
  • 网络bank mortgage
  1. 你有没有其他银行按揭贷款?

    C : Do you have any other bank mortgage loans ?

  2. 金融安全来自于对制度的信任,需要从制度上完善对商业银行按揭贷款风险的防范。

    Since the financial security was arising from the trust towards the systems , optimizing the commercial bank mortgage loan risk prevention systematically was needed .

  3. 他希望查询有关银行按揭的详细内容。

    He would like to ask you details about mortgage loans .

  4. 办理了银行按揭贷款手续;

    Complete the procedure of getting a mortgage loan from the bank ?

  5. 他们会为你解答有关交易手续及银行按揭贷款的问题。

    They will answer all the mortgage and legal questions you may have .

  6. 同时,我们需要了解银行按揭贷款安排。

    Also , we must talk to the bank for the mortgage arrangement .

  7. 专业从事:二手房交易买卖、政策咨询、银行按揭、代办过户、低压贷款。

    Specialized in : second-hand housing transaction policy advice mortgage banks transfer agents low-pressure loans .

  8. 我希望知道有多少种银行按揭方法可供选择。

    I would like to know the different kinds of home investment plans your bank offers .

  9. 我们认为,在处理银行按揭付款购买商品房的合同纠纷时,应妥善处理房地产开发商、商业银行与消费者三者之间的利益。

    An effective way should be found to reconcile the interest conflicts among the bank , the real estate developer and customers in handling such cases .

  10. 综上所述,以当前经济形势为背景,以当前各种经济现象为依据,研究商业银行按揭贷款风险是极其必要的。

    In summary , the current economic situation as the background to the current range of economic phenomena based on the risk of mortgage loans in commercial banks is extremely necessary .

  11. 由于在商品房消费中存在着资金大、成本高、周期长、群体多等诸多融资特点,因而,为银行按揭提供了巨大的发展空间。

    As the consumption of commercial housing in the capital , high costs , long time , many groups and many other features of financing , thus , for the mortgage bank has provided tremendous room for development .

  12. 第三部分介绍银行按揭风险控制的一般做法及经验,以期对我国个人住房按揭贷款业务的良性发展提供宝贵的借鉴作用。

    The third part introduces the general ways of doing and experience about the risk of residential & commercial mortgages controlling in the bank , and gives our country valuable experiences about the development of personal housing mortgage loan .

  13. 我们选了ABC银行办理按揭。

    C : We chose ABC Bank for mortgage loan .

  14. 一个地区银行的按揭部门计划自动化一个贷款申请过程。

    A mortgage unit of a regional bank is planning to automate a loan application process .

  15. 银行住宅按揭业务的竞争令置业人士受惠,银行亦有效地管理有关风险。

    Competition among banks for residential mortgage business is benefiting homebuyers , and banks are managing the related risks effectively .

  16. 此外,中国房地产市场的杠杆比率远低于美国,银行向按揭购房者要求的首付比例很高。

    Moreover , the market is much less leveraged than the US , with banks asking for substantial initial down-payments from mortgage customers .

  17. 透过配售银行发售按揭证券公司债券的新机制,让一般投资者在认购及买卖债券时更感方便,证明非常有效。

    The new mechanism of offering HKMC notes through placing banks has proved to be highly effective in making the subscription process more convenient for the retail investors .

  18. 在商品房按揭的实务中,所涉主体主要包括银行(按揭权人)、购房者(按揭人)、开发商。

    In the practice of the real estate mortgage , the involved subjects including the main banks ( mortgage owners ), the buyers ( the mortgagor ) and the developer .

  19. 对银行收取按揭贷款买房人提前还贷违约金所持的理由进行驳斥,认为贷款人提前还贷的行为符合《合同法》关于借款合同的规定,也不违背国际上的通行作法;

    The paper has a refutation to the reasons held by the banks that collect the penalties which are paid by the housing-consumers with the mortgage loans repaying loans ahead of time .

  20. 虽然银行和按揭投资者不会非常喜欢这种做法,但有足够的研究证明,如果我们建立的机制能让人们更容易地在财务方面做出正确选择,就会有更多的人进行这样的选择。

    While this approach won 't be very popular with banks or mortgage investors , there 's plenty of research that shows that creating systems where it 's easier to make the right choice about your finances will lead to more people making those choices .

  21. 在这个市场上,投资银行将按揭贷款、汽车贷款、企业债券和其它许多类型的债券一次次地打包和再打包,然后出售给各种投资者从养老金、保险集团,到对冲基金和银行的交易部门。

    In this world , mortgages , car loans , corporate bonds and many other types of debt are packaged and repackaged by investment banks and sold on to all sorts of investors , from pension funds and insurance groups to hedge funds and bank trading desks .

  22. 在简述G银行个人住房按揭贷款业务开展情况和风险管理现状后,通过介绍G银行当前具有代表意义的典型违约案例,全面展现个人住房按揭贷款的风险。

    After brief description of the development and risk management of personal housing mortgage loan operation of G Bank , Chapter One reveals the risk factors in personal housing mortgage loan business by demonstration of some real irregular cases in G Bank .

  23. 银行对个人按揭贷款有严格的规定。

    Banks have strict regulations when granting mortgage loans to individuals .

  24. 银行提供七成按揭。

    The Bank provides a 70 % mortgage .

  25. 介绍了住房倒按揭的基本原理,阐述了以倒按揭方式解决社会养老问题的优势,同时还分析了目前银行开展倒按揭业务所存在的制约因素。

    This paper introduces the principle , advantages and restriction factors of reverse mortgage .

  26. 因此,国内银行对住房按揭贷款的市场竞争非常激烈。

    Therefore , the domestic banks for housing mortgage loans in a very competitive market .

  27. 在房价走低的时候,银行对新按揭——和损失处理得小心翼翼。

    Banks are wary of new mortgages - and losses - while prices are falling .

  28. 本章主要介绍我国商业银行个人住房按揭贷款市场现状及业务特点,然后详细分析了借款人提前还款的决策。

    This chapter introduces the situation and business characteristics in commercial bank individual housing mortgage market of our country .

  29. 美国次贷危机根源是银行次级住房按揭贷款的高违约率。

    The root causes of sub-loan crisis in the United States was high default rate of sub-housing mortgage loan .

  30. 与此同时,商业银行商品房按揭贷款的不良贷款率和违约率不断上升。

    Meanwhile , the non-performing loan and default rate in Commercial banks for commercial housing mortgage loan keep rising .