
qiú tú
  • prisoner;captive;convict
囚徒 [qiú tú]
  • [convict;prisoner] 犯人

囚徒[qiú tú]
  1. 在囚徒困境中,控辩双方所形成的纳什均衡并不是双方受益最大的选择,不能形成帕累托最优。

    Controls in the convict difficult position debates Nash who both sides form balanced is not the both sides maximum gain choice , cannot form Pareto optimum .

  2. 《献给爱米丽的玫瑰》是福克纳著名的短篇小说,主人公爱米丽同时具有传统的维护者、囚徒、受益人和反抗者多个身份。

    In the novel A Rose for Emily , the protagonist Emily is endowed with the images of protecter of the tradition , and its convict , beneficiary and revolter .

  3. 弗朗西·利斯会和她作囚徒的丈夫离婚,嫁给她打网球伙伴吗?

    Will Frances Liss divorce her jailbird husband to marry her tennis pro ?

  4. 人云亦云。2.captive的意思是囚徒;猎获物;(尤指)战俘,相关搭配是hold/takesbcaptive。理查德经历了1年零6周的囚禁之后,终于在2月4日被释放。

    Richard was finally released on February 4 , one year and six weeks after he 'd been taken captive .

  5. 基于证据理论的多Agent重复囚徒困境博弈研究

    Iterated prisoner 's dilemma game with multi-Agent based on evidence theory

  6. 博弈论(囚徒困境模型)论证了企业文化的重要功能,即坚定的共享价值观念(SharedValue)能够摆脱囚徒困境,解决囚徒两难问题。

    The paper mainly applies game theory ( Prisoner 's Dilemma Model ) to the significant function of corporate culture , namely the firmly shared value can help out of the Prisoner 's Dilemma to solve this problem .

  7. 二是WTO的加入使得我国彩电业厂商之间无限次的多时期博弈变为有限次且已知的多时期博弈,这样囚徒困境的纳什均衡就成为彩电业的唯一均衡;

    Secondly , the games among the firms have turned into definite with the entry to the WTO , so the Nash Equilibrium of the " prisoner dilemma " is the only equilibrium of firms .

  8. 而且银行存款的价格竞争具有Bertrand竞争行为,在某些场合下,存款产品市场还可能发生囚徒困境式的价格战。

    And the competitiveness in deposit price is Bertrand style , prisoners ' dilemma occurring in some occasions .

  9. 该文首先阐述了Q-learning的基本学习机制,然后以囚徒困境问题为背景,分析、对比TQ-learning算法与TFT算法,验证了Q-learning算法的优良特性。

    In this paper , We elaborate the learning method of Q-learning algorithm simply , use it in prisoner 's dilemma game and compare it with TFT to show its good character .

  10. 时代华纳(TimeWarnerInc.)旗下华纳兄弟(WarnerBrothers)出品的《囚徒》(Prisoners)排名第二,票房收入1130万美元,该片已经上映两周,累计票房收入3900万美元。

    Holdover drama ' Prisoners ' from Time Warner Inc. 's ( TWX ) Warner Bros. was in second place with $ 11.3 million , bringing its cumulative gross to $ 39 million .

  11. 法官今天将就是否推迟或阻止囚徒释放一事进行判决,然而,根据KevinConnolly从加沙发回的报道,巴基斯坦人已经为释放做好了准备。

    Judges are expected to rule today on a request to delay or block the prisoners'release . However , as Kevin Connolly reports from Gaza , Palestinians are already preparing for their release .

  12. 他作为英国的囚徒,于1821年死在圣赫勒拿岛。

    He died a British prisoner at St. Helena in 1821 .

  13. 列夫钦科真的成了名符其实的囚徒了,这太不象样子。

    Levchenko was a veritable prisoner , which was not healthy .

  14. 从囚徒困境看阳光体育运动的实施

    Implementation of the Sunny Sports Movement from the Prisoner 's Dilemma

  15. 因此,破解“囚徒困境”的方法就是寻求制度创新。

    Therefore , the solution of the dilemma is institution innovation .

  16. 在那里,他度过了五年囚徒时光。

    There , he was kept as a slave for fiveyears .

  17. 浅析知识共享中的囚徒困境

    Analysis of " Prisoner 's Dilemma " for Knowledge Sharing

  18. 我们是我们自己意识的囚徒。

    We are the prisoners in the cage of our own visions .

  19. 我们都是自己思想的囚徒;

    For we 're all prisoners of our own thoughts ;

  20. 囚徒红肿的嘴唇翕动了一下,露齿一笑。

    The prisoner 's swollen mouth widened in a grin ;

  21. 我就在这里,一个困在过去的囚徒。

    I 'm in here , a prisoner of history .

  22. 那是囚徒还是牢房的名字?

    Does it mean a captive , or a place of captivity ?

  23. 这个囚徒被投入监狱任凭他渐渐消瘦下去。

    The prisoner is left to rot in the jail .

  24. 现在,他是俄罗斯最有名的囚徒。

    Today , he 's Russia 's most famous prisoner .

  25. 他们是明星,但同时又是囚徒。

    They are stars , but they are also prisoners .

  26. 告诉我你的父亲是怎样把你变为他的囚徒的。

    Tell me how your father kept you his prisoner .

  27. 那羁身于殿堂的囚徒,如何才能一睹殿堂金碧辉煌的穹窿?

    How can a prisoner within the temple behold its golden domes ?

  28. 复杂网络上重复囚徒困境博弈的研究

    Research of iterated prisoner 's dilemma game on complex network

  29. 以前,我在什么时候表现得像个囚徒?

    In the past , when have I behaved as a Prisoner ?

  30. 爱情的囚徒们&拜伦笔下的女性人物群像

    The Captives of Love & The Female Characters of Byron