
qiú yī
  • Prison clothes;prison garb;stripes
囚衣 [qiú yī]
  • [convict uniforms;prisoner's garb] 特制供罪犯穿的服装

  1. 为营造一个持久性的大场面,几十位改革派人士身披囚衣,拉开了公审的序幕。

    Promising to be a prolonged spectacle , it was launched with a parade of scores of prominent reformists in prison garb .

  2. 穿条纹囚衣的犯人。

    A convict in striped prison garb .

  3. 43岁的VictorBout乘坐独立的囚车,囚衣内身穿防弹背心,由大量武装押送至泰国法庭。

    The 43-year-old Victor Bout arrived at the Thai court under heavy armed escort in a separate van and wearing a bullet proof jacket over his prisoner uniform .

  4. 他羡慕那些穿着囚衣的苦工。

    He sighed for the galleys , with their infamous costume .

  5. 我们有很合身的囚衣,放心。

    We got a jumpsuit just your size , don 't worry .

  6. 在土伦,他穿上红色囚衣。

    At Toulon he was clothed in the red cassock .

  7. 他穿着橘红色的囚衣,躺在犯人的铺位上。

    He is wearing an orange prison jumpsuit and lying on a prison bunk .

  8. 你看,因为他们都穿着囚衣,谁都知道他们是罪犯。

    You see , everybody 'll know that they 're convicts because of their stripes .

  9. 脱去他的囚衣,以后一生日日与王共进饮食。

    And he changed his prison garments , and he ate bread before him always all the days of his life .

  10. 在这种乡下地方,一个人穿着囚衣形迹鬼祟,就好像婚礼蛋糕上的蟑螂一样醒目。

    Shawshank is no Canon City , but in a rural area a man humping his ass across country in a grey pyjama suit sticks out like a cockroach on a wedding cake .