
è gǎo
  • Spoof;raise the mischief;play planks
  1. 除了自创的桥段外,还可以玩电影恶搞

    Other than the above ideas , I have also considered making movie goofs .

  2. “恶作剧广告”指的是在营销活动中使用恶作剧或者恶搞行为。

    Prankvertising refers to using hoaxes1 or mischievous2 acts as part of a marketing3 campaign .

  3. 虽然有人怀疑“速递按钮”是亚马逊在愚人节前的恶搞,但该公司女发言人金莉·佩尔索保证,这东西是真的。

    Despite speculation4 that the Dash Button is an early April Fools ' Day joke , Amazon spokeswoman Kinley Pearsall assured that it 's real .

  4. “恶作剧广告”通过对毫无疑心的个人或者观众采用欺骗、恐吓或者恶搞来达到广告宣传目的。这种广告策略如今在广告界非常流行。

    Prankvertising , an advertising4 strategy that makes its point by tricking , scaring , or " pranking " an unsuspecting person or audience , seems to be the hot thing in advertising these days .

  5. 有一恶搞“MacMan”乔布斯和“PCman”盖茨之间的搞笑组合

    the pair joked about the relationship Between " mac man " jobs and " pc man " bill gates .

  6. Gawker.com网站通过调查发现,这份假《纽约时报》的幕后操手是一个名叫“应声虫(TheYesmen)”的以恶搞而著称的自由组织。

    Website has identified the pranksters behind the stunt as The Yes men , a liberal group famous for practical jokes .

  7. 它被称为“eBay之歌”,恶搞的是后街男孩的“IWantitThatWay”这首歌。真地很好笑。

    It 's called " The eBay Song " and it makes fun of " I Want it That Way . " It 's hilarious .

  8. 图片是LadyGaga在成名前参与恶搞电视秀的画面。

    Here 's Lady Gaga in a prank TV show before she was famous .

  9. 近日,三星公司似乎对那些恶搞其回收GalaxyNote7手机一事的YouTube视频发出了侵权声明。

    Samsung appears to have filed copyright claims against YouTube videos mocking its recalled Galaxy Note 7 handset .

  10. 羊:新西兰恶搞政党McGillicuddySeriousParty在怀希基岛选举时,一只山羊公然在列。

    Vote goat : The McGillicuddy Serious Party entered a goat in the Waiheke Island election .

  11. 上周日,Google在其网站上发布了一条愚人节恶搞新闻,自称开发了一种能通过厕所上网的最新上网方式。

    Google announced a novel way to access the Internet via the toilet in an April Fool 's Day gag on its website Sunday .

  12. Imgur用户希尔拍摄了自家猫咪的诡异照片,引发了一次PS恶搞热潮。

    Imgur user Seir was inspired to embark on an epic Photoshop spree after taking this snap of his pet cat

  13. 这张照片掀起了一场“PS大战”,不少其他网友对这张照片进行了各种各样的PS恶搞。

    It started a " photoshop war , " as other users altered the photo in a number of hilarious ways .

  14. 这是恶搞TSA安全程序的一部短片。

    A spoof of the TSA 's security procedures .

  15. iPod体型不可思议越来越小《周六夜现场》对此恶搞了下苹果

    The incredible shrinking iPod earned Apple a parody on " Saturday night live . "

  16. 上周为了推广HTCOne,HTC公司还在FunnyorDie等网站上发布了一个恶搞电视真人秀的广告。

    Last week , to promote the HTC one , the company launched an ad campaign mocking reality TV shows on sites like funny or die .

  17. 这一恶搞视频中,男子先用钳子将iPhone7固定住,然后在手机左侧底部钻出一个3.5毫米的手机孔。

    The prank video shows a man drilling a 3.5mm hole into the bottom left edge of the iPhone 7 held in a vice .

  18. 一个冒充好莱坞演员威尔·法瑞尔的Facebook账号转发了这张图片(该账号自称是恶搞,却有385000个赞)。

    A somewhat misleading Facebook account pretending to represent actor Will Ferrell ( it calls itself a parody but has 385,000 likes ) shared the post .

  19. 这个视频,引发了越来越多的恶搞和剪辑,打败了加拿大歌手贾斯汀•比伯拥有超过80300万点击数的歌曲《baby》。

    The camp video , which has spawned a growing number of spoof and clips , wrested the title from Canadian singer Justin Bieber 's Baby , which has more than 803m views .

  20. 结语,网络PS图片恶搞的发展前景如何?综合前文研究,作者认为:商业的收编和发展成为一种独具特色的搞笑性视觉艺术是比较切实可行的道路。

    Earlier comprehensive study , the authors suggest that : business incorporation , developed into a unique " comedy " in the Visual Arts is a more practical path .

  21. Travesty其实是指拙劣的模仿或恶搞。

    A travesty is actually a mockery or a parody .

  22. 尼尔森表示,对于一些最受欢迎的电视节目,例如《办公室》(theoffice)和《恶搞之家》(familyguy),加入dvr收视情况后,相对于直播观众而言,广告收看数量有所增加。

    For some of the most popular shows , such asthe officeand family guy , the amount of commercials watched increases once the DVR viewing is included , relative to the live audience , Nielsen said .

  23. 例如2012年,最流行的网络热潮之一就是中国古代大诗人杜甫的画像遭到PS恶搞,网民们将杜甫打扮成麦当劳叔叔、给他“穿”上比基尼,或是让他嘴里叼着玫瑰花跳探戈。

    In 2012 , for example , one of the year 's most popular Internet memes was photoshopped pictures of revered Chinese poet Dufu , who was variously pictured by netizens as being dressed like Ronald McDonald , wearing a bikini and tangoing with a rose in his mouth .

  24. 2012年,她的修复成果通过Twitter和Facebook飞速传遍全球——这项工作充满热情,不过却是完全失败的,人们把她修复的图像比作猴子和刺猬,还把它与《蒙娜丽莎》或者坎贝尔(Campbell)汤罐头的图案恶搞到一起。

    News of the earnest , if utterly failed , restoration in 2012 rocketed around the globe on Twitter and Facebook - the image likened variously to a monkey or hedgehog , and superimposed in memes and parodies on the " Mona Lisa " and a Campbell 's soup can .

  25. 但他说他也不会恶搞和他一起工作的同事

    But he says I don 't punk people I work with

  26. 网络恶搞现象的青年亚文化特征解读

    Interpretation of the Youth Sub-culture Character about the Internet KUSO Phenomenon

  27. 网络恶搞的青年亚文化特性分析

    The Analysis on Youth Subculture Characteristics of " Network KUSO "

  28. 恶搞成了2006年中国最流行的词汇。

    Mischievous distortion has been themost popular words in China in2006 .

  29. 我也会原谅你强加于我的大大的恶搞。

    And I 'll forgive Thy great big one on me .

  30. 网络恶搞是大众传媒中产生的一种新的文化景观。

    The cuso in the mass media is a new cultural landscape .