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  • prison clothes;prisoner's garb;clothes of prisoners
  1. 给他脱了囚服。他终身常在巴比伦王面前吃饭。

    So Jehoiachin put aside his prison clothes and for the rest of his life ate regularly at the king 's table .

  2. 囚犯们不必忍受身穿囚服的侮辱。

    Prisoners are spared the indignity of wearing uniforms

  3. 我们接受他们的施舍,穿上他们的囚服?

    We take their offer and put their uniform on ?

  4. 我还以为可以看到你不穿囚服呢。

    I was hoping I 'd never see you in purple again .

  5. 真难以理解为什么你囚服不离身。

    Can 't understand why that rap career didn 't take off .

  6. 我想我穿橙色的囚服可不好看。

    I don 't think I 'd look good in an orange jumpsuit .

  7. 我们讨论了囚服的演变过程。

    We discussed the progress of the jail suit .

  8. 穿囚服的囚犯拖着脚步地跟在警卫后面,入牢房前还会鞠躬。

    Uniformed prisoners shuffle in lockstep behind guards and bow before entering rooms .

  9. 那个穿着囚服的人是因为那件著名的暗杀而被指控的。

    The man who was in prison array was accused of the famous assassination .

  10. 你这套新制服不错哦,完全没有囚服的感觉。

    Yeah . I like the new uniform , and it isn 't at all prison-y.

  11. 女性一旦犯罪,必须被强制穿囚服、戴刑具。

    Once the women crime , they were forced to wear prison uniform and instruments of torture .

  12. 他记起了曾被刺光头发,被迫换上囚服的耻辱。

    He recalled the humiliation of having his hair shorn and being forced to exchange his clothes for the prison uniform .

  13. 但是这样的情况非常罕见。因此,除非当你发现你像是穿上了监狱连体衣(囚服貌似是橘红色)一样,否则,就大快朵颐吧。

    But the conditions is rare , so unless you notice yourself turning into aprison jumpsuit , feel free to chow down .

  14. 监狱里,狱警咆哮着命令新囚犯们抓紧时间通过他们的“欢迎”程序――洗澡并领取自己的囚服。

    Inside , a correctional officer barks out orders as new inmates walk through their welcoming process . Here , inmates shower and receive prison uniforms .

  15. 雪花纷飞,寒风刺骨。寒风象一把刀子透过他薄薄的囚服刺入骨髓。

    Snowflakes were drifting down and the piercing wind chilled me to the marrow . The wind was cutting through his thin prison uniform like a knife .

  16. 据称,她对服装品牌的兴趣始于三年零三个月前,在安娜穿过囚服回到祖国之后。

    Her interest in a clothes brand all began three years and three months ago when Anna returned to Motherland after jail in a prison shirt , said a statement .

  17. 有些工厂还要求不同聘用状态的工人身着不同颜色的“囚服”,就像奥尔德斯•赫胥黎在《美丽新世界》中描述的阿尔法和爱普西隆一样。

    At some factories workers wear jumpsuits of different colours according to their employment status & akin to the alphas and epsilons of Aldous Huxley 's " Brave New World " .

  18. 据称,她对服装品牌的兴趣“始于三年零三个月前,在安娜穿过囚服回到祖国之后”。

    Her interest in a clothes brand " all began three years and three months ago when Anna returned to Motherland after jail in a prison shirt , " said a statement .