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  • 网络Expect too much
  1. 期望过高是不明智的。

    It would be unwise to expect too much

  2. 不要对他的主意期望过高。

    Don 't expect too much of his idea .

  3. 没确定之前别告诉她工作的事——我们不想让她期望过高。

    Don 't tell her about the job until you know for sure ─ we don 't want to raise her hopes .

  4. 我必须警告你不要期望过高。

    I must warn you against raising your hopes .

  5. 人们对g20期望过高。

    Expectations of the G20 were over-stated .

  6. 但是,作为首位坚决要求国会通过削减碳排放法案的美国总统,奥巴马已开始受到外界对其期望过高的困扰这与小布什(georgew.bush)得到的待遇截然相反。

    But Mr Obama , who is the first US president to push strongly for Congress to enact cuts in its carbon emissions , is beginning to suffer from the problem of high expectations an exact reversal of how George W. Bush was treated .

  7. 但王国伟不应期望过高。

    But Mr Wang should not get his hopes too high .

  8. 是非题:大家常常对我期望过高。

    True or False : People often expect too much of me .

  9. 我非常着意不要让大家期望过高。

    I am anxious not to build up false hopes .

  10. 我们的父母对我们总是期望过高。

    Our parents are always expecting too much of us .

  11. 社会、家庭期望过高,支持不足;

    Society and families have high expectation yet less support ;

  12. 我对别人的能力期望过高。

    I expect others to perform beyond their capacities .

  13. 请不要对我期望过高。

    Dont expect too much of me , please .

  14. 对政治家期望过高是会引发很多问题的。

    High expectations can cause problems for politicians .

  15. 人们对阿拉伯政治和经济所抱的期望过高了。

    Political and economic expectations are too high .

  16. 不要对他期望过高;

    Eg. Don 't expect much of him ;

  17. 对事情不要期望过高,对人不要要求太严厉。

    Things don 't expect too much , the people do not request too strict .

  18. 但秦大河表示,其它国家不应对中国期望过高。

    However , Mr Qin said other countries should not expect too much of China .

  19. 有教育专家表示,课业学习方面的“红衫行为”其实是幼儿园方面对孩子们期望过高导致的。

    Academic redshirting is a result of higher expectations of kindergartners , some educators say .

  20. 莎拉,好消息,我不想让你期望过高

    Sarah , great news . I didn 't want to get your hopes up .

  21. 社会公众对审计的期望过高;

    Over-high public expectation for audit ;

  22. 你对我期望过高了,我星期五以前干不完这项工作。

    You expect too much of me ! I can 't finish this job by Friday .

  23. 父母应与学校多沟通,防止期望过高对学生产生巨大的压力。

    Parents should communicate with the school and prevent excessive pressure on undergraduates for high expectations .

  24. 由于我都没想到自己能来参赛,所以我也就没对自己期望过高。

    I 'm not expecting a lot from myself because little did I know that I would be here .

  25. 这孩子的父母对他期望过高,随之不可避免的结果是他们失望了。

    The boy 's parents expected too much of him , with the inevitable result that they were disappointed .

  26. 这也怨我,你父亲对你期望过高。

    Mother : This is partly my fault . I. .. I let your father get your hopes up .

  27. 不要对外形的变化期望过高,整容应该有个限度,切记安全第一。

    Do not expect too much from changing your appearance . There are limitations and safety should be the priority .

  28. 不必我得说我对你有点期望过高了我是说你的确很迷人但是

    No , I gotta say , Iexpecteda little more . I mean , you are charming enough , but ...

  29. 从某种意义上说,她是受到了广告的哄骗,因此对此产品期望过高。

    In a sense she was misled by the advertisement 's claims , and expected too much of the product .

  30. 心理问题表现为手术愿望强烈、对手术期望过高、羞涩、焦虑、孤僻等。

    Psychological problems were strong desire for operation , too much expectation from surgery , shyness , anxiety and dissocial psychology .