
  • 网络maturity mismatch;term mismatch
  1. 另外,不同商业银行存贷期限错配流动性风险的影响因素也有区别。

    The factors influencing liquidity risk caused by maturity mismatch of commercial banks are also different .

  2. 为保持灵活性及尽量减低借贷成本,我们会借取短期贷款,并会小心管理期限错配的风险。

    To maintain flexibility and minimise the cost of borrowing , we would tap the short end of the market while being careful in the management of the maturity mismatch .

  3. 上市公司投融资期限错配及其风险研究

    Mismatch of Listed Company 's Debt and Investment Maturity Structure and Its Risks

  4. 资产与负债期限错配

    Maturity mismatching of assets and liabilities

  5. 由于银行资产负债期限错配等因素决定了流动性风险是商业银行面对的最核心的风险。

    Liquidity risk that mainly causes by term mismatch is hard-core risk faced by commercial bank .

  6. 内生因素包括期限错配和风险转换;外生因素包括挤兑、理财市场的兴起等。

    Endogenous factors include structure mismatch and risk transformation . Exogenous factors include runs , the rise of financial market .

  7. 其中,资产与负债的期限错配问题是导致我国商业银行创造过量流动性的关键。

    The mismatched term structure of assets and liabilities is a key factor which leads to Chinese commercial banks to create excess liquidity .

  8. 这些限额和比率看似简单,但事实证明,它们在抑制期限错配、降低大型银行对资本市场融资的严重依赖方面十分有效。

    Those limits and ratios look simple , but they have proved effective in containing maturity mismatches and reducing large banks ' heavy reliance on capital market funding .

  9. 东亚各国或地区在1997-99金融危机后,意识到发展本地债券市场对于降低币种错配和期限错配的积极作用,在政府推定下,各国或地区债券市场获得了迅速的发展。

    After the Asia crisis , people realized that a deep and healthy local bond market was able to reduce the degree of the mismatch of currency and tenor .

  10. 然后根据企业和银行信贷链的关联,对企业融资中的期限错配和货币错配加剧银行脆弱性进行分析。

    Then , based on the relationship of credit chain between banks and enterprises , the intensification of bank fragility caused by maturity mismatches and currency mismatches of enterprises are analyzed .

  11. 银行存贷款业务萎缩、期限错配和直接融资规模扩张等是市场化资源配置结果,也是资本逐利的结果。

    Bank deposit and loan business shrink , maturity mismatches and direct financing scale expansion , Etc. were the result of market allocation of resources , and also the reflection of profit-driven .

  12. 但是,论文第五章在长时间窗口下得出相反的结论。四家样本银行的资产平均到期日与负债平均到期日相差较大,资产、负债期限错配情况突出。

    However , in Chapter V there are four sample banks in the average maturity of assets and liabilities of the larger difference between the average maturity date , assets , liabilities underscores the maturity mismatch .

  13. 已有对存贷期限错配流动性风险的研究大多集中在定性分析上,缺少对风险的计量和影响因素的定量分析。

    The majority of existing researches on the liquidity risk caused by maturity mismatch are from the qualitative analysis perspective , rarely devoted to quantitative measurement and influencing factors for liquidity risk caused by maturity mismatch .

  14. 为促使银行更好地管理流动性并避免期限错配,新规定还将把银行间贷款的最长期限设定为一年。

    In a bid to force banks to manage their liquidity better and avoid maturity mismatches such as the one that roiled markets in June , the new rules would also limit interbank loans to a maximum of one year .

  15. 最后,根据巴塞尔Ⅲ有关流动性风险的监管内容,本文在对我国商业银行存贷期限错配的流动性风险识别、计量以及影响因素分析的基础上,提出了管理流动性风险的相关对策建议。

    Finally , after the study of recognition , measurement and the factors influencing liquidity risk of deposit and loan maturity mismatch , this paper puts forward some counter measures for better managing the liquidity risk in the framework of Basel III.

  16. 其次,私人部门风险管理、信息披露和金融监管部门都滞后于金融创新和商业模式的转变,从而导致过度冒险、担保薄弱、期限错配和资产价格膨胀。

    Secondly , the private sector risk management , information disclosure and financial supervision depart - ments have lagged behind in financial innovation and business model changes , leading to excessive risk , weak security , maturity mismatch and asset price inflation .

  17. 商业信贷中应收款和应付款普遍的期限错配特征,形成在宏观紧缩政策冲击下银行信贷渠道和商业信贷渠道交互作用机制下的资金链风险。

    The receivables and payables in the commercial credit featuring term mismatch entail risks of capital chain , which arise from the interaction between " banking credit channel " and " commercial credit channel " under the impact of macro austerity policy .

  18. 此外,此类产品有很多是以短期资金为融资来源,因此容易受到期限错配的冲击(此类产品的投资期限通常只有几个月,而它们所资助的项目往往是长期的)。

    In addition , many of these products are funded with short-term capital , making them vulnerable to a maturity mismatch , since these products generally have a life of only a few months while the projects they finance are often long term .

  19. 中国银行业长期面临的资产负债期限结构错配的问题正日趋严重。

    The problem of term structure mismatch in the assets-liability management of China 's commercial banks is becoming more and more serious .

  20. 本文结合目前我国商业银行普遍存在的资产负债期限结构错配的现状,分析了产生流动性风险和利率风险的可能性,并认为利率风险是因流动性风险而派生出的风险。

    This paper analyses the probability of liquid and interest rate risks based on the actual situations of unmatched period structure of assets and liabilities widely exiting in Chinese commercial banks .

  21. 随着我国商业银行资产负债期限结构错配导致流动性风险隐患的日益增强,以及银行监管所要求的资本量增加,使得作为风险转移方式之一的信贷资产证券化应运而生。

    As the liquidity risk arising from the mismatch of credit assets to debts expands and the supervision capital by bank increases , credit asset securitization is an inevitable choice for Chinese commercial bank to enhance the credit asset liquidity .