
  • 网络low-risk investment;low risk investment
  1. 因此,选择一个稳定、低风险投资项目就成为房地产投资的确保条件。

    So , to choose a stable , continuous , and low risk investment project , will become the real estate investment assuring conditions .

  2. 所以要记住,低风险投资取决于你对低风险的定义,一些名义上是低风险的东西,可能并不是真的风险很低。

    So , remember , a low risk investment depends on your definition of low risk . Something defined as low risk may not entirely be low risk .

  3. 电力股仍然是低风险投资。

    Electricity shares are still a safe investment

  4. 郁金香财务研究的管理合伙人约翰•克莱门斯(JohnClemens)称:长期来看,这些公司的股票仍普遍被视为低风险投资。

    They are still broadly perceived as low-risk investments over the long term , said John Clemens , Tulip managing partner .

  5. 典型的低风险投资是政府债券和银行存款。

    Classic low-risk investments are government stocks and bank deposits .

  6. 谢谢收看本期“低风险投资指南”节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Make Low Risk Investments

  7. 以上内容就是如何做低风险投资。

    And that 's how to make low risk investments ..

  8. 威廉是一名基金经理,专责管理多只属低风险投资的单位信托基金。

    William is a fund manager who manages a number of Asian unit trusts comprising of low stake .

  9. 零售债券不仅为发行机构提供多一个具成本效益的集资渠道,同时亦能满足投资者对提供稳定收入的低风险投资工具的需求。

    Not only do retail bonds offer issuers an additional channel for raising funds at competitive costs , they also meet investors demand for low risk investment vehicles with a stable income .

  10. 一个人存款的70%应该进行低风险投资,而剩下的30%,理财专家经常建议将其用于一些有把握的高风险投资。

    It is usually advised that at least 70 % of a person 's savings should be in low-risk investments but for the rest , financial advisors often advise taking some well-informed risks .

  11. 本文研究结果表明,较高的盈利要求将导致经理选择高风险的投资项目,即使该投资项目的预期收益未必高于低风险投资项目。

    Our analysis shows that a higher earning requirement would induce managers to take risky investment projects , even if the expected return of the risky investment projects may not be higher than those of riskless ones .

  12. “高净值”客户群通常只进行较为简单的低风险投资,不会给银行带来大额利润,而更加富有的精英客户则日益要求传统上卖给大企业的高回报产品和服务,比如私人股本交易。

    While the " high net worth " group tend to stick to simpler low-risk investments that do not generate such big profits for the bank , the wealthier elite increasingly require higher-margin products and services private equity deals , for example that are traditionally sold to big companies .

  13. 对于回报级别,不存在其他低风险的投资组合,或者

    For its level of return , there is no other portfolio with less risk , or

  14. 如果您是一名投资新手,您应当从低风险的投资组合开始。

    If you are new to investments , you should probably start with a lower risk portfolio .

  15. 这就意味着,资本市场需要更多的投资渠道,特别是具有低风险的投资渠道。

    It means that the capital market needs many investment channels , especially those which have low risks .

  16. 在做低风险市场投资的时候,要记住每个人关于风险的观点是不一样的。这样你才能确保自己所做的是正确的选择。

    When making a low risk investment , keep in mind that not everyone 's idea of low risk is the same .

  17. 对股东来说,新创银行是一项低风险的投资,因为过去10年中,美国仅有4家此类银行倒闭。

    For shareholders , de novo banks represent a low-risk investment , with only four such banks having failed in the US in the past 10 years .

  18. 成熟的国债市场,是一个国家金融市场的基石,不但为我国金融体系提供巨大的流动性资本,而且为全社会投资者提供了低风险的投资工具,同时也是央行货币政策的重要载体。

    A mature national-debt market is the foundation of a country 's financial market and offers much liquidity and a low-risk investment for investors as well as an important carrier of the Central Bank 's monetary policy .

  19. 企业孵化器与风险投资存在互补性:企业孵化器资金不足,孵化企业的管理水平低;而风险投资则可供的项目少。

    For example , business incubator lacks funds and the management level of incubate enterprises are low , but there are few projects which can be supported by venture capital .

  20. 研究结果表明:(1)与发达大国相比,我国个人投资者更偏好无风险资产,消费倾向不足,金融资产的证券化程度较低,风险资产投资比例较低。

    The results of the study show : Firstly , China 's individual investors prefer more safe assets to risky assets than individual investors of developed countries , the consumption preference is low , and the level of financial asset securitization is also low .

  21. 从国外经验看,我国应通过建立低层次的风险投资交易市场,发展和完善技术产权交易所,建立高新技术企业评价机制等来构建我国多层次的风险投资体系。

    Learning from the foreign experience , China should set up the multilevel venture investment system : creating low level venture investment exchange market , developing and perfecting the exchange institution of technical asset right , setting up evaluation mechanism of high tech enterprises .

  22. 为了追求高回报和低风险,新的投资战略变得越来越重要。

    New investment strategies are becoming more important in order to minimize risk and to maintain high portfolio returns .

  23. 在投资过程中,高收益总是与高风险相伴,低风险经常与低收益相生,低风险高收益的投资机会往往转瞬即逝,而高风险低收益的投资项目也会被投资者放弃。

    In the investment process , high yield is always accompanied with high-risk , low risk and low income relative to regular students , low-risk and high return investment opportunities are often fleeting , and the high risk and low return of investment projects will be abandoned by investors .