
  • 网络investigation
  1. 入世使我国的刑事侦查工作面临跨国(境)犯罪案件上升、新型犯罪与经济类犯罪不断增长的挑战,而现行的侦查体制与WTO规则却存在着诸多的不协调。

    After China 's entrance into WTO , our criminal investigation is bound to face a rapid increase in cross-boarder crimes , new types of crimes and financial crimes .

  2. 形势严峻的侵财犯罪对侦查工作形成了极大的冲击。

    The crime of invading wealth has gravely impacted criminal investigation .

  3. 赛拉斯(Silas):这只来自法国南部的鸟常驻在黑心肝船长肩膀上。没在做侦查工作的时候,他的空中重击也是非常恐怖的。

    Perpetually perched on Capt. Gutt 's shoulder , this bird from the south of France packs a surprisingly dangerous airborne punch when he 's not scouting out trouble ahead .

  4. 偷税犯罪侦查工作的艰巨性;

    The hardness of police investigation into crime of evading taxes ;

  5. 阵地控制,是刑事侦查工作中重要的基础业务工作。

    Position control is the basic professional work in criminal investigation .

  6. 我国当前侦查工作法制化问题探讨

    A Probe into Legalization of Our Country 's Criminal Investigation

  7. 加强检察机关对初步侦查工作的监督等,从而更好的体现启动程序的功能。

    Thus the function and importance of starting procedure will work well .

  8. 新律师法的颁布实施对侦查工作的影响及对策

    Impact and Countermeasures of the New Lawyers Act Enactment on Investigation Work

  9. 在侦查工作中,侦查情报同样重要。

    In the investigation , the investigation of intelligence are equally important .

  10. 你是否有迷上犯罪学、法医和侦查工作?

    Are you fascinated by criminology , forensics , and detective work ?

  11. 构建西部和谐社会视野下的职务犯罪侦查工作

    West construction under harmonious social field of vision duty crime detection work

  12. 五要建立完整的侦查工作责任体系。

    Finally , to establish the complete investigation duty system .

  13. 但这种侦查工作颇为艰巨。

    But this kind of detective work is daunting .

  14. 这不过是想要把侦查工作引入歧途的一个诡计而已。

    It was simply a ruse to divert inquiry into a wrong channel .

  15. 本文主要从九个方面阐述侦查工作的具体实施。

    This article mainly from nine aspects , the specific implementation of investigation .

  16. 培养刑事犯罪情报意识提高侦查工作质量

    Train the informative consciousness of crime and improve the quality of investigation work

  17. 坚持科学发展观推进刑事侦查工作可持续发展

    Insisting On Scientific Development View and Advancing the Sustainable Development of Criminal Investigation

  18. 减少社会防控死角完善侦查工作

    Cutting down the Dead Angle of Social Defense and Controlling Perfecting Spy Job

  19. 聚丙烯纤维增强高性能混凝土抗裂性能研究试论侦查工作法制化

    An Investigation on the Resistance to Cracking of Polypropylene Fiber-reinforced High Performance Concrete

  20. 侦查工作的效益与均衡理念

    The Effectiveness and Equilibrium Notion of Criminal Investigation

  21. 笔者认为,侦查工作之所以成为众矢之的,主要在于强制性措施的不合理性。

    I believe that investigation work has become common knowledge , primarily coercive measures unreasonable .

  22. 这类犯罪案件本身所具有的一些特点决定了侦查工作的艰难性。

    This kind of crime , with its special characters , poses difficulties in investigations .

  23. “我们仍在试图做的侦查工作在这里,”米尔本说。

    " We 're still trying to do the detective work here ," Milburn said .

  24. 侦查工作离不开选言推理的运用,这已为长期的侦查实践所证明。

    The disjunctive reasoning is an important reasoning in the process of detection of crimes .

  25. 因此,对检察机关的职务犯罪侦查工作来说,法律监督是一道必不可少的程序。

    As a result , legal supervision is a necessary procedure for the duty crime investigation .

  26. 侦查工作的行业特点决定了侦查队伍中人员存在亚健康心理状态的可能性非常大。

    The character of investigation decide more possibility of which the unhealthy situation lie in investigators .

  27. 在侦查工作中,还可以采用模拟类比的方法。

    In our work of investigation , we can also adopt the method of stimulated analogue .

  28. 论侦查工作预案论犯罪信息工作主导侦查破案的新机制

    On the New Mechanism of the Work of Crime Information Guiding Investigating and Solving Criminal Cases

  29. 在经济全球化与法制现代化的背景下,犯罪现象出现的新态势给侦查工作带来了极大挑战。

    With the universalizing and legalizing , the new criminal situation brings much challenge to investigation .

  30. 他表示,分析师们常常觉得,他们的工作更像是算命,而不是严肃的侦查工作。

    He said analysts often felt their jobs were more like fortune-telling than serious detective work .