
  • 网络Heremakono;Waiting for Happiness
  1. 贴窗花通常带有吉祥图案的窗花传递节日喜庆和热闹的气氛和表达中国人期待幸福生活的美好愿望。

    Pasting Paper-cuts Paper-cuts , usually with auspicious patterns , give a happy and prosperous atmosphere of the Festival and express the good wishes of Chinese people looking forward to a good life .

  2. 我们期待着幸福的你来敲门!东式映画工作室的工作乐趣在于凝刻最美好的瞬间,使之成为永恒爱情的延续。

    D.vision studio works pleasure is the best moment coagulation carved , make it become the continuation of the eternal love .

  3. 碰到高兴的时候,谁也没有她那样开心,那样乐观地期待着幸福的到来,仿佛期待本身就是一种幸福似的。

    In seasons of cheerfulness , no temper could be more cheerful than hers , or possess , in a greater degree , that sanguine expectation of happiness which is happiness itself .

  4. 我们期待着那幸福一刻,期待着你们的莅临。

    We expect that amazing moment , and your presence .

  5. 孩子们兴高采烈的拥抱让人高兴,但伴侣之间累积的怨恨导致的争吵,可能会毁掉期待多时的幸福团聚。

    Being greeted with hugs from excited children feels exhilarating , but arguments arising from brewing resentments bet & # 173 ; ween partners can spoil an anticipated blissful reunion .

  6. 更求你大发慈悲,保佑我们脱免罪恶,并在一切困扰中,获得安全,使我们虔诚期待永生的幸福,和救主耶稣的来临。

    In your mercy keep us free from sin and protect us from all anxiety as we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Savior , Jesus Christ .

  7. 由于我们大多数有关婚姻的观点都继承自我们家人、同辈朋友和社会群体,因此当我最近读到塔拉·帕克·蒲伯的《期待更好:幸福婚姻的科学》一书时,我被书中对婚姻关系的科学探索所吸引。

    Since we inherit most of our conceptions of marriage from our families , peers and social groups , I was drawn to Tara Parker-Pope 's scientific exploration of relationships in For Better : The Science of a Good Marriage .

  8. 从小我就像薰衣草一样,期待并等待着幸福的到来。

    I grew up just like lavender and look forward to and await the arrival of well-being .

  9. 你一直都知道是你自己让你置身于此,并且因为期待着一个幸福的结局而让你一直奋勇向前。

    You always knew what you were letting yourselves in for , and the promise of a happy ending has kept you going .

  10. 每天都期待一点小幸福,去院子里喝喝咖啡,浏览一本自己喜欢的杂志,拜访自己喜欢的好友,享受自己喜欢的曲奇…..

    Have a small pleasure to look forward to every day : coffee out on the patio , going through a favorite magazine , visiting a beloved friend , baking cookies ...