
  • 网络Bank of Dalian;Dalian Bank
  1. 大连市商业银行是一家由城市信用社起家的地方性股份制商业银行。

    Dalian City Commercial Bank is a local stock commercial bank .

  2. 大连市商业银行再造&大连商行董事长姜丽华专访

    Jiang Lihua : The Reconstruction of Dalian City Commercial Banks

  3. 大连市世界银行贷款结核病控制项目实施五年效果分析

    The effect analysis of tuberculosis control project loaned by World Bank in Dalian

  4. 为了全面提升大连市农业银行的竞争力,实现高质量快速发展的国际化商业银行,针对存在的问题,提出解决问题的办法。

    A set of methods to solve these problems are proposed in order to comprehensively improve the competition ability and to turn DAB into an international business bank with high quality and high growing rate .

  5. 大连市商业银行作为一家城市商业银行,国际业务起步较晚,目前存在着产品种类少、营销方式落后、销售渠道单一等诸多问题。

    Currently , as a City Commercial Bank , because of international business starts too late , Dalian City Commercial Bank ( DLCCB ) exists the problems which are shortage of category of product , the marketing method fall behind , sale outlet single etc.

  6. 本文运用培训与发展的理论及美国银行业培训的经验,对大连市农业银行的现状进行系统的分析,找出处于竞争劣势的主要问题及原因。

    Using the theories of training and development and American banks ' experiences on training , this thesis systematically analyzes the current situation of DAB and comes up with a few primary problems and causes that result in DAB 's disadvantage in the competition .

  7. 本文根据我国的具体现实,运用人工神经网络技术,构造出适合中国的信用风险模型,并对大连市某国有银行提供的数据进行了实证研究。

    According to the concrete reality of our country , this article uses artificial neural networks technology , structuring the credit risk model , and has conducted the real diagnosis research on the data which are provided from some Dalian state-owned bank .

  8. 中行大连分行从2001年底开展票据融资业务以来,由于大连地区商业银行竞争激烈,自身起步较晚,经验不足等原因,在票据融资业务中存在严重的风险管理隐患。

    From 2001 , Bank of China DaLian Branch has exposed critical Bankers ' Paper financing business risks management loopholes .