
  • 网络Prisoners’ Dilemma;prisoner's dilemma;Prisoner’s dilemma;Prisoner Dilemma
  1. 寡头垄断中的囚徒困境与卡特尔联盟分析

    Analysis of Prisoners Dilemma and Cartel Coalition in Oligopoly

  2. 金融坏帐处置中的囚徒困境与激励设计

    On the " Prisoners Dilemma " and Incentive Mechanism in the NPLs Resolution

  3. 基于证据理论的多Agent重复囚徒困境博弈研究

    Iterated prisoner 's dilemma game with multi-Agent based on evidence theory

  4. 博弈论(囚徒困境模型)论证了企业文化的重要功能,即坚定的共享价值观念(SharedValue)能够摆脱囚徒困境,解决囚徒两难问题。

    The paper mainly applies game theory ( Prisoner 's Dilemma Model ) to the significant function of corporate culture , namely the firmly shared value can help out of the Prisoner 's Dilemma to solve this problem .

  5. 二是WTO的加入使得我国彩电业厂商之间无限次的多时期博弈变为有限次且已知的多时期博弈,这样囚徒困境的纳什均衡就成为彩电业的唯一均衡;

    Secondly , the games among the firms have turned into definite with the entry to the WTO , so the Nash Equilibrium of the " prisoner dilemma " is the only equilibrium of firms .

  6. 而且银行存款的价格竞争具有Bertrand竞争行为,在某些场合下,存款产品市场还可能发生囚徒困境式的价格战。

    And the competitiveness in deposit price is Bertrand style , prisoners ' dilemma occurring in some occasions .

  7. 该文首先阐述了Q-learning的基本学习机制,然后以囚徒困境问题为背景,分析、对比TQ-learning算法与TFT算法,验证了Q-learning算法的优良特性。

    In this paper , We elaborate the learning method of Q-learning algorithm simply , use it in prisoner 's dilemma game and compare it with TFT to show its good character .

  8. 从囚徒困境看阳光体育运动的实施

    Implementation of the Sunny Sports Movement from the Prisoner 's Dilemma

  9. 因此,破解“囚徒困境”的方法就是寻求制度创新。

    Therefore , the solution of the dilemma is institution innovation .

  10. 浅析知识共享中的囚徒困境

    Analysis of " Prisoner 's Dilemma " for Knowledge Sharing

  11. 复杂网络上重复囚徒困境博弈的研究

    Research of iterated prisoner 's dilemma game on complex network

  12. 论实际生活中的一个囚徒困境问题

    Comment on a " Prisoner 's Dilemma " Problem in Real Lif

  13. 突破我国区域公共品提供的囚徒困境

    Breaking the Prisoners ' Dilemma on the Supply of the Regional Public Goods

  14. 会计企业信用的囚徒困境与产权基石

    The Prisoners ' Dilemma of Accounting Credit and the Base of Property Rights

  15. 量子囚徒困境的混合量子对策

    Mixed quantum strategies in quantum prisoners ' dilemma

  16. 重复囚徒困境博弈中社会合作的仿真

    Social Cooperation in the Context of Iterated Prisoner 's Dilemma : A Simulation Approach

  17. 学习型企业创建的囚徒困境&一个制度分析的视角

    The Prisoners ' Dilemma of Establishing Learning Enterprises : A Viewpoint about institutional Interpret

  18. 社会网络上的演化囚徒困境博弈研究

    Evolutionary Prisoner 's Dilemma Game on Social Networks

  19. 囚徒困境博弈过程的表征方法探讨

    Research on the Representation Method of " Suspect Jam " Game Theory Task Process

  20. 囚徒困境情形下物流联盟的稳定性分析

    The Analyses on the Stability of logistic Alliance under the Condition of Prisoners Dilemma

  21. 这是囚徒困境(Prisoners'Dilemma)的一个典型例子。

    It 's sort of like a Prisoners'Dilemma .

  22. 权力博弈的均衡状态具有从合作博弈到囚徒困境的多种形式;

    The power game equilibriums have multiple forms from cooperation game to prisoner dilemma .

  23. 试探我国新农村建设中农业发展的囚徒困境

    On " Paradox " of Agriculture Development during the Construction of Chinese New Village

  24. 许多战略联盟的失败可归因于囚徒困境。

    The failure of many strategic alliances can be attributed to the prisoner 's dilemma .

  25. 论高校领导班子建设中的囚徒困境及其克服

    On Prisoners ' Dilemma in Leading Group Building of Colleges and Universities and its Overcome

  26. 从囚徒困境模型看效率与公平的辩证法

    Dialectics Between Efficiency and Fairness Based on the Model of " Prisoners ' Dilemma "

  27. 基于小世界网络的重复囚徒困境博弈

    Repeated Prisoners ' Dilemma Games in SWN

  28. 囚徒困境是对理性主义的致命一击,如何化解这种冲突成为经济学发展的关键。

    The solution to this dilemma becomes the key element in the development of economics .

  29. 供应链节点企业合作创新的囚徒困境分析

    " Prisoners'Dilemma " and Prevention Mechanism in the Cooperative Innovation Between the Supply Chain Enterprises

  30. 借助“囚徒困境”博弈模型分析植物品种权交易中普遍存在的道德风险问题。

    Moral hazard is a widespread problem in the process of plant variety rights exchange .