
  1. 论我国治安学的结构体系

    On the Structure and Setup of Public Order Science in China

  2. 治安学若干基础理论问题再探讨

    Probe into Several Problems on Basic Theory of Public Order Discipline

  3. 我国治安学基本问题研究述评

    Review on Basic Problems in Chinese Science of Public Order Administration

  4. 从治安学的研究看社区警务

    Viewing on Community Policing from the Security Research Point of View

  5. 治安学研究对象之理性思考

    Rational Thought on the Subject of Science of Public Security

  6. 治安学基本范畴的思考与确认

    Thoughts on the basic categories of public order science and its clarification

  7. 地方大学治安学专业实训教学中的问题与对策

    The Problems and Countermeasures of the Training in Science of Public Security of Local University

  8. 论治安学的学科地位

    On The Status of Public Order Discipline

  9. 我国治安学存在的理论问题与学科发展的基本思路

    Probe into the Theory Problems of Public Order Discipline and Basic Thinking of Discipline Progress in China

  10. 但由于种种原因,治安学的基础理论研究还十分薄弱,以至在一些重大理论问题上还没有重大突破。

    However , we haven 't made great progresses in some important theoretical problems till now for many reasons .

  11. 治安学研究的困惑与发展&兼述治安学学科专业建设专家咨询座谈会

    Perplexities and Progress on the Research of Public Order Discipline & The Forum on Professional Reconstruction of Public Order Discipline

  12. 构建治安学结构体系应遵循崇尚学理、注重实践的原则。

    The intention and approach to construct the setup and system of public order science should be based on theory and practice .

  13. 认识和掌握这些特性对治安学学科发展和具体治安实践具有重要的理论意义和实际意义。

    There is main theory and practice sense for the development of public order subject and public security practice though understand these characteristics .

  14. 结合治安学和价值论的基本观点,社会治安防控的价值目标主要包括秩序、安全、效益三大价值,各自在此价值体系中相互联系而地位又各有不同。

    The value of public security Control oder , safety and efficiency , which are relative and have different status on the whole system .

  15. 应该加强治安学基本理论的研究,以便更好地指导治安工作实践。

    It is necessary to strengthen the study of its basic theories so as to better guide the working practices of public order administration .

  16. 治安学作为一门独立学科在我国已经得到认同,其基础理论研究也取得了可喜的成果。

    Science of public security has been regarded as an independent discipline in China and made many achievements in the study of its basic theory .

  17. 我国对治安学的理论研究,始于20世纪初,但整个20世纪对治安学结构体系的研究还很不成熟,甚至是纷乱的。

    Started at the beginning of the twentieth century , the theoretical study of public order science remained inadequate and confusing throughout the twentieth century .

  18. 鉴于治安学与社会学在研究领域、研究视角、研究对象上的一致性,治安学在学科上可归属于社会学的分支学科。

    The science of public order administration can be regarded as one school of sociology in that they have same research domain , perspective and objective .

  19. 治安学作为研究社会治安现象、产生社会治安现象的原因以及治安对策的科学,其特定的研究对象决定了它的结构体系:治安学的基本问题、治安现象、治安原因、治安对策。

    The structure is determined by the distinctive subject , which includes the essential problem , the phenomenon , the cause and countermeasures of public order science .

  20. 老年人在社会中的独立、地位和形象专题讨论会地方大学治安学专业实训教学中的问题与对策

    Symposium on the independence , position and image of seniors in society The Problems and Countermeasures of the Training in Science of Public Security of Local University

  21. 治安学作为管理学门类中隶属于行政管理学之下的三级学科的定位,已滞后于学术的发展和社会的要求。

    As the third-class subject under management subject that is the second-class discipline , this status of public order has been backward in developing society and progressive academy .

  22. 治安学是研究治安理论、技术及发展规律的学科,是治安管理工作实践经验的总结和概括。

    Public order studies , a subject which studies the theories , technologies and developing principles of public order administration , are in fact a sum-up of practices .

  23. 因此,从治安学的研究领域出发,通过对社区概念与特点的分析,来理解社区警务的本质,为指导社区警务工作的开展和落实提供理论支持。

    Thus , from the public security research area , through analysis to the community concept and characteristics , to understand the community policing nature provides the theoretic support for community policing implementation .

  24. 治安学提出近20年来,其理论研究取得了令人瞩目的成就,但由于各种主客观原因,与其他学科相比,还存在着较大差距和不少问题。

    The science of public security began 20 years ago and now its theoretical research brings about glory achievements . However , compared with other sciences , there exists obvious gap and problems because of various subjective and objective things .

  25. 关于治安防范学学科建设的几个基本问题

    On Some Basic Issues about the Course Construction of Peace Order Precaution Science

  26. 治安防范学学科建设与治安防范实践之间存在很大距离。

    There is a long distance between the course construction of peace order precaution science and peace order precaution practice .

  27. 现阶段,国内刑事案件高发,社会不稳定因素潜藏,治安稳定成为学界重要的研究课题。

    At the present stage in China , there are more and more criminal cases and potential social unstable factors , the public security and social stability have become the important subject in the academic world .