
  • 网络Investigation;Criminal Investigation;criminalistics
  1. 侦查学是以犯罪规律和侦查运行规律为研究对象的学科,具有正题法则科学的一定属性,也兼具边缘学科的一些特点。

    Criminalistics is a science that expounds criminal regularity and investigation procedure , and it has characteristics of regular science as well as of marginal science .

  2. 同一认定原理是侦查学的特定基础理论。

    The theory of individualism is the specific basic theory of criminal investigation .

  3. 论侦查学的研究对象

    On The Objectives of Investigation Research on Problems of Investigational Interrogation

  4. 对新时期我国侦查学教育几个问题的思考

    The Education of Science of Investigation during New Historical Period

  5. 论刑事侦查学基础理论唯理论特征

    On Rationalistic Characteristics of Basic Theory of Criminal Detection

  6. 论犯罪信息检索的原理、方法及其侦查学价值

    The Principles , Approaches and Values in Investigation Science of Criminal Information Retrieval

  7. 应当重视对侦查学基础理论的研究

    On Attaching Importance to the Basic Theories Study in the Science of Investigation

  8. 刑事侦查学教学改革设想

    A Tentative Plan of the Reform of Criminalistics Teaching

  9. 侦查学学科性质探析侦查目的论

    On the Objective of Investigation Theory on Disciplines

  10. 侦查学学科建设的三大基本理念

    Three Basic Thoughts on Construction of Investigation Subject

  11. 经济犯罪案件侦查学基础理论论纲

    Basic Theories in Science of Economic Case Investigation

  12. 论刑事侦查学课堂教学创新观

    On Creative Class Teaching of Penal Investigation

  13. 侦查学学科性质论

    Comment on the Nature of Investigation Theory Exploring the character of the Discipline of Investigation

  14. 《经济犯罪侦查学》教学设计难点分析

    An Analysis of the Teaching Design Nodus of " Science of Economic Criminal Investigation "

  15. 侦查学是一门实践性很强的应用型学科,侦查学实验是侦查学必不可少的组成部分。

    The criminal investigation experiments are the indispensable part of the course of criminal investigation .

  16. 台湾警察大学侦查学专业课程设置特点及启示

    The Feature and the Enlightenment of the Curriculum of Criminal Investigation in Taiwan Police College

  17. 侦查学研究现状评析《侦查论坛》13卷论文引证情况和研究方法之分析

    A review and analysis on the present situation of the research on the study of investigation

  18. 论侦查学的基本问题

    On basic issues of criminal investigation

  19. 侦查学与法学领域的其他成熟学科相比,还是一个稚嫩的学科。

    Compared with other mature courses in science of law , course of detection is still immature .

  20. 侦查学研究方法主要有实证方法和阐释方法两种基本类型。

    And then there are two categories of fundamental methods , Viz . , positivism and interpretation .

  21. 第三部分则是对宋代侦查学发展特点和原因的归纳总结。

    The third part is the development of the Song Dynasty of Investigation summarized the characteristics and causes .

  22. 同一认定原理界说&侦查学的特定基础理论侦探将假扮为一乞丐。

    On Orientation of the Theory of Individualism ; The detective will appear in the person of beggar .

  23. 确定侦查学的研究对象有两个标准:一是特殊性标准,即侦查学的研究对象需具有区别于其它学科研究对象的特殊矛盾性;

    There are two standards for confirming the objectives of investigation : special standard and the general standard .

  24. 将刑法原理引入侦查学领域,有利于增强侦查学的学科基础。

    The introduction of criminal law principle into Criminal Investigation field , is advantageous to strengthen the basis of Criminal Investigation .

  25. 计算机取证学是包括计算机科学,法学,刑事侦查学等学科在内的新兴边缘学科。

    Computer forensics is a newly emerged interdisciplinary study encompassing subjects such as computer science , legal science and criminal scientific technology .

  26. 关于侦查学的逻辑起点。理论界目前主要有三种观点。

    At present , there are three kinds of arguments about the logic starting point of the subject of the criminal investigation .

  27. 目前,我国侦查学研究注重诉讼化与法律化,而相对忽视了侦查中的三大块,尤其是物证技术的研究。

    Now , the trends of the research of investigation lean to law , however ignore the study of matter witness technology .

  28. 风险在经济学中有着广泛的研究,而在侦查学领域尚未引起足够的重视。

    Risk in economics has a wide research range , but it has not yet attracted sufficient attention in the field of investigation .

  29. 作为刑事侦查学基础理论的重要内容之一,刑事侦查目的论的研究具有十分重要的理论和现实意义。

    As an important component of the basic theory of criminal investigation , the research on the teleology of criminal investigation is of great theoretical and pragmatic significance .

  30. 在机制上合理定位兼职实验教师并调动他们的积极性、创造性,这将是侦查学实验教学中必须引以重视的重点问题。

    The crucial question that must be taken seriously in this subject is how to orientate part-time teachers properly and bring their enthusiasm and creativeness into full play .