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qiú jìn
  • imprison;put in jail;put in prison;keep in captivity;put in jail be sent to gaol (prison);cast (put) sb.into gaol (prison);captivity
囚禁 [qiú jìn]
  • [imprison;put in jail be sent to gaol (prison);cast (put) sb.into gaol (prison)] 关进监狱;监禁

囚禁[qiú jìn]
  1. 如果你要用魔法比如说囚禁我

    and if you were to use it to say ... imprison me

  2. 你们将我们囚禁,你们也会被囚禁。

    As you imprison us , you will be imprisoned .

  3. 这名囚犯已被单独囚禁了一个多星期。

    The prisoner has been held incommunicado for more than a week .

  4. 她被继续囚禁在一所外国的监狱里。

    She continues to languish in a foreign prison .

  5. 他被囚禁了两年。

    He was held prisoner for two years .

  6. 他和其他10名犯人被囚禁在一间狭窄的牢房里。

    He is cooped up in a cramped cell with 10 other inmates

  7. 在被囚禁一段时间之后,她宣布放弃恐怖主义。

    After a period of imprisonment she renounced terrorism

  8. 如果不是出于某种恶毒的目的,为什么把整村人囚禁起来?

    Why make a whole village prisoner if it was not to some nefarious purpose ?

  9. 包括美国兵在内的2,500名外国战俘一直被囚禁在坦波夫附近的战俘营。

    2,500 foreign prisoners-of-war , including Americans , had been held in camps near Tambov .

  10. 觉得情况可疑的邻居们报警后,被囚禁在地下室里的一名女子获了救。

    A woman kept prisoner in a basement was rescued after suspicious neighbours tipped off police .

  11. 这张照片让人们猜测这3个人还活着,而且被囚禁起来了。

    The picture gave rise to speculation that the three were still alive and being held captive .

  12. 如果某人遭到长时间囚禁,他会因为他的经历而有所改变。

    If someone has been in captivity for a long time , he will have changed as a result of his experience

  13. 他对自己不公正的被俘极为怨愤,正是这股怨愤使他得以熬过囚禁生涯。

    He was able to deal with his captivity by maintaining a high degree of anger about the unfairness of his capture .

  14. 敌人将他囚禁了两个月。

    The enemy held him prisoner for two months .

  15. 在那些遭受囚禁和酷刑的漫长岁月里,他始终坚贞不屈。

    Through those long years of imprisonment and torture , he remained faithful and unyielding .

  16. 那位游击队员终于从囚禁他的屋子里逃了出来。

    The guerrilla fighter managed to break out of the room where he was imprisoned .

  17. 人云亦云。2.captive的意思是囚徒;猎获物;(尤指)战俘,相关搭配是hold/takesbcaptive。理查德经历了1年零6周的囚禁之后,终于在2月4日被释放。

    Richard was finally released on February 4 , one year and six weeks after he 'd been taken captive .

  18. 我的泰坦兄弟就被囚禁在山脉的深处。

    My Titan brother slumbers deep inside his mountain prison . Go .

  19. 它骄傲并狡猾,非常喜欢囚禁敌人并剥夺他们的智力

    Proud and intelligent , it takes great pleasure and imprisoning enemies through psionic exploitation .

  20. 离子囚禁技术与射频共振吸收检测囚禁N2~+离子

    Ions trapping and detection of radio frequency resonance absorption

  21. Paul阱中被囚禁三离子体系的经典分析

    Classical Analysis for the System of Three Ions in paul Trap

  22. Paul阱中被囚禁离子质心运动k分量相干态的压缩效应

    K component Coherent States of Ion in the Paul Trap and their Squeezing Properties

  23. Paul阱中离子云囚禁时间的分析

    Analysis of the Traping Time of the Ion-cloud Stored in a Paul Trap

  24. 实现了Rb原子的激光冷却与囚禁。

    Laser cooling and trapping of Rb atoms was realized .

  25. Rb原子磁光阱中囚禁原子数目与实验参数的依赖关系

    Dependence of number of trapped atoms on the experimental parameters of Rb magneto-optical trap

  26. 提出了一个快速制备N个囚禁离子集体运动的量子相干叠加态方案。方案中使用了单个驻波激光场与离子的载波共振。

    A fast procedure is presented to produce the quantum-interference states forthe collective motion of N trapped ions using a single standing-wave field resonant with the ionic carrier frequency .

  27. 本文通过非线性变换技术和特殊设计的B样条基函数方法计算了囚禁于巴基球内的氢原子的电子能级随偏心距离及势阱深度的变化。

    The energy levels of H atoms confined in the off-center of the fullerence molecular C_ ( 60 ) have been calculated by using a nonlinear algebraic mapping technique and B-spline method .

  28. Rb原子的激光囚禁

    Laser Trapping of Rubidium Atoms

  29. 采用高分辨激光光谱方法,在较高温度条件下,实验观察到Na原子能量自囚禁加剧特征。

    The character of heavily radiation trapping which caused the acceleration of atoms was observed at high temperature via high-resolution laser spectroscopy technique .

  30. Valentine在被囚禁的日子里,与监狱长那盲眼的女儿相爱了。

    During the days that Valentine was imprisoned , he fell in love with the blind daughter of his jailer .