
è liè qì hòu
  • Adverse climate;heavy weather
  1. 美国尼伯科HPR蝶阀可配备重型、抗恶劣气候的操作装置和指示装置。

    The NIBCO HPR butterfly valve can be provided with heavy-duty weatherproof operator and indicator .

  2. 讨论在海洋恶劣气候环境条件下,为在未来海军装备中广泛应用COTS技术,如何应用抗恶劣环境技术,解决舰用密闭机柜的环境控制问题。

    Under the adverse ocean environment , in order to widely apply the COTS to future Navy equipment , anti-abominable environment technique must be adopted to solve the problem of environment control of marine airtight cabinets made of cast alloy aluminum .

  3. 美国西部并不是唯一遭受恶劣气候困境的地区。

    The U.S. West is not alone in inhabiting dire climate straits .

  4. 恶劣气候是庄稼欠收的原因。

    Bad weather accounted for the crop 's failing .

  5. 恶劣气候:全球变暖的趋势还是超自然力量所为?

    Wild weather : global warming or just weird ?

  6. 可以在一定程度上避免变化莫测的恶劣气候影响。

    The vagaries of inclement weather conditions are avoided to a certain extent .

  7. 恶劣气候对高速公路车辆出行的影响

    Influence of adverse weather on vehicle trip at freeway

  8. 这些幼小的植物需要保护,使其免受恶劣气候的侵害。

    These tender plants need protection against the weather .

  9. 身体到处都覆盖着浓厚的、能抵御恶劣气候的被毛。

    The dense , weather resistant coat is profuse on all parts of the body .

  10. 新型号产品包含了室外球机,这个球机能在恶劣气候和环境下提供多种分辨率。

    New models include outdoor domes that are weather-and vandal-resistant and offer a variety of resolutions ;

  11. 我们最严肃的登山夹克,设计特定用于恶劣气候。

    Our most serious mountain shell , the Alpha SV is designed specifically for severe weather days .

  12. 因为羊和牛在恶劣气候中无法存活,每年冬天人们都要把它们带往南方。

    Since sheep and cattle can 't survive harsh climates , they needed to be taken south every winter .

  13. 他们的发现表明,在早至史前时期,定居在此的人类不得不面对在冰天雪地的格林兰岛上变化无常的恶劣气候的挑战。

    Their findings indicated that earlier , pre-historic settlers also had to contend with vicious swings in climate on icy Greenland .

  14. 联合国气象机构称其正在与它的搭档一起建立一个恶劣气候预警系统。

    The UN weather agency says it is working with its partners to establish andan early warmingwarning system for climate extremes .

  15. 航空旅行时,我们通常在整个旅程中都系着安全带,以防遇到意外的恶劣气候。

    When traveling by plane , we often stay strapped in for the whole flight , in case of unexpected rough air .

  16. 摘要恶劣气候对道路交通安全畅通有着巨大影响,与交通事故的发生之间也存在着许多内在的联系。

    Atrocious weather exerts great impact on traffic unblocking and safety , and has many internal relations with frequencies of traffic accidents .

  17. 全球变暖是现在的热门话题,常常理所当然地被看成恶劣气候的罪魁祸首。

    Global warming , a heated topic of today , is often taken for granted to be responsible for the harsh weather .

  18. 1816年,多山的内陆国家瑞士也被卷入恶劣气候与庄稼减产之中。

    By 1816 , Switzerland , landlocked and famously rugged , was beginning to reel from the bad weather and failed crops .

  19. 特殊情况(发动机失灵或恶劣气候)下没有计划到的飞机着陆。

    An unscheduled airplane landing that is made under circumstances ( engine failure or adverse weather ) not under the pilot 's control .

  20. 哈尔滨是中国最冷、最恶劣气候的城市之一,每年有6个月的时间气温保持在零度以下。

    Harbin has one of the coldest , harshest climates in China , with temperatures constantly below zero for six months of the year .

  21. 就如每个人都知道的,在恶劣气候或交通阻塞时开车,是我们耐心及技巧的真正考验。

    As everyone knows , it is a true test of our patience and skill to drive in foul weather or in a traffic jam .

  22. 广东省的桥塌事故发生后,恶劣气候和江水情况使得搜救落水者的工作受阻。

    Unfavorable weather and river conditions have impeded efforts to search for people who fell into a river in Guangdong province after a bridge collapsed .

  23. 另外,美国国际开发署的加里埃勒说,今年的恶劣气候并没有影响到另一种重要作物:大米。

    And Gary Ellerts at the United States Agency for International Development says this year 's bad weather has not affected another important crop : rice .

  24. 达尔文注意到,大自然使这些野蛮人能适应他们所处的恶劣气候,但是,与文明生活相接触,他们已经发生了变化。

    Darwin noticed that these savages , whom nature had fitted into their harsh climate ,( 3 ) were already changed by their contact with civilization .

  25. 探险大师能够洞察天气变化趋势,并擅长应付各类恶劣气候,此类经验对军队训练大有裨益。

    He brings enough insight into a diversity of climates and how to best survive them to genuinely assist the way the local military trains its troops .

  26. 因此在铺设无缝线路时,钢轨温度需要保持在一定的范围内,以避免恶劣气候条件下钢轨内部产生的拉伸应力对其产生的损害。

    Therefore , rigid jointless track laying must be carried out under specific thermal conditions to avoid dangerous tensile and compressive stress in the rails during extreme weather .

  27. 探讨研究了东南沿海高温、高湿、高盐雾等恶劣气候环境对电子设备电子线路、结构件部分的腐蚀及其影响。

    The influence of southeastern coastal atmospheric environment , which was hot , humid , and salty , on electronic circuit and parts of electronic equipment was discussed .

  28. 你知道,底线是他们已经对人们做出警告不要在这种恶劣气候条件下开车,而这就是这场大雪被称为大雪的原因。

    you know , the bottomline is they warn people do not drive in these conditions , and there is a reason why this storm is a whopper .

  29. 自英国遭遇十年来最恶劣气候的冬季以来,气象部门向不列颠全国各郡发出紧急气象预警。

    As the country was plunged into one of its worst winters for decades , the Met Office issued an emergency weather warning for all counties of the UK .

  30. 浓密的皮毛和机警的眼神让这种灰狐狸能在智利阿塔卡马沙漠的寒冷恶劣气候中得以生存。

    Lush fur and watchful eyes help this gray fox survive in the harsh , often cold climate of Chile 's Atacama Desert , the driest place on Earth .