不合理。

    During the great bull market of the 1990s , some even argued that no such premium was justified .

  8. 在2000年3月结束的大牛市中,大盘股特别是科技领域的大盘股扮演了领军角色。

    Large stocks , particularly in the technology sector , led the great bull market that ended in March 2000 .

  9. 金融危机席卷全球,大牛市一去不见踪迹,国内投资者刹那间领略风云突变的威力。

    The financial crisis sweeping the globe , to no trace of a bull market , domestic investors enjoy the instant power of sudden situation .

  10. 股改的成功实施使我国广大投资者信心倍增,并成为推动2006年初以来一轮罕见大牛市的重要因素。

    The implementation of EDR made the public more confident in China Stock Market and was bulling the market greatly from the beginning of2006 to the present .

  11. 当历史学家回顾始于2007年的信贷危机背后的大牛市时,有一样人工事物可能会让他们心生踌躇,那就是:富豪榜。

    When historians review the great bull market behind the credit crunch that began in 2007 , one artefact that may give them pause is the rich list .

  12. 在2007年的大牛市里,多数人都能轻易捞上一笔,随后马上还贷,因此,违反规章制度似乎无足轻重。

    And in the great Chinese bull market of2007 , it did not really matter anyway because most people were making a killing on stocks and promptly repaying their loans .

  13. 更重要的问题是,这一最新走势是代表着通胀忧虑的首次抬头,抑或只是债券大牛市之中的暂时回落?

    The bigger question is whether this latest move represents the first stirrings of inflationary fears or is simply a temporary pullback from what has been a huge bull run for bonds .

  14. 大牛市导致出版社出了很多书,这些书都是谈如何通过交易赚钱。

    The great bull market in stocks has led to an equally great bull market in the number of books published on the subject of how to make money trading the markets .

  15. 美国痛苦指数上个月达到了12.7,为1983年以来新高&当时美国时任总统是罗纳德•里根,而股市和债市的大牛市刚刚萌芽。

    At a recent 12.7 , the misery index is at its highest level since 1983 , when Ronald Reagan was president and the great bull markets in stocks and bonds were in their infancy .

  16. 欧元区债券市场一片活跃,中国的负债水平创下历史新高,而美国的股市尽管上周遭受重创,总体而言仍处于大牛市中。

    Bond markets in the eurozone are booming , debt in China is at historic highs and the United States stock market , even with its sharp fall last week , has been on a tear .

  17. 在大牛市之后,市场陷入了恐惧。行情在6月初达到最高点时,中国的股价堪称是全世界最昂贵的,远超美国、欧洲和香港的水平。

    By the time the market peaked , in early June , share prices in China were among the most expensive in the world , vastly costlier than in the United States , Europe or Hong Kong .

  18. 2007年证券市场发生了很大的变化,一是随着股权分置改革的完成,原来的发起人非流通股可以流通了;二证券市场出现大牛市行情。

    2007 , great changes have taken place in the securities market , one with the completion of the share reform , the original sponsor of the non-tradable shares can flow ; Second , big bull market in stock market .

  19. 美元上两轮大牛市行情发生在上世纪80年代早期和90年代中期。那两波行情开始时,都正值美国国内经济好转、利率上升,美元正是在这种背景下遭到低估。

    The last two big periods of dollar ascendancy occurred in the early 1980s and mid-1990s . Those bull runs were marked by a starting point where the dollar was cheaply valued against the backdrop of an improving domestic economy and rising interest rates .