
  • 网络Mass Consumption;Mass consumer
  1. 每一种大众消费方式都是自动退出历史舞台的。

    Every form of mass consumption has collapsed on it self ;

  2. 但他们不能摆脱的可怕后果大众消费。

    But they cannot escape from the dire consequences of mass consumption .

  3. 我建议,满足大众消费的中低档文化产品可以不征税或者少征税。

    I suggest the country levy2 a high tax on luxury goods but a low tax on goods consumed by the general public .

  4. 而乔布斯把Mac当成一种大众消费品

    while Jobs ' sees the Mac as a consumer product

  5. 目前我国人均GDP已超过1000美元,旅游开始进入大众消费时代。

    The per capita GDP has exceeded 1000 dollars in our country , so mass expenditure period of tourism is coming .

  6. 美国医学协会(AmericanMedicalAssociation)等团体和医疗伦理学家担心这些节目是在利用伤患的痛苦供大众消费,但这些节目的制作人则辩解他们是在教育观众,并激励人们选择医学相关的职业。

    Medical ethicists and groups like the American Medical Association worry that these shows exploit patients ' pain for public consumption , but their makers argue that they educate viewers and inspire people to choose careers in medicine .

  7. 还有一个原因让谷歌对Siri感到忧心忡忡:这是目前最贴近大众消费市场的一款手机软件。

    Google has another reason to be worried about Siri : It 's the closest thing we have to a mass-market phone app .

  8. 由于护肤品市场竞争日趋激烈,SPA与百货商店、名牌与大众消费品之间你争我夺,精明的消费者享受免费皮肤清洁和养护的机会比以往任何时候都多。

    Thanks to an increasingly competitive skincare market that 's pitting spas against department stores and prestige brands against mass marketers , savvy shoppers have more opportunities than ever to get their skin cleansed and pampered for free .

  9. 我国C2C电子商务市场发展快速,交易规模及从业人数不断创造新的记录,C2C电子商务已成为普通大众消费渠道中不可忽略的部分。

    China C2C e-commerce market has developed rapidly . The trade size of C2C e-commerce and number of employees continue to create new records . C2C e-commerce has become a channel for public consumption that can not be neglected .

  10. 如何外包整个包装流程&浅谈管理大众消费品行业供应商

    Outsourcing the Whole Package & Managing Supplier Partners in the CPG Industry

  11. 大众消费时代的文学消费

    Consumption of Literary Works in the Era of Mass Consumption

  12. 体验营销是更能满足顾客需求的新型营销组合&非大众消费类企业实施体验营销的成功经验与对策建议

    Experience Marketing & A New Marketing Composition which can Satisfy Customers more

  13. 时尚与模仿的互动机制&大众消费社会何以可能

    Interaction between Fashion and Imitation in the Consumerist Society

  14. 论传媒诱导下的大众消费

    The Mass Consume under The Leading of The Media

  15. 大众消费的世俗趣味第一次成为审美文化的主导趣味。

    Common-custom taste of popular consumption becomes the leading interest of esthetic culture .

  16. 其内容主要包括:(1)引导大众消费意识;(2)增加低收入群的收入;

    Increasing the income of low - pay masses ;

  17. 很多人说大众消费的益处大于这次行动的花费。

    Some say that the benefits of massive spending outweigh the cost of inaction .

  18. 这些物品是供大众消费的。

    These articles are intended for popular consumption .

  19. 艺术成为大众消费的对象。

    Art becomes the object of popular consuming .

  20. 大众消费社会下的文化转型

    The Culture Transformation in Mass Consumption Society

  21. 在大众消费品行业,我们有一套基本原则。

    In the consumer products industry , we have our own set of first principles .

  22. 大众消费品标签用语

    The Label Wording of Popular Consumer Goods

  23. 消费社会的重要标志就是大众消费的兴起。

    A important symbol of the consumption society is the emergence of the mass consumption .

  24. 大众消费心理与网络营销

    Masses'consumer psychology and network marketing

  25. 关于促进大众消费的思考

    Consideration on Promoting Mass Consumption

  26. 时尚消费是大众消费中最具生命力、最有情感因素参与的消费形式。

    Fashion consumption is the consumption which has the strongest vitality and the participation of emotion factors .

  27. 我希望中国和以前一样,更多地将牛奶当作药膳来使用,而不是将它当作大众消费品来消费。

    I wish China still used milk more like medicine instead of consuming it as a mass-marketed product .

  28. 在大战之后,「大众消费倾向于同质性」这句话的描述是对的还是错的?

    In the postwar period , was this tendency toward homogenization true or false , and how so ?

  29. 大众消费心理需求的转变也促使时尚影像的审美意识的转变。

    The changing of the mass consumer psychology needs promotes the changing of aesthetic of the fashion images .

  30. 广东已基本完成“起飞”阶段,正进入高额大众消费时代;

    Guangdong has basically completed " take-off " stage and will enter the era of high mass consumption ;