
  1. 中国工商银行市值称冠全球。

    The ICBC is the world 's largest lender by market value .

  2. 目前,在全球上市银行市值排行榜上,工商银行位居榜首。

    ICBC recently topped the ranking of global listed banks in terms of market value .

  3. 自去年信贷危机开始以来,这家美国资产规模最大的储蓄银行市值已缩水95%。

    The largest thrift by assets in the US has seen its market capitalisation shrink by 95 per cent since the credit crunch began last year .

  4. 但商业银行的市值最大并不代表其价值最大。

    However the highest market value does not represent the highest value .

  5. 现在中国五大银行的市值仅略微超过其账面价值。

    Now the five biggest in China trade at just over book value .

  6. 德意志银行的市值为230亿美元(大致相当于其账面价值的三分之一)。

    that of Deutsche , $ 23bn ( about one third of book value ) .

  7. 这些银行的市值已适时飙升。

    Their market valuations duly soared .

  8. 这一估计亏损额与一些分析师的预期相符,纽约股市午盘时该股上涨3%至45.40美元,以此推算,该银行的市值仅略高于2000亿美元。

    The estimated losses were in line with some analysts ' expectations and the shares were up 3 per cent at $ 45.40 at noon in New York , valuing the bank at just over $ 200bn .

  9. 他们表示,他将重点放在大型金融公司的方法是可扩展的,因为大型银行的市值非常之大,可以在不扭曲市场的情况下对它们进行大手笔投资。

    His approach , which focuses on large financial companies , is scalable , they note , because the market capitalisation of the big banks is so great that significant investments can be made without distorting the markets .

  10. 按某些标准计算,中国工商银行是全球市值最大的金融机构。以中国石油为例,该公司在上海的首次公开募股(IPO)仅向国内投资者出售了2.2%的股份。

    PetroChina , for example , sold a mere 2.2 % of its share capital to domestic investors in its Shanghai initial public offering .

  11. 西方银行当前的市值大多远低于其账面价值。

    Most Western banks are trading at well below their book value .

  12. 毫不奇怪,这些银行的股票市值较两周前的低点上涨了约50%。

    It is no surprise that stock market capitalisation of the banks has risen about 50 per cent from the lows of two weeks ago .

  13. 各国央行如果在这个价位买入,并威胁再次使用火力,就能为银行板块的市值提供支撑。

    Buying at these prices , and threatening to re-use their firepower , central banks will put a floor under the market value of the sector .

  14. 中资银行目前的市值勉强与账面资产持平市账率仅为6个月前的一半,几乎与一些欧元区银行在同一水平。

    Chinese banks are now valued on stock markets at barely the value of their underlying assets half the rate of even six months ago , and almost in line with some eurozone peers .

  15. 例如,西班牙的银行,包括欧洲市值第二大银行桑坦德银行(bancosantander),迄今相对没有受到信贷危机的影响。

    Spanish banks for example , including Banco Santander ( the second biggest bank in Europe by market capitalisation ) have so far escaped relatively unscathed .

  16. 举例来说,中国国内银行拥有庞大的市值和资产。

    Chinese banks , for instance , have massive market capitalisation and assets .

  17. 而大多数大银行都不会面临市值严重缩水的情况。

    And most big banks wouldn 't face anywhere near as severe a market-value hit .

  18. 那是因为银行将更多依据市值来计算其表内资产的价值,从而令这些资产的价值像股价一样起伏不定。

    That is because banks are using market values for more of the assets they hold on their books , meaning their prices fluctuate like those of stocks .

  19. 假设问题在于丧失偿付能力,且美国商业银行谨慎估计的市值(约4000亿美元)得自政府支持。

    Assume that the problem is insolvency and the modest market value of US commercial banks ( about $ 400bn ) derives from government support ( see charts ) .

  20. 持有希腊债务的法国银行这几天市值蒸发,意味着他们所持有的希腊债务完全亏损。

    French banks that hold Greek debt have seen their market values fall in the last few days , which imply a total loss on all their Greek debt holdings .

  21. 在西方同行为生存而挣扎之时,中国的银行如今囊括全球市值最大银行的前三位,并将在未来数周披露创纪录的2008年全年利润。

    While their Western counterparts struggle for survival , Chinese banks are now the first , second and third largest in the world by market capitalisation and will report record full-year 2008 profits in the coming weeks .

  22. 整体品牌价值降幅最大的4家机构美国运通(americanexpress)、加拿大皇家银行(rbc)、花旗和美国银行品牌价值占市值的比例都出现上升。

    Four big fallers in terms of overall brand value American Express , RBC , Citi and Bank of America all saw their brand value rise as a percentage of market capitalisation .

  23. 这项协议被称作工商银行与标准银行之间的重大战略合作。工商银行是全球市值最大的银行,而标准银行则拥有很高的声望,已成功地在非洲18个国家开展了业务。

    The agreement is billed as a major strategic partnership between ICBC , the world 's biggest bank in terms of market capitalisation , and Standard Bank , a highly respected company that has successfully established a presence in 18 African countries .

  24. 全球市值最大的10家银行中,中国占4家,英国1家,中国工商银行的市值可以买两个汇丰还要多一些。

    Among the 10 biggest banks in the world , 4 are from China and 1 is from UK . The market value of ICBC ( Industrial and Commercial Bank of China ) can buy two HSBCs and still with a bit of surplus .