
  • 网络cybersquattering;abusive registration;Malicious ybersquatting
  1. 由此,未注册商标被任意使用、恶意抢注现象十分突出。

    So the arbitrary use and vicious vie fot registration is highly serious .

  2. 怎样防范动漫品牌被恶意抢注?

    How to prevent malicious cartoon brand registered ?

  3. 在实践中,反竞争的商标许可、域名反向劫持、商标恶意抢注等行为均是商标权滥用的具体表现。

    In practice , the anti-competition licensing of trademark , reverse domain name hijacking and so on , is the incorporate of trademark right abuse .

  4. 第四部分就姓名商标保护的特殊问题进行了论述,如姓名商标的恶意抢注问题和合理使用问题。

    The fourth part discusses some special problems of the name of trademark protection , such as the malicious registration and the problem of fair use .

  5. 如果企业选择不去争夺域名,那它们未来为了保护自身商标与恶意抢注者进行对抗的成本可能更高。

    Alternatively , if companies choose not to take up a domain , they might face higher costs in the future to protect their trademarks from cybersquatters .

  6. 企业尤其担心,域名的这一发展将导致更多的“互联网域名恶意抢注”(即互联网投机分子抢注商标域名)。

    Companies are particularly concerned that the expansion of names will lead to increased " cybersquatting " , where trademark names are taken over by Internet opportunists .

  7. 与网络域名相关的一些不正当竞争行为主要有恶意抢注域名、域名盗用等等,从而使消费者的权益得到了严重的损害。

    With the domain name-related acts of unfair competition domain names registered by malicious acts , the domain name misappropriation , etc. Thus infringes on the interests of consumers .

  8. 使用商标监视服务可以给外国公司提供及时的信息,决定是否对在某个国家或地区的恶意抢注者提出上诉。

    The use of a trademark watch service could provide foreign companies with timely information to decide whether to oppose to a mala fide application in a given country or region .

  9. 笔者从国际国内相关法律规定分析了域名恶意抢注认定的标准及例外情形,同时建议我国企业应采取的对策。

    The author analyzes its determination criteria and exceptional situations from the perspective of international and domestic laws and regulations . Meanwhile , it is suggested that corresponding countermeasures shall be applied by Chinese enterprises .

  10. 未注册驰名商标因为较高的经济价值,遭遇恶意抢注已经屡见不鲜,另外由于宣传时方法不当,不注重保护,也可能沦为通用名称,显著性弱化。

    Unregistered well-known trademark suffered squatting frequently for it has high economic value . And because people used improper methods in promotion , pay little attention to protection , it may become common names and weaken significance .

  11. 为防止企业的商标尤其是驰名商标被恶意抢注,企业需要完备的商标战略和长远的国际眼光,充分利用马德里商标注册系统来获得商标的国际保护。

    For the sake of averting the trademarks , especially the well-known ones to be bad-faith registered , the enterprises require perfect related tactics and long-term international sights and make good use of the Madrid trademark registration system to attain the international protection of trademark .

  12. 第二节通过对特定的宜家恶意域名抢注案进行分析,一方面肯定法院在审理域名抢注案件中的积极作法,另一个面也暴露了我国在审理域名抢注案件中的问题。

    Section two analyses a particular cybersquatting case , from which the problems in applying law are explored .